Post a screenshot of your Desktop

Thanks! I had never tried the newer gnome, last time I tried it was the original gnome3 which came out after Gnome2 was obsolete and it was really buggy then constantly crashing. I later used Xfce and Cinnamon for a long time, a few years back I tried both i3wm and Sway ran that for a while until I decided to try KDE Plasma since I had never tried that.

Gnome always seemed bad to me but just the other day I found a video of how the Gnome workflow is meant to be and after having seen that it seemed to me that the Gnome workflow is quite similar to the tiling workflow so I thought why not give Gnome another chance after all these years. Liking it so far but will take bit to get used to it. Seeing you use tiling I thought I might try that out in my Gnome setup to see how that feels. Thanks!

I absolutely loved GNOME 2, it was the default for Ubuntu when I begun using Linux, I greatly enjoyed how customizable it was, especially with Compiz for some truly wacky FX.

I have tried other DE's but I always end up going back to GNOME, although I skipped over the entire GNOME 3 era because I was not using Linux at the time.

I am happy to have been able to help, I hope that you enjoy the tiling extension!
DWM window manager running on ArchLinux
Alacritty as my Terminal Emulator
Dotfiles : https;//
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Screenshot from 2023-04-30 19-03-31.png
Last edited:
Is this Elementary OS?
In case nobody answered you yet, it's GNOME. ("Activities" on top left-hand corner, date in center and wifi/volume/power on right-hand corner.)

I absolutely loved GNOME 2, it was the default for Ubuntu when I begun using Linux, I greatly enjoyed how customizable it was, especially with Compiz for some truly wacky FX.

I have tried other DE's but I always end up going back to GNOME, although I skipped over the entire GNOME 3 era because I was not using Linux at the time.
I'm sure you know about MATE.

I've checked out the GNOME Flashback for Debian. Didn't like it because I couldn't get rid of one of the panels, wanted one and that D.E. is even less flexible than GNOME is now. Disliked Compiz also on Knoppix and other distros, too much visual weirdness I don't need. Just give me snappy response without shadows and other nonsense which doesn't add to productivity.

Will post something here shortly but I have few original wallpapers LOL. Most of what I have I already posted in other forums. :/
Just a heads up, Alex @Alexzee wasn't asking about the DE, but the distro - the Poster has not responded. :)

The last days I moved to wayland using Labwc WM, eww and waybar. My goal was to use only eww as a sidebar without a panel, but eww doesn't have a tray or task manager widget so I also use waybar for those(for now at least).
That bright purple color hurts my eyes, but other than that cool desktop!
Debian XFCE "Bookworm Testing" from December-2022, now I wish I could tell you precisely what date was the ISO I installed from. :/

The wallpaper was originally for Gnuinos soon after its release on November-2022. I have a PNG file with the same wallpaper with terminal on top and "neofetch" display, on that distro.

BTW the lady in the screen shot, and this account's forum avatar, are sisters. They have a far-more important cousin. :D


  • deb-xfce-bw-two.png
    206.9 KB · Views: 309
Parrot Home edition.
Nothing fancy. I like a quiet looking desktop when I start up the machine without "shouting" at me with all sorts of colors and icons and conky scripts. easy does it. :cool:
Parrot Home edition.
Nothing fancy. I like a quiet looking desktop when I start up the machine without "shouting" at me with all sorts of colors and icons and conky scripts. easy does it. :cool:
(image of pure black desktop with small icons in the upper corner.)
Same with me, but pure black is too dark. I prefer a medium dark gray; you could call it "light charcoal". I like solid desktop backgrounds because they make it easy to see windows and icons.

I reserve gray for the admin account and use a similar solid "denim blue" shade for the backgrounds on my unprivileged working account, where I spend most of the time. It is a subconscious reminder during times when I work with escalated privileges. I also use a solid pink background for an account I keep for my partner to backup and sync her phone and pad as a service for her.

I tend to use the desktop as a cache for work-in-progress-since-the-last-time-I-cleaned-up-the-desktop. I wish I could acquire the habit of maintaining folder organization as I work, but it is not easy for me to work that way after a lifetime of doing it wrong. I like seeing the folders that I need by hiding the active windows. It is quick and easy, but a bad habit that leads to clutter and disorganization.
I'm going to leave this site. There was no need for @wizardfromoz did recently, this just sucks and every single day I've been here I have to be confronted somehow on this site. I'm yet another person who has to get out more. Instead of posting stupid screenshots of an operating system desktop, this is the second time in a bit over six months. I'm done. wendy-lebaron over and out. Sorry guys, have fun without me from now on.
I have no clue about whatever happened, but would be sorry to see you leave. You offer a different and helpful (to me) perspective here coupled with real-world Linux experience. You provide us with alternate viewpoints. Your disappearance would dilute us into more of a "monoculture". Best wishes and think about reconsidering your decision.

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