Enhancing Ubuntu Efficiency with Simple Tweaks

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I must say that I am sorry to those who do not use Ubuntu, but I mainly use Ubuntu. Yes, I need to branch out and work with some others. I do occasionally use CentOS or Fedora. I used to use Linux...

Python Series Part 10: Error Management

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Sometimes programming, that you can do everything you can to make your program user friendly. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the users will be friendly in return.

Errors can occur that...

Linux and Internet Protocol Television (ipTV)

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There have been more comments on the article for FreeTuxTV. Apparently this app has not been updated well, so let's look at another as...

LFCS – Working With Logical Volumes

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Sometimes, an administrator will need to change disk drives, add drives, or remove drives from the server. Sometimes, you may be tempted to back up a drive and replace the drive, then restore the...

Linux USB Port Guide: Speeds and Power

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It would not be easy to find a system that does not have A Universal Serial Bus (USB) port.

I've covered 'USB Port...

Python Series Part 9: File I/O

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Getting information to and out of a file is a very important aspect of programming.

Some good examples are for games that keep track of High Scores. The High Score and name of the player can be...

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