Solved YouTube's Anti-Adblock With uBlock Origin

Solved issue

Terminal Velocity

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2021
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I just watched a couple of videos on youtube and uBlock Origin failed to skip the ads! Appears only the timer on a black screen and the sound, is this the beginning of the end of uBO rule on the internet? I have years to see ads on youtube and it is way too annoying... How your uBO behaves today?

Yeah, Google updated their ad code on YouTube a couple of times in the past month or so.

A new updated uBlock will likely come out or the rules will update. In the meantime, there are dedicated YouTube ad blockers that work.
I don't get any ads on Youtube.
I'm using Easy OS and Bookworm Pup64.
I'm using Firefox and Chromium browsers.
I'm using Ublock Origin and Privacy badger default settings.
I just watched a couple of videos on youtube and uBlock Origin failed to skip the ads! Appears only the timer on a black screen and the sound, is this the beginning of the end of uBO rule on the internet? I have years to see ads on youtube and it is way too annoying... How your uBO behaves today?
Over the years I've had adverts play regularly with ublock origin as my addblocker.

I've always just taken that as youtube adjusting their advertizing, and ignore it (refreshing the page if annoys me), and usually in a few days/weeks the issue resolves itself.

I've always assumed the ublock origin gets modified to cope with the newer behavior, but I've never really looked. If adverts are annoying me on youtube, I just won't use it (and its usually fixed when I next try anyway).
Likewise, some sites continually fight ad blockers, but normally they are overcome within a few days, & ublock origin has kept me ad free for the longest, so I always install it on my machines. :)
I've never really looked. If adverts are annoying me on youtube,

People report it on the plugin's support site and a few days later Raymond has an update. I believe you can also file a bug report on the appropriate GitHub page.

That's my observation.

I don't even bother trying to report it because multiple people will have reported it before I get to it.

SponsorBlock for YouTube - Skip Sponsorships works well.​

As you suggested the failure is temporary, today uBO works as usual... [Excellently].

''You really appreciate something when you lose it''
Yup. I've seen this before. From the uMatrix days, I've been in touch with Raymond a few times. He seems like a nice enough person and plenty capable.

I have a YouTube video playing fairly often. I'm not always paying that much attention, but it's background noise. There's a lot of automotive content that I appreciate.
I'm using Ublock Origin as well and it still blocks all of the ads since I haven't seen any ads since I cancelled my Youtube Premium Lite.
"AdBlocker for YouTube" works here on firefox. Haven't seen an ad on youtube for years.

That's exactly the one I turn on when I see uBlock has stopped working. In fact, it's enabled now - even though uBlock has been updated to work.
UBlock Origin has been defeated a long time ago IMHO. In the first few versions of Firefox there was an extension that was able to stop annoying image downloading in its tracks. Especially from an unsafe area forcing excruciating 100KiB/second or slower. UBlock cannot do that, on buggy Firefox v115 and later. Regularly I visit a site which has to download a freakin' banner which is like 1200x200. Unless the browser finishes downloading that, I cannot do anything on the page. But if I allow it shown, it takes even more valuable space to read from the page. I guess the other site's owners like it that way, and they've even made fun of me complaining about it and about my slow Internet. Last year the same site was rapid load, not much different from opening Distrowatch main page. Then they had this brilliant idea -- NOT! -- about seasonal banners.

Please don't recommend Ghostery to me. That was like spyware to me. Demanded confirmation before it would do anything, and it was less than UBlock Origin and what I thought.
I got a new message. I went to play a video on YouTube that said ad blocking was disallowed.

I pressed the X button and it played the video.
Where are you seeing these ads on Youtube.
My Ublock Origin blocks 63 items on Youtube.
I get zero ads using Firefox, Firefox ESR and Chromium.
Ublock Origin works fine on my Linux computers.
Where are you seeing these ads on Youtube.

Big bright pop-up. Though, I do have a second ad-blocker installed from when uBlock failed. I haven't disabled it yet.

You'll see it - probably. I'll try disabling the extra one to see if that makes it go away. The uBlock extension may just block the entire element while the second one may not. It just started showing up this evening, as I was catching up on my favorite channels. So, Google is mucking about with the YouTube code again.

I'm certain that even the nag will be defeated in short order. Well, it depends on how much effort YouTube is going to put into it. It is possible to block anything not showing ads with pretty good success rates. The data can often still be found - and you can often use a text-based browser to get past it. Most sites don't put in that much effort.

Basically, you add a check to ensure the ads were actually loaded, throw a message if they weren't, and don't load the HTML content unless a UUID confirms that the element was loaded. But, you can sometimes defeat that by simply not loading scripts at all - but that too can be checked and blocked.

It's a lot like work for little gain. That just angers users who block ads. My site theoretically tosses up a request for folks to enable ads, but that's as far as I'll go. If they don't want to enable ads, that's okay. I'd rather they have access to the content than make the few pennies I'd get for showing ads.
Do you have a Youtube account.
I've been on Youtube for a couple of hours watching different videos and listening to music and not one ad.
I don't recall ever seeing any ads on Youtube except when I wasn't using an ad blocker.
Do you have a Youtube account.

I do. I haven't seen it since deciding I'll screenshot it the next time I see it.

Of course, I've only watched one video. But, I'll grab a screenshot when I see it again.

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