Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon (I think)_ Installation problems and navigation

I didn't see this last night...

Which means? You haven't followed it, or you have not got past that stage yet?

If the latter, then ... whoops :)


Hi STaylor,

This is how you install Mint Cinnamon 21.3...With the new Drive being the only one in your computer (don't format it) and the Mint ISO burnt to your Flash Drive...Plug in the Flash Drive and Re-Start your computer tapping the correct Key Board...mine is F11 yours could be different.. which brings up the Boot Menu screen...this is mine...

The second one is my Flash it and hit Enter. Which brings you to this screen (not mine but for illustration)...

Select the top one and hit Mint will load and you're on the Desktop of the live session...

Now all you do is hit...Install Mint and go from there...when install is finished don't forget to remove the Flash Drive and hit Enter.
Your computer will Boot to your Mint Desktop...Enter your password...hit Enter then install all updates etc. Hope this helps...good luck.
Hi STaylor,

This is how you install Mint Cinnamon 21.3...With the new Drive being the only one in your computer (don't format it) and the Mint ISO burnt to your Flash Drive...Plug in the Flash Drive and Re-Start your computer tapping the correct Key Board...mine is F11 yours could be different.. which brings up the Boot Menu screen...this is mine...
View attachment 17935
The second one is my Flash it and hit Enter. Which brings you to this screen (not mine but for illustration)...
View attachment 17936
Select the top one and hit Mint will load and you're on the Desktop of the live session...
View attachment 17937
Now all you do is hit...Install Mint and go from there...when install is finished don't forget to remove the Flash Drive and hit Enter.
Your computer will Boot to your Mint Desktop...Enter your password...hit Enter then install all updates etc. Hope this helps...good luck.
Thank you! I'm going to email myself a link to this.
Ok, so, the live version running ok?.....

If it is, follow post#39
whoopsie.....I missed this !!!
I'm starting over from scratch with a completely blank HDD and USB pen with nothing on it but Linux Mint 21.3.
Geez Louise (hope your real name is not Louise), I am first going to beat myself to death and then (being a wizard) come back and beat all the others to death, lol.

It seems we have been making assumptions and you have been making assumptions.

And you know that when you ASSUME, you make an ass out of u and me

Are you up for a few more minutes?

We crossed beams, Brian. Dangerous.
Geez Louise (hope your real name is not Louise), I am first going to beat myself to death and then (being a wizard) come back and beat all the others to death, lol.

It seems we have been making assumptions and you have been making assumptions.

And you know that when you ASSUME, you make an ass out of u and me

Are you up for a few more minutes?

Yes. My first day back at work has been delayed to Thursday. It's still Tuesday here. I'm not sure if Australia is ahead of us, or behind.
It 11:23 pm on Tuesday.

It has just dawned on me that I have missed a whole lot of posts which were made this morning (australian time)....I did not eceive notifications......If i had I would be up to speed.

this weekend will suit me fine....I will be away tomorrow, but tomorrow night I will catch up, and be ready for your weekend.

Australia is a day ahead (roughly)
Regardless of assumptions, I got a very good education yesterday/last night. I know how easy Linux is. Not just easy, but better. I'm hooked!
We're ahead ... except on this matter, it would seem.

I am 15 hours ahead of you, Brian @Condobloke 16, and Bob 16, but in a different state.
Linked for your reading at any time you choose is a very old article (2006?), but it is still valid today.

I'm rebooting to run a Live Mint stick and get a couple of up to date screenshots.

It was 21.3 Cinnamon, yeah?
Linked for your reading at any time you choose is a very old article (2006?), but it is still valid today.

I'm rebooting to run a Live Mint stick and get a couple of up to date screenshots.

It was 21.3 Cinnamon, yeah?
Yes, Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon

I haven't finished reading it yet, but I'm not scared! Many of the "warnings" to Windows users are the reasons I'm so tired of Windows. I read enough about Linux to know it would be, or thought it would be a totally different world. 20 years ago it might have been. A lot of the things I was afraid of, the things that kept me from even trying Linux may have been realities at the time. But so far, I've found there nothing to be afraid of.

