A little late, but here you go

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It's very brave to hide behind a keyboard.

Well said Bob.

Bob's another Aussie, we have a few of them around. Americans outnumber us about 50 to 1 or more, followed by the British, but you can tell the Aussies because we talk up a storm, lol.
I am very aware of the fo phenomenon....it works equally well in the majority of social circles.

Readily recognised by all and sundry. Especially fw's.
We're PG13 just 'cause of you kids on the site! :D
Hahaha I like you! Just don't ask me to marry you cause its not gonna happen.
I suppose we're even from the poke I did earlier.

I know I'd trade it all in for another chance at being 25. ;)

I wouldn't. I drove a rustbucket of a car that required major surgery each year just so that it would pass inspection. I stole paper from public trashcans, sprayed them with water and sold them to a recycling center just for gas and beer money. If I knew the stuff I do now in my 30's, I would have went to a different school, gone for a higher paid job and my 20's would have been a paradise, cursing the day #3 went to the left side of my age number.

Now I feel like the 30's are my time. I got money, I got a house, I got NO major loans, and I have the authority where now I am on sick leave because I nearly broke my foot off someone's ass... in a way- some of 'ye boyz know the story! :D
We're PG13 just 'cause of you kids on the site! :D

At just 64, for a few more days, I'm a young'un too - as compared to many. But, I was exposed to computers REALLY early in life 'cause of my circumstances. We had a few dumb terminals and a connection to Dartmouth back in the early 70s. I didn't use it much, but I do recall having to learn the basics. We also had in-room computers which I needed to use for calc and physics courses.

64 for a few more days? Which day. I'm in the same boat. I'll turn 65 on Feb 10th.

You actually had seen computer equipment in the early 70s? The VERY small town where I went to school didn't even know what a computer was. I only found out when I enlisted in the good, old, US Army. Once exposed, I took to it like a duck in water. That, without doubt, is the very best thing I got out of my time in the military. I sometyimes wonder what I would have done in life if the Army hadn't trained me on computers. I starter as a computer operator, then picked up programming after I was assigned to the Cav. Heck, maybe they screwed me up. Maybe if I hadn't gotten into computers I would have run for President. LOL!
I have repaired/refurbished/rebuilt small engines since 1967. Lawn mowers, brushcutters, chainsaws, stationary engines, ride ons.... etc ETC

I stopped in 2017 dues to shitty family circumstances, but in the last couple of years have reestablished a home workshop of sorts....fairly basic,,,,,but enough to repair local peoples mowers etc.....and I find it is an excellent venue for a chat !

65 ?...thats not old !

I have also encountered some of the hostility 'over there' .....bunch of would be if they could be's. Worthy of just one thing...waving at them in the rear view mirror.

Welcome to this place. The members here will embrace you.

I only started the small engine biz several years ago for two reasons. First, I really did need a way to decompress after a day in the computer biz. A couple of places I had contracts with ended up with me pulling 24 to 48 hour, non-stop, marathon sessions that turned my brain to mush. I was extremely cranky when I got home. I was able to unwind while rebuilding a chainsaw carburetor. Secondly, I was tied of paying big bucks for a simple tune and service. I had built some high performance engines and spent considerable time going 1320 feet at a time. I figured I could surely teach myself to tune up a lawn tractor and/or a string trimmer. I enrolled in two different small engine repair courses, one at a time. I know for sure one was the old Foley Belsaw course, but for the life of me I can't recall who the other course was with. i just remember that both courses really helped with learning about small engines

I stopped only because we moved to a small city from the farm. I just figured I didn't need to do the small engine thing anymore. I'm only getting back into it to keep my wife and I from killing each other since she has retired. It's not really that bad with her. I just decided that since she would be home all day, everyday, I no longer needed to do the few housework chores I did while she was still working. It gives me something to do and I'm only after enough $$$ to make a couple of hundred a month. I'm not trying to feed a family since we're drawing rocking chair money now. I need to pay for the few specialty tools I'm buying, and cover the cost of either parts to service a neighbor's lawn mower or the cost to purchase and refurb a mower I buy. Yeah, it's a weird "hobby", but I like it.
Welcome to the Forum.

