You have to remember that there are two kinds of Arch users:Ha! Well yeah you're right there, I probably shouldnt have mentioned I was on Reddit at all!
Reddit is a source of great amusement for me - it doesnt matter what youre looking for, whether it is some specialised sub aimed at gaming or something in general like a sub for your home town, there is always something worth a quick laugh. In my hometown sub, there arent many posts at all aside from one person asking if anybody knows of any local dealers, and another talking about the name of a bridge. After that, it is post after post of rugby as we have quite a well known team here.
Its hard to disagree that everybody there is a self approved God in any given subject, but I do have to say that there are a few people that have given me some really good advice on a few different subjects, computer based and otherwise. Still, Im not disagreeing with you.
I'll get on with finding a Ouija board now, something that compliments my living space of course.
You say you'd love to see distro bashing - we all know how bad the Arch communtiy can be, not all the time of course but a lot of people take it upon themselves to make it know Arch is the best for one reason or another. Dont you ever notice that those people do more bashing than others? Thats a genuine question by the way, I dont really come on here or many other forums too much and a crowd like that seem the ideal candidate for a distro basher
1. I'm elite because I use Arch
2. I like using Arch
It's the people who start using Arch just so they can be Arch Chads that are the problem. They're already elitists and are adopting Arch as a parto of their portfolio. They'll bash, but it doesn't begin or end with Linux distros. It's eveything and Linux is one thing, but Arch Linux, is very wow-look-at-me, which is the same mentality Kali users tend to have (not understanding Kali is not a Desktop/daily-driver). They're in a d*ck measuring contest.
People who genuinely like Arch, like Arch. Whether they're tinkerers, whether they like lightweight, whether they like more fine-grained control, or whether they want a decent gaming Linux (you can't beat Arch there, and I'm pretty sure that's why Manjaro -- which is kinda Archbuntu -- was spawned).
The genuine Arch users who criticise other distros don't do it any more, or any more viciously, than lots of other distros' communities. Just remember everyone's favourite distro is what they run. And logical critique is fair. So I wouldn't call it bashing. It's part and parcel for being in the Linux ecosystem.
But really, it also depends where you go. Certain online spaces are toxic and you get that bashing for anything, from choice of OS to religious beliefs. Reddit is one such example. Most places like this forum don't have an elitist culture.
Anyway, that's the not-so-short of it.