David, are you referring to "Border Security: America's Front Line", or another show?
Something like that. It was a number of years ago, back when I was still a working man. I'd see it when I was in hotels - and I've stayed in a whole lot o hotels.
It was either on the Discovery channel or it was on MSNBC. I want to say it was the Discovery channel and mid-to-late ninties. It might have been early 2000s. I can't possibly remember the name. It was just background noise and moving pictures, fodder for my attempts to be mindless.
It was after the writer's strike and MTV's 'Real World' and under the fairly new genre name of 'reality television'. That's stuff that's dirt cheap to create. People seem to like it.
one acre
Huh... I don't think I heard anyone use any language about land size, other than like kilo for distance or maybe even square kilos for stuff. I'm surprised you didn't use hectare - which is really just a km^2 as I recall. Is using 'acre' common in Australia?
My fuzzy math says an acre is a bit less than one half of a hectare. I should use a search engine but the odds of me needing to know the exact figures are pretty low. Hmm... It's like 2.5 acres per hectare? Maybe?