While you are doing that, you could also give some thought to whether you wish to dual boot.....Linux & windows.
What may help with that decision is whether there are nay apps/programs on windows that you
must have.
I can tell you that accessing banking, services nsw, facebook (and any other social network etc) email, news pages (any of them) playing music, youtube, downloading music from youtube (free), downloading torrents and just about anything you can think of, can be done easily via Linux.
If you happened to have any programs that are ONLY able to run in windows....then you may be having a small problem.
Those programs can be run in an app called Wine....personally I see Wine as a pain in the butt, but other people will have a different opinion to me.
You can also approach that 'problem' by accessing an alternative to the windows app/program at a site called :
Entering BIOS in Windows 11
Find the stuff in there over the top/intimidating ?.....ask us a question.
The only silly question, is the one you don't ask.
2 things: do you have a usb stick (
8gb or more is cool)(4gb is ok too....not smaller than that, though)....and
can you tell us the make and model of your new pc ?