Are we suffering attempted DDoS attacks.

1560 online....6pm Sydney time...



Here we go again ??...1295 gustes online......15:49 Sydney Australia time


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Total: 387 (members: 2, guests: 385)

when I entered an hour later.

Maybe I scare them off?

Since @Rob turned the volume up on the filter last week, I have only gone down on last weds [3 times],
Oddly, Google Ads offered up this link as an ad - so I clicked it. (This is a link to the page, and will not count as an ad click.)

That is a damn interesting read.

The links which lead off that article are beyond interesting !

Definitely a must read.

The three links below are examples

Dropped out 3 times again this morning only 462 online
Screenshot from 2022-06-02 08-15-39.png
WHF is happening to the forum
After so many cloud flare screen I was able to access the forum then this happened


  • Screenshot_2022-06-02_21-17-22.png
    113.9 KB · Views: 283
I am unable to edit and view my alerts or any thing @Rob


  • Screenshot_2022-06-02_21-22-44.png
    131.2 KB · Views: 284
For some reason, I am still intermittently getting the 502 page
I'm having a heck of a time today. The site is barely usable. 'Snot that many people online when I do get to see that page.
I'm having a heck of a time today
I was out till 2pm my time, its now 7pm the site has dropped out more times than i have been able to count
The site crashed twice. First at 1:17pm and then again at 1:18pm (Central US time). The amount of users was 326 (which is small and makes me wonder how it could cause a DDOS).
I don't think the amount of users seen online is an indication of a ddos, ddos's are usually done with tools that generate big loads of traffic to overload the server by sending a lot of requests to the webserver. Since I would think the amount of users are counted by actual users who use a web-browser which is most likely checked by which user-agent they are using to visit the website, signed in and guests.
Since I would think the amount of users are counted by actual users who use a web-browser which is most likely checked by which user-agent they are using to visit the website, signed in and guests.

I can only speak for SMF - it also counts bots. (Which may or may not be part of a DDoS.)
The site has been almost unusable for much of the day.
Hmm... It looks like they ran a quick test before hammering on the server.

I wonder if it's people angry we won't let them spam the server?

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