Is Mint looked down on by those who use more 'advanced' distros?

@FatDroid / @f33dm3bits :-

I know many folks don't take ME seriously. So what? I couldn't care less, 'cos I know what 'our Pup' is capable of - I've got broad shoulders, me; it's like water off a duck's back.....and in all honesty, what's in a name?

Are you going to seriously tell me that you're taking any notice at all of small-minded individuals? There's 'leaders', and then there's 'sheep'......and any time you get opinions voiced by those viewed as 'leaders', the 'sheep' trip over themselves to agree and up-vote as fast as they can.

My set-up works for me, and my "kennels" are the product of well over a decade of MY work and endless fine-tuning. I use my system; THEY don't. So how can you bad-mouth something you know nothing about.....solely based on a name?

Ignore 'em. They're not worth your time, mate.

Mike. ;)
This is all very good advice, and its advice a lot of people could stand to learn from. Dont think I am bothered about those complaining about my distro of choice, it means nothing to me I simply dont understand why anyone would claim Mint has not been valid for years when it clearly is and its a good choice at that too.

As a sidenote I have heard a lot of good things about Puppy and I wouldnt mind trying it at some point

I have heard a lot of good things about Puppy and I wouldnt mind trying it at some point
I have given Pup a run out [on a leash] on various occasions, it does what it says on the tin, [Would I use it as my daily drive, no I would not] it's not for me , but it dose work well on older kit, but as our master of hounds @MikeWalsh keeps saying, it's a Marmite distribution
Are you going to seriously tell me that you're taking any notice at all of small-minded individuals? There's 'leaders', and then there's 'sheep'......and any time you get opinions voiced by those viewed as 'leaders', the 'sheep' trip over themselves to agree and up-vote as fast as they can.
In what part of my reply did you read out or did I give you the impression that I care about what toxic people have to say? I only said that it's noticable that in a lot of Linux communities people tend to argue a lot and treat like ther distribution is better than the distribution you are using and why you should use the distribution they are using.

That being said most of the discussions I read about are on Linux are on Reddit, so now days it could also just be Reddit and not other Linux forums. The few other forums I've been on to read through a topic I haven't seen any that sort of behavior as you come across daily on Reddit.

So this coment may have to do with this reply.
I don't get why so many people in the Linux community have to argue about which Linux distribution or which software is better than what someone else is using

Ignore 'em. They're not worth your time, mate.
Isn't that exactly what I said in my first reply?

In short, just use what works for you(even if that is several distributions) and what you are happy with and having a good experience with. Ignore all other comments about distribution X not being as good as distribution Y or that real Linux users should use distribution X or Y.

Anyways not here to argue just promote that everyone should use what they enjoy using and what works for them. As well as to encourage everyone to treat everyone with postivity as much as each person can which will help build a better Linux and opensource world as well as a better community around it.
RHEL is a distro that I can understand getting more hate over any others
Ubuntu, I cant understand any hate for it
Both RHEL and Canonical tend to get more hate than they deserve. Yes they've made some decisions not everyone likes or agrees with, but without them Linux wouldn't be where it is today since both of them have spent a lot of money into Linux and opensource development.
@f33dm3bits :-

Nah, you're fine, Maarten..! I perhaps didn't word that as well as I could. Nothing new there..! :D

Sorry about that. It looked like I was sounding off AT you; I wasn't. It was never meant to come out in that way... :oops:

Anyways; I learnt ALL about the "toxic" side of our community years ago. At the end of the day, I couldn't care less what these idiots think; if they want to "look down" on somebody else's choice of distro and consider themselves better than me, let 'em get on with it. It's no skin off MY nose.

It's the same in all walks of life; there's always somebody who thinks they're better than you, whatever the subject matter happens to be. I enjoy using Linux, and I love playing around with Puppy.....she suits me down to the ground, 'cos I'm just a 'tinkerer' at heart!

As you say; if what you run works for you, AND you enjoy using it.....that's ALL that matters. I know I've had more fun this last decade than in the whole of the previous 30 years...

Linux certainly works for me.

Mike. ;)
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the fact that these are run by corporations.

LOL Linux is run by corporations. In fact, the controllers of the project are an incorporated entity. The kernel itself is written by people paid to do so, doing so for profit. There's no altruism. Even the other distros, those with any degree of popularity, are making money from the donations they get - meaning they work on the project for pay.

I am not sure that there ever was any altruism. Linus was quick to capitalize on the whole thing. He cashed in his name pretty hard, even using his clout to become CEO of Transmeta (among many other financially beneficial moves). In 2022, Linus made about $1,700,000 USD.
RHEL is a distro that I can understand getting more hate over any others.

And yet they've contributed more to Linux than pretty much any other business entity outside of the kernel maintainers themselves - and they also pay people to do just that.

I really don't get the hate. They sell support, really. There's a reason they dominate the professional server domain. In fact, there are a bunch of reasons why.
Yes, it is looked down on. The message comes across loud and clear at times.