I'm used to poking around "under the hood" of Windows. There are so many things I'm not "allowed to" with something I own, that really... I have to watch my language!

All the tweaking I've done with Windows, the knowledge I needed to be able to do to the tweaking didn't come from customer service. I learned everything from books, internet searches and forums. With the forums, I might have to wait a few days for help. The way I see it is that I'm getting free help, from people who know a lot more than me. These people are often professionals. Programmers, IT specialists... in one way or another they are professionals or near professionals. A lot of them are basically donating their time to help people on line, whereas in person they get paid for their help. Anyone that would complain... They don't deserve free help.

What I've experienced so far with Linux is more than enough to get me up and running. I'm coming into this expecting to have "problems". I don't have problems, I have challenges, issues, opportunities to learn.

That said, there may be times when I need to do something right away. I won't necessarily have time to figures out how to do in a Linux based system, but I know how to get in done quickly in Windows. That's why I don't want to get rid of Windows completely, at least not yet.

And I've always been the type of person who wants to know how things work, like that watch I took apart. But I wouldn't take it apart if I couldn't afford to lose it. Windows is like that. If I play around with something and damage functionality in the process, I can't do much about it. I'm not going to shoot myself in the foot. In this case, I have four computers. What ever happened to this laptop is okay. I have 3 more computers running Windows.
There is a huge amount of stuff I don't know yet, but I won't be block from doing anything by the Giant. And if I mess something up, and as long I have everything backed up, it doesn't matter. That's what I like. I can screw up everything, like this laptop. But all is not lost. After I get past the place I'm at now, I'll just wipe the drive and put Linux on it!
Good attitude... now I have I think 7 pictures I can post, from your Install setup, and they are up-to-date, so I can post them next.

Just give me a couple of minutes, or else if you go catch zzz's well and good and they'll be there for you tomorrow.

Good attitude... now I have I think 7 pictures I can post, from your Install setup, and they are up-to-date, so I can post them next.

Just give me a couple of minutes, or else if you go catch zzz's well and good and they'll be there for you tomorrow.

I'm not going to do this tonight or tomorrow, so time your time.

Also, I've found that the hardest part of doing anything for the first time is the fear of how hard it's supposed to be or how hard it looks.

Last year I changed the CV axles on my car. People told me I really should take it to a mechanic. And there were the stories I was told. I think most of them were to scare me out of doing it myself.

I did it myself. Everything was fine. None of the stories I was told were true. One guy told me I would take to take the entire transmission and heat shield out of my car. That couldn't have been further from the truth!

That's nearly always the way it goes. As long as I can find instruction somewhere or if I can plainly see how something needs to be done, if I have the right tools and the will, I can do it.
I will say thisand I think it's probably a limitation of this laptop, the fact that I'm running from RAM only and I'm live streaming the news, video and audio. When I try to change tabs in the browser, sometimes there's a big lag.
""A DOD wipe takes something like 12 hours""
I noticed this some way back.
Regardless of what is on the drive, vista, win 8 whatever !.....DO NOT go to the trouble of doing a DOD.

Totally unnecessary.

When you install LM21.3, the installer WILL wipe the drive and format it to the required file system, all at the same time.

I am pretty sure I screwd up post numbers before, so pay no attention to that....i think i said post 39....forget it.

If Wiz is conjuring up pics of the install, follow that. What pics he posts will basically show what Bob posted up above at post#41,
....with some extra detail of course.

When you are feeling wealthy enough, buy yourself a SSD (Solid State Drive. They are much cheaper than they used to be....and are as easy as pie to install.
The difference in speed will likely amaze you.
When I try to change tabs in the browser, sometimes there's a big lag.
That limitation could be as a result of a few things. I have lost touch with which pc you are running the moment....and how much ram it has, etc.....I have no idea of its it running more than one news service....and playing sound/video at the same time?...your internet connection will also play a part.

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