This is all very good advice, and its advice a lot of people could stand to learn from. Dont think I am bothered about those complaining about my distro of choice, it means nothing to me I simply dont understand why anyone would claim Mint has not been valid for years when it clearly is and its a good choice at that too.@FatDroid / @f33dm3bits :-
I know many folks don't take ME seriously. So what? I couldn't care less, 'cos I know what 'our Pup' is capable of - I've got broad shoulders, me; it's like water off a duck's back.....and in all honesty, what's in a name?
Are you going to seriously tell me that you're taking any notice at all of small-minded individuals? There's 'leaders', and then there's 'sheep'......and any time you get opinions voiced by those viewed as 'leaders', the 'sheep' trip over themselves to agree and up-vote as fast as they can.
My set-up works for me, and my "kennels" are the product of well over a decade of MY work and endless fine-tuning. I use my system; THEY don't. So how can you bad-mouth something you know nothing about.....solely based on a name?
Ignore 'em. They're not worth your time, mate.
As a sidenote I have heard a lot of good things about Puppy and I wouldnt mind trying it at some point