I might know that Forum and others like it.
It's very brave to hide behind a keyboard.

I've been using computers since 2001 but only started enjoying them when I switched to Linux with the exception of Mint 21.1 only because of a few Bugs.

Thanks for the welcome.

Yes, it IS brace of those dip sticks to hide behind the keyboard. There are a few I'd really like to meet in person, if you know what I mean. LOL!

Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm happy to see that at least one other person is having problems with Mint 21. I'm not sure how many years I've used Mint exclusively or what all versions I have run, but I never had the first bit of trouble with any of them until 21. I've still got 20.3 on all four of my laptops. I've gone through 25 to 30 different distros, trying to find something that works on all four laptops, is resource conscience, and that I can install the few programs I like on. The closest I've some at this point is WattOS. The problem with it right now is the fact the project completely stalled for a few years. It's kind of back, but there a re a few bugs and there is nearly no support on their forum. I'll either find something or wait until Mint irons out all the bugs.
I have just changed the main desktop from Mint [Ubuntu] to Mint LMDE5
I have just changed the main desktop from Mint [Ubuntu] to Mint LMDE5

I looked at that, but never did download it. How does it compare to XFCE? What about system resources? I have a desktop launcher to check memory being used. I check it quite often, especially when I'm running my browser or GIMP. Below is the command in that launcher:

xfce4-terminal --command='watch free -m'

Right now, after having been on this laptop for a couple of hours with Firefox running and multiple tabs opened, I'm using 1010 MB of RAM. What I look for when testing new distros is how much memory is used just to hacve the desktop up and running. No program had been launched when I do the check. It's only to se what the DM requires. On this laptop, with Mint XFCE 20.3 and 8 GB of RAM, the DM and WM use just a hair under 400 MB. I might be wrong, but when I see as much as 1200 to 1500 MB of RAM used ONLY to have the desktop up and running, I figure I can find something a little more resource conscious. Like I said in another post, when I tried WattOS, I saw an incredibly low amount of RAM used to have the desktop up. I'm keeping my eye on things over there and if he gets things ironed out and running smoothly again, I'm for sure going to try installing the latest release on one of my laptops.
64 for a few more days? Which day. I'm in the same boat. I'll turn 65 on Feb 10th.

My birthday is really in a "few more days". I was hatched on 12/30/57. So, I'm pretty sure that I turn 65 on the 30th. Pretty sure...

I even did the math! I double checked the math before posting.

I have often forgotten how old I am. I'm not kidding. I often don't remember. It's just something I haven't paid attention to, since I was old enough to buy tobacco products and alcohol. (Not that those were difficult to acquire prior to reaching the age of majority.)

If you ask me how old I am, my answer is usually going to be that I'm not quite sure - and then I'll do the math in my head and tell you how old I am. It's just not something I remember. I don't see any good reason to remember it because it's just going to change again.

It wasn't immediate. After I reached the age of 18 I still remembered how old I was for some more years. I think it was in my 30s when I stopped remembering how old I am. Ah well...

Man, I wrote all that just to reconfirm that I'm fairly young when compared to many of our regulars.

I don't really do much to celebrate my birthday. You gonna do anything fun to celebrate hitting the big ol' 65?
I looked at that, but never did download it. How does it compare to XFCE
Compared to the normal mint+cinnamon, it feels a little quicker, when I test ran it about a year back on my lappy, I installed XFCE [from the repository ]then deleted Cinnamon [the lappy now normally runs Parrot]
Right now, after having been on this laptop for a couple of hours with Firefox running and multiple tabs opened, I'm using 1010 MB of RAM.
With over 100 Ffox tabs open in multiple instances I am using 1.05GiB RAM. Just done the experiment today with Antix-22 Full - LXDE. ;)
Please don't ask me what use having over 100 browser tabs open..?
I don't know :rolleyes:
See new topic - The Final Frontier - Spok; This is efficiency Jim - but not as we know it - warp factor 11 Mr Sudo PCManFM o_O
Over 100 Brws Tabs.jpg
With over 100 Ffox tabs open in multiple instances I am using 1.05GiB RAM. Just done the experiment today with Antix-22 Full - LXDE. ;)
Please don't ask me what use having over 100 browser tabs open..?
I don't know :rolleyes:
See new topic - The Final Frontier - Spok; This is efficiency Jim - but not as we know it - warp factor 11 Mr Sudo PCManFM o_O
View attachment 14385