It is human nature. Kids do it (with stuff that is important to them, not linux mint) adults most certainly do it. ....with a broader range of subjects, not just, clothes, where they live, etc etc....etc

Me? I use linux Mint

Why?.....see below...

It's a fact. Take a peek at distrowatch figures. They dont tell fibs. They are not distorted.

I didnt come here to praise Linux Mint needlessly. It naturally attracts praise....because, It's the Best. It Works. It has genuine support. It doesnt hide anything.

Those who "look down" on it?....I feel a certain sadness for them. Poor deluded folk.

"who use more advanced distros"...advanced?.......what exactly makes a distro 'more advanced' ?

Linux Mint. What's not to like ?
Me? I use linux Mint

Serious question here. I have nothing against Mint, I used it for a while.
But... to someone who doesn't "know better". I admit it, I just don't know.

Why Mint over say Ubuntu, or MX, or really even Debian?
To someone who doesn't use them everyday, they all look the same to me,
yeah, the desktops might be different (you can pretty much get any desktop for any distro these days).

But other than that... really, what's the difference.
I don't want answers like... "because that other distro sucks". That's just an opinion,
What is something quantifiable that Mint has, that no other distro has?
Can you back that statement up with statistics, facts, evidence?

I'm not trying to dis or offend anyone, I just really don't know the difference.
I want to stick to Debian based distro's here.

redhat/centOS/fedora/arch/kali/openSuSE/Gentoo/Puppy is another discussion for another time.
I've come across all kinds of snobs in life over silly things: wine snobs, cheese snobs, Linux snobs, etc., etc.
The whole "bashing other people's favorite distro" thing reminds me of a decal I once saw in the rear window of a car. Instead of touting the driver's alma mater like "Penn State" or "Ohio State" or whatever, this one said, "Your College Sucks".

From my POV, your distro sucks, whatever distro that happens to be, except in the unlikely event that you use the same one I do. Mine is the best one -for me- primarily because I've invested time into learning it pretty thoroughly and effort into cusomising it to my liking. Probably from most Linux users' POVs, my distro comes up lacking (or even sucks) in one way or another (or several ways).

I'm not going to look down on anyone for using Mint - but it's not for me (at least for this month).
I see a lot of companies listed on the link @f33dm3bits posted.
But I wonder what their contribution's are?
Even Adobe is listed als a member, however their software is Windows only lmao. So probably just using Linux for other things or else they wouldn't be donating money to the Linux Foundation.
But other than that... really, what's the difference.
I don't want answers like... "because that other distro sucks". That's just an opinion,
What is something quantifiable that Mint has, that no other distro has?

Mint has Clem. To my knowledge, there is no substitute

Support: I started the linux 'journey' around 10 years ago...maybe a bit longer....and I needed support in Spades ! Ubuntu could give three flying figs re a 'newbie' (I stiil hate that term...especially when applied to me, henceforth I do not use it on is condescending in many case and a 'put down' in others)

There is an apparent ease of use. I can vouch for that, as can the tens of thousands of users. Read reddit to get a better understanding of the numbers involved.

Relatively simple to start someone using it. It is a well practised approach. Brickwaizard has it down pat.
The answers can be found anywhere/everywhere. It is that popular. It has become a 'thing' for Linux Mint to be recommended for new players. Some of us mistakenly think that is because it is the 'lesser' of the various Linux distros. Those with long experience know it is because of its rock solid reliability, ongoing updates that do not fail, and each and every time they open their PC, "it just works"

A system that does not habitually 'break' In other words Reliability. Common sense tells us that this is wanted/needed/demanded by users...particularly new ones. Common sense again tells us that they wish to be rid of the dramas they have experienced with their previous OS.

From Distrowatch, January 23, 2025:

Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a classic desktop experience with many convenient, custom tools and optional out-of-the-box multimedia support. It also adds a custom desktop and menus, several unique configuration tools, and a web-based package installation interface. Linux Mint is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories. Besides its Ubuntu-based flavour, the project also produces a separate "Debian" edition (called LMDE), based on the latest stable Debian version.

Popularity (hits per day): 12 months: 1 (2,376), 6 months: 1 (2,621), 3 months: 1 (2,865), 4 weeks: 1 (3,220), 1 week: 1 (4,028)

Average visitor rating: 8.74/10 from 757 review(s).
Also, to be clear, I'd never look down on anyone using any distro. Most of my computers run Lubuntu but the one I'm using at this very minute is using Mint. It's an adequate distro, though I tire of it - which is not its fault. I tire of it because I'd like to use something different. (It's like eating the same food every day.)

Lubuntu is obviously my favorite. I've usually had one or two computers that run something else. For a while, that has been Mint Cinnamon. I think I might take Fedora out for a spin, or maybe OpenSUSE. I haven't used those in a while.

Hmm... Maybe I'll spin up OpenMandriva for a while.

Instead of looking down on distros and people, we can just be glad that there's a vast ecosystem and people are able to use our beloved operating system in a manner that suits them. Or not... We've very much us vs. them animals and our lizard brains aren't nearly as advanced as we'd like to think.

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