I fricken' love Peter Paul and Mary. I even have an 'insider' story, but it was probably a year or two after Mary passed. I played the same stage with Noel "Paul" Stookey and we got to talking. I'd later spend a couple of days visiting his place (he lives in Maine now). We even did some recording in his studio, which occupies part of an old chicken coup (picture chicken farm coup, not the coup your neighbors have with four chickens in it).
So, I don't name drop often, but I will mention getting to play with Paul, from Peter Paul and Mary. He's now a bit religious, but I'm not sure if that's new - or how new it is. It was all good. I would happily put up with any proselytizing to have the chance to play with him.
One of the things about playing the guitar is how many doors it has opened up, doors that would otherwise be unavailable to me.
Hmm... Before hitting the post button, I flipped through some old emails. This wasn't until 2012. So, a few years after Mary passed.