Don't worry. I won't ask about all the opened tabs. I used to have a god friend that was the same, exact way. He never shut down either the PC or the browser. He had all the sites he visited on a regular basis opened in a tab. What I never figured out was how the devil he knew where to go to find the tab he needed. LOL!

antiX was one of the distros that I kept the ISO file on my hard drive for a while. What i do is go on a rampage type search for "lightweight linux distros", or "the best XFCE distros". I'd end up with anywhere from 20 to 30 different distro ISOs on my hard drive. I'd then burn a DVD and run it live on one of the laptops I felt like experimenting with. If it seemed to be something I might be able to use, I'd leave that ISO alone and burn a different distro tot he DVD. I use RW DVDs so it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. Then, when I had it narrowed down to the two or three best choices, I'd do a fresh install on that laptop. Then, I'd play around with it for a few days to see if I hit any glitches. I don;t recall now, but there was a little something about antiX that didn't work for me. I think I might have gone through every available distro that I could find. The two most likely candidates at this point are LXLE and WattOS. If things were running smoothly over on the Planet Watt website, I'd be running it right now. It has come the closest to being everything I want or need and uses very few system resources. LXLE is a very close second, but there are a couple of things I just can't get ironed out with it.

One other thing I tried was a fresh install of Mint XFCE, then immediately install the LXDE environment and removed every trace of XFCE on the computer. Things went well for maybe a week, then a system upgrade came along and completely Borked my system. The strange thing about that incident was that it happened just after release 21 came out. I never could get 21 to run correctly so gave up and reinstalled Mint XFCE 20.3, which is where I'm at right now.

Truth be told, I'd like to be running some distro with either LXDE or LXQT. Those are definitely the stingiest desktop environments that still have an easy to use interface for a guy like me that tries to avoid the command line if I can. At this point, I'm willing to try any distro that is stingy with resources and allows me to tweak it the way I like and lets me install the programs I like. I'm only running Mint because I can't locate that one distro out there that fills all my needs. After the bitter thrashing I took on their forum, I'd just as soon wipe my hands of them and be done. I'm not even dead set on staying with a Debian/Ubuntu/Mint distro or derivative. SUSE. Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, or even Slackware, or a derivative of them are fully acceptable if I can get it installed and running on my laptops. I'm not married to the Mint or Ubuntu families. WAY back when, I started with Redhat, then went to SUSE, then Mandrake. After that I discovered all the smaller, lighter, quicker distros available and went nuts distro hopping. I recall running PCLOS for an extended time back then. Somewhere along the line I got onto all the Debian family distros and have been there for years, but I AM NOT adamant about sticking with that.

So, guys, if you are running a distro that is super stingy with resources and are willing to help me get it installed and running, feel free to make suggestions. If you have something that you absolutely love and think it might work for me, I'll at least try it.

Oh, one last thing. I noticed you are using Htop. I found a funny thing about Htop, Task Manager, and the command line 'free -m' all report slightly different amounts of system memory being used. I researched it and each one uses different parameters to determine resources in use. I kept on using all three and then eventually just created a desktop launcher with the command in it. I also found out how to create a panel that automatically hides itself at the top of me desktop with the 'free -m' command in it that automatically updates every 5 seconds. Use next to nothing as far as resources and allows me to keep track of just how much memory is being used. The image below is what it looks like. Right now, I have ONLY Firefox opened and there are exactly ten tabs opened. To me, that's way to much RAM being sucked up by Firefox. As I understand it, Firefox is not entirely at fault for the amount of RAM used. It has been explained to me more than once that a browser will use slightly different amounts of RAM, depending on the distribution it is running on. Now, you guys can either confirm h=what I was told, or you can set me straight on this matter. I'm sure not the guy to KNOW for certain about such things. I have to trust guys in various forums to fill me in correctly.

I bet you can heat your home with nothing but the junk mail you got about Medicare.

