Is Mint looked down on by those who use more 'advanced' distros?

With MY eyesight, light themes positively hurt after just a few minutes.....whereas dark themes are comfortable for hours at a time (regular 5-minute 'eye-rest' breaks notwithstanding).
Light theme burns my eyes in matter of seconds, I can see little stars floating as if somebody hit my head lol

But I don't use dark theme on any sites, dark reader extension has improved performance wise and all pages are auto dark and without issues.
There are only very few like 2% of sites for which dark reader needs to be off to be readable.

Edit: Oh great, now I've seen this theme, the default suddenly feels too bright. Guess I'm converted. It's similar to a GTK theme I used to use which was 'Nordic' (I think, I use 'Colorful-Dark' now).
Do you know why programmers use dark themes? Because light attracts bugs.
@APTI :-

Personally, I've never been afraid to publicly change my viewpoint on anything. Who gives a flying f**k whether or not it "looks weak" for doing so? Who cares?

I've also never had a problem with admitting when I'm wrong, or for saying sorry if I've clearly offended someone - we all have "off" days, or make a bad 'judgement call' at times (it's part of being human) - although you have to temper this last one with judgement, since some people go out of their way to find fault with you or anything you might say, and generally play on the "Look at me, I'm the 'victim' here; you should all feel sorry for me" meme.

It gets old, FAST, when they constantly run down the same old, well-worn rut in the path....

If that's the kind of attitude promoted by social media, I'm glad I have nothing at all to do with it! It would also explain much that I've noticed on-line in recent years...


Mike. ;)
wow, you sound like my girlfriend with what you said. Puts you in good company. You sound like you are intelligent so social media is not really good for you.
I don't want to get to the level of politics but it always bothered me when people got mad when people with public voices changed their viewpoint. That's what you're supposed to do when you learn new information. It's not 'wishy-washy', it's logic.

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