QuickGUI and QuickEMU

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Over the years, I have done quite a few articles on emulators and Virtual Machines (VMs). This program is a variant that seems to do a good job.

The major difference on this one is that you do...

Python Series Part 7: User Input

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Getting input from the user is a necessary task for most programs. There usually needs to be some input unless the program is completely automated to perform a task.

This article is not strictly...

LFCS - Creating File Systems

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After you have partitions made, you will want to use those partitions to store files on it. Until a partition has a file system, it cannot store files.

The File System (FS) provides an organized...

Drauger OS: A Gaming OS

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Drauger OS is a gaming Ubuntu-based Operating System (OS) that has a home website of ''. The current version is 7.6. Strigoi.

The OS is streamlined to have less...

Run Classic DOS Games on Modern Systems with ScummVM

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ScummVM is not a DOS emulator, but it allows you to run DOS games on systems that usually do not support such games.

All you need are the data files of the game. ScummVM includes each game's...

Python Series Part 6: Printing Strings

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There are a few ways to print strings to help make the process a little easier. We will look at a few ways to do this task.

No matter which way you choose is fine. Everyone may have a preference...

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