Now, THAT is the absolute truth! I have been getting as many as 5 a day for the last 6 months, give or take. I don't even have to open them. I get all my healthcare through the VA. There are drawbacks to healthcare vie the VA, but the most important thing is that it costs me ZERO to get care. I can tolerate quite a bit of nonsense if it is FREE.

I will say that in the last year, give or take, they have gotten really good about referring me to local, non-VA providers. I now get my vision care here in town, my new podiatrist is 20 miles away, and I receive all my care for my cancer at Barnes Jewish Hospital, or Washington University, or Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis. I listed all those places, but it's one HUGE medical facility in St. Louis. They are the best cancer treatment facility in this part of the country. I paid not one, red cent for all that care. I'd hate to think what it would have cost me with a traditional, individual health insurance plan.
I bet you can heat your home with nothing but the junk mail you got about Medicare.

I am so remote that there's no zip code where I live. I don't have a 'local' post office. There's no mailboxes anywhere near my house. ('Member 'RFD'?)

Instead, I get my mail in the village about 24 miles away. They know I'm a slacker, so they give a postal box that I bring home with me and return the empty one. But, I weed through it before it even gets to my house. I go through it at the post office and only take home the mail that looks interesting/important.

I don't complain. I don't actually want a mailbox at the end of my road/driveway. Screw that...

It's winter now. I don't even get packages delivered. They get dropped off at a convenience store in the village.

Many years ago, they even had a mail boat to deliver mail to people who lived on the lake. That's gone away. I don't complain, 'cause it's kinda unreasonable to expect a letter to be delivered via boat for $0.60 or whatever stamps cost now. (Not that I'd need a boat for mail delivery. I'm just sharing the history.)
My birthday is really in a "few more days". I was hatched on 12/30/57. So, I'm pretty sure that I turn 65 on the 30th. Pretty sure...

I even did the math! I double checked the math before posting.

I have often forgotten how old I am. I'm not kidding. I often don't remember. It's just something I haven't paid attention to, since I was old enough to buy tobacco products and alcohol. (Not that those were difficult to acquire prior to reaching the age of majority.)

If you ask me how old I am, my answer is usually going to be that I'm not quite sure - and then I'll do the math in my head and tell you how old I am. It's just not something I remember. I don't see any good reason to remember it because it's just going to change again.

It wasn't immediate. After I reached the age of 18 I still remembered how old I was for some more years. I think it was in my 30s when I stopped remembering how old I am. Ah well...

Man, I wrote all that just to reconfirm that I'm fairly young when compared to many of our regulars.

I don't really do much to celebrate my birthday. You gonna do anything fun to celebrate hitting the big ol' 65?

Anything special? Nope. I'm just like you. I don't really recall when it started being nothing more than another day. I'd say I was probably in my 30s or 40s. The fact is that other then my wife, nobody cares one way or the other about my birthday. Sometimes she will ask if there is anything special I want for supper that night, but other than that, it's just a day. I haven't gotten a birthday gift in a whole lot of years. The wife and I decided a LONG time ago that buying something for each other is pretty much a waste of $$$. If there is something I really want or need, I buy it, whether it's my birthday or not. She is the same way. The only variance on her birthday is that I take her out to the restaurant of her choice. I'm sure not cooking anything and I kind of feel like she deserves that night off from cooking. The same is true for Valentine's Day, our anniversary, and every other holiday except Christmas. I do go overboard at Christmas buying her stuff. She normally gets me one thing that I have said I'd like to have. This year I got a new Safari Fedora Hat from Jaxson Hats to replace one I finally wore out.
WOOHOO!!! I have it working!

MAKE SURE THAT YOU CAN 'sudo bleachbit' in the terminal and NOT have to enter a password.

sudo chmod o+x /usr/bin/bleachbit

Now, make your desktop 'bleachbit.desktop'.

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sudo bleachbit

You can add an icon. Just add the path.

Make your bleachbit.desktop executable:

sudo chmod o+x /path/to/bleachbit.desktop

Now, double click on the shortcut!

Final format:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sudo bleachbit
Name=Bleachbit (As Root)
Last edited:
