Today's article is all about balenaEtcher...


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Jul 23, 2020
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I was busy when the article was officially published (it was scheduled and publishes itself automatically) and, strangely, already had a comment there. This pleases me.

Feedback is awesome.

Etcher supports all three major operating systems – Windows, macOS, and Linux-based distros, with versions for each of them being available on its GitHub repository.

Can Etcher Burn Windows ISO?
Yes, Etcher can burn Windows OS image files to both SD cards and USB flash drives. It can also burn OS images of MacOS, Linux, and even Android to make bootable SD and USB flash drives. Can It Make Bootable USBs Only? Etcher is not only capable of creating bootable USBs but is also capable of creating bootable SD and hard drives.
Thanks (twice). I've had conflicting information with that, so I wasn't sure. I've seen multiple people claim it works for Windows ISOs and multiple people claim it doesn't work - mostly right here on this site!

I just finished the article for two days from now. I am not sure why, but it is so much easier writing ahead of time and scheduling them. It's obviously something going on in my head. It takes x-amount of time, regardless. I almost always know what the next few articles are going to be about, sometimes even having drafts. But if I write them on the day of publication it's stressful and I feel less motivated.
I've seen multiple people claim it works for Windows ISOs and multiple people claim it doesn't work - mostly right here on this site!
I love Etcher. It works great... (most of the time)... with Linux ISO files.

I think I'm one of those who say it won't work with Windows 10, and I'm afraid I have to stick with that story. I just downloaded the latest appimage (1.5.115-x64) from website and it still fails me. The GitHub site instructions for adding a repository for Debian/Ubuntu also fails with errors on my Ubuntu-based Zorin, and I'm not interested in trying to fix this. I also have no interest in building it from source, but the source is slightly newer (1.5.121) than the appimage on Burning a Windows USB is just not worth all this trouble. ;)

I have the latest ISO downloaded from Microsoft, Win10_21H1_English_x64.iso, and Windows Media Creation Tool successfully burned this to a USB. I've used that USB for 2 successful installs on laptops recently. So there is no defect in the ISO. If Etcher needs to be run inside Windows in order to burn a Windows ISO, then you might as well use Media Creation Tool instead. If you can get Etcher in Linux to actually work to burn a working Windows 10 ISO, then please enlighten me. Again, though, Etcher should be a "simple solution" and not require building from source.

Wanna try for yourself? You can download Windows 10 from Microsoft here. It's about 5.4 GB. I suspect that the Windows ISO is not a standard ISO, and that is causing the problem. I have not found any Linux tools that will work correctly, though there are several who claim to work. I am tired of trying... Windows is not worth all this trouble. (Be careful, or I'll say that again! ;))

Etcher fails at the first stage... picking the ISO file. Here is what it shows:

I've used this for a long time for Linux ISOs and it works great, don't use windwoes so wouldn't know about that.
I always used the Media Creation Tool when making a bootable usb for Windows OS and it never fails always works.

Once etcher is installed in Windows it works fine to create bootable Linux usb media.

Rufus has been a PITA sometimes and fails after it starts or just never starts so I don't use it.
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Just a heads up, David, on making appimage executable before use.

I've been using Etcher for 4 years (see )

and not once had to make it executable. Just double-click and you're up and running.

Am I using some wizardry, or are you not holding your mouth the right way? :)

Smashed 4 stars at your place, will leave commenting there until I learn maybe something I don't know.

Keep up the good work.

Etcher has been my go to .iso burner for quite sometime. I use the appimage and have used it accross multiple Distros an OS's. It's a keeper. Thank you for the article :)
Just double-click and you're up and running.

Hmm... Not sure what the difference would be - though check it on Lubuntu. If you don't make it executable, it pops up with a text box. If you make it executable, you don't have to deal with that. I don't think I've used an AppImage on anything but.
Just a heads up, David, on making appimage executable before use.

Huh... I just did some testing and it tosses up a modal asking if I want to execute it. That's different than I'm used to. So, it appears (on this system) that I needn't set the executable bit manually. Neat and thanks!
I guess I will give this a try my last attempts from the pi 4 web page have been promising but yet failed.
Hi Tobey, good to see you, Mate! :) Been too long.

So, it appears (on this system) that I needn't set the executable bit manually.

David it is actually to do with how the various File Managers handle Appimages.

Both PCManFM and Dolphin toss in a modal step. KDE's Dolphin offers an opportunity to Execute the file and Do Not Show This Message Again, ie you train it. PCManFM does not offer that,

Nautilus aka Files (GNOME), Caja (MATE), Nemo (Cinnamon), and Thunar (Xfce) all just work on the double-click.

And in all cases, the zip downloaded from Balena's site, when extracted has the Appimage already executable.

I have a spare Linux Mint 20 'Ulyana' Cinnamon I use for Testing, and I have tested this by installing another 5 FM's besides Nemo.

The screenshot below gives a preview about this, and I will put more together on my tomorrow.



Great info Wizard. Thanks for sharing :)
I have a spare Linux Mint 20 'Ulyana' Cinnamon I use for Testing, and I have tested this by installing another 5 FM's besides Nemo.

I have no idea what I did, but I have issues running AppImages on my LM and my LMDE box - it's issues on both of 'em. I don't really care enough to dig into it and figure it out, as they're just testing boxes.
David another heads up - if you right-click the appimage in your PCManFM-Qt you can check a box to "trust this executable", that will eliminate the nag feature.

You can also drag and drop the appimage from the FM to either the desktop or to QuickLauncher and the icon generated (cog-shaped) provides a symlink to the appimage.

Making a custom icon (I use Balena's) for it takes a little more work.


Making a custom icon (I use Balena's) for it takes a little more work.

I might have to look into that, thanks. I don't do much with AppImages, Flatpaks, Snaps, or whatever...
I just downloaded Balena's icon and use that. In Cinnamon DE it's quite easy to add an entry to the main menu and It's easy in KDE also. So I always have it in the menu.

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