Where did your username come from?

From my name, how boring is that.

I have a Paranoid Shizophrenia. And was the most privacy focused linux nerd in my apprenticeship as "Fachinformatiker" / Sysadmin. We had no Linux in this class and I tought myself everything about Linux. This got me a pretty awesome job as Junior Linuxadmin. Also I am very interested in "Conspiracy Theories"
1) Psychosis
2) Linux / Privacy Nerd
3) "Conspiracy Theories"

So in my class they gave me the nickname tinfoil-hat (in my mothers tounge). And I just stuck with it
If you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist, are you concerned that there might be conspiracies that target conspiracy theorists?

(Note to self: Is that recursion?)
Mine's quite simple. I came across this forum early last year and was quite happy with the content and the civility of the members, so I joined. I could not for the life of me think of a good name, never was good at coming up with something catchy. After much pondering and my best impersonation of Yosemite Sam's grumbling. I went outside for a bit to think... That never works. :) I was sitting on the back porch when I opened my garage door and my '67 Dart was staring me in the face. Well... Dart will have to do. With that, the 'keep on truckin' dude had to be my avatar. He was already on the head stock of a couple of my guitars.
Well... It ain't history making but it did happen in the past. ;)
If you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist, are you concerned that there might be conspiracies that target conspiracy theorists?

(Note to self: Is that recursion?)
I'm sure there's some paranoid conspiracy theorist somewhere conspiring a conspiracy theory about conspiracy theorists.
Theoretically of course.
If you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist, are you concerned that there might be conspiracies that target conspiracy theorists?

(Note to self: Is that recursion?)
you mean like someone is purposly misleading people that are on the track of something. In this case: yes
Just bumping this topic so it is visible again for any new users that would like to share where their username came from.
Mine comes from 1999/2000 when I went from being a carpet installer at Bayliner to going to college in the IT field. It was a crossroads for me. Hard to believe I've had this username for 23 years.
At the risk of being labelled Cpn. Obvious, U-name is derived from (you guessed it) the OS I use.
On a related note, my wife and I just moved across the country and the closest big city to us now is Pittsburgh, which boasts the NHL team, the Pittsburgh Penguins!
Not sure which year, was it 2016? They were awesome, although I rooted for the "upstart" San Jose Sharks to win the Stanley Cup. I wish I was able to watch more of the NHL playoffs. :)
I mostly use a couple of different user names on various forums, (but always with different passwords). ;)

Camtaf comes from reversing Fatmac, which I chose to remind me to get more exercise! ;) :cool:
On a related note, my wife and I just moved across the country and the closest big city to us now is Pittsburgh, ...

Hey MattWinter - what's your closest "suburb" or "not-so-big-city" around Pittsburgh? I'm in the Plum/Monroeville/Murrysville area (when you shoot off the end of the Parkway East but miss the turnpike). Maybe we could get together for a coffee or a beer some time.

My own user name, made up especially for linux.org registration, simply reflects my favorite OS - "Micro Core" (the gui-less base of Tiny Core).
I've had many nicknames in the past, until I thought of the name Space Banana in 2015.

I used to play a lot of Star Wars Battlefront 2, the original one from 2005. I played both the ps2 and pc ports, nowadays just pc.

In 2015, EA's reboot of this franchise started, and while now I don't really play the rebooted games, back then it felt like magic. I thought of a nickname that was somehow related to space/starwars/sci-fi so I chose my first name as "Space", and then I just threw the dice and thought of adding the name of a fruit lol, Banana.

It doesn't have much meaning beyond that, but the name still feels natural to pronounce, and everybody knows me as Space Banana, so I kept the name
@STaylor : Where did your -avatar- come from? That dog looks disturbingly right-side-up! :)
About nicknames,

I call myself "The Fly Sniper".

Let me explain.

When the weather is nice, I like leaving all the windows and door open. Invariably, flies find their way into my house. Most people use a fly-swatter to rid themselves of the offenders. I have issues with that. It's disgusting and unsanitary. I have no desire to clean up smeared fly guts. They could end up on my kitchen table, counters, end tables. And God forbid their life ends on my monitor! I don't want to inadvertently knocked sentimental fragile nick-knacks and so forth.

Fly tape is unattractive. My cats play with it, It gets stuck on their paws and fur. They run around the house trying to get rid of tape. Anything in their path gets stuck on the tape. I got it stuck in my hair before. I refuse to mist every surface in my home with bug spray, not to mention the toxins my cats and I would be breathing in.

So this is what I do...

As an organic gardener, I know that ordinary soap relieves me six-legged annoyances. I always have a spray bottle with diluted dish soap handy when I'm in my garden. I keep one in the house too. Since soap can get sticky, that one has Gain scented Mr Clean. The Gain scent doesn't do anything. I just like the way it smells.

I keep the bottle on jet stream. When I find trespassers, I take aim with my bottle to get rid of them. I've been doing this for a while now. I have really good aim. I can take them out mid-flight from across the room. If there are a lot of flies in the house, I track them down in 007 stealth mode, creeping around the house, peeking around the corners, sneaking up on the places they always seem to land. Sometimes I find 2 or more lounging on a table, counter, a flat surface. I slink closer, quiet, line them all up in Mr Clean jet stream. With a single trigger I take them all out at once!

Later on, I go around the house with my Wet-Dry Vac cleaning up dead bodies. This brings me to another fun activity!

Flies habitually suspend themselves from the ceiling when they go to bed for the evening. If I sneak up slowly from behind them with the end of the vacuum hose close to the ceiling I can suck them up before they know what hit them. I recently figured out that a bright LED flash light blinds them. They don't even see me standing right in front of them.

I've become an expert marksman with my bottle of Gain scented Mr Clean. I can even take out mosquitos and gnats from across the room now! Sometimes when I'm bored I think about opening up the house to let in a bunch of flies and pretend to be James Bond in drag!
I've become an expert marksman with my bottle of Gain scented Mr Clean.

I was stationed in Peru and my main mission was to look sharp. So, I spent a lot of time keeping myself and my uniforms squared away. This meant a lot of time in the barracks. There were so many flies.

Anyhow, I got pretty good at catching them mid-flight with my hands. You can then throw the fly against something, usually the floor, and it kills the fly. You keep your hand closed as you make the throwing motion of course.

This amused me when there wasn't a whole lot of other amusement to be had. I was attached to the embassy and we had a whole lot of conduct rules. I was trying to save money as well, which is why I would be dealing with my own uniforms.

NOTE: I did manage to save some money. I also made money with cards and on the pool table, which was nice. Of course, the officers would never gamble with us. No, sir. That never happened.

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