( Solved ) The Witcher 3 game does not work after updating to next gen


New Member
Jul 1, 2023
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( Solved )

At Steam game settings menu, in the beta tests tab, you can roll back to the classic version of the game running on DX11. And there are no more problems

After the update, the game stopped showing the image, menu sound is working, but the image is one color.
Kernel: 6.3.10-x64v3-xanmod1 x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 12.3.0 (It didn't work on the standard kernel either)
Distro: Linux Mint 21.1 (It also did not work on Linux manjaro)
CPU: Intel Core i3-6100
Graphics: GeForce GTX 750 Ti
Nvidida driver: 530.41.03
Proton version tested: GE-Proton8-4, Proton Experimental, Proton 8,0-2, Proton 6,3-8
Also, just for the test, I downloaded Cyberpunk 2077 and the same problem is there, the image is one color and the sound of the menu works.
Maybe it's a special problem with CD Project games?
Because I haven't faced any problems with other games yet
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Graphics: GeForce GTX 750 Ti

That cake won't bake, son, no matter how good of a pastry chef you are.
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What graphics preset are you using to run the Witcher 3? It looks like your gpu doesn't even have the minimum requirements for the normal graphics presets, how do you expect to run nextgen RT preset graphics?
I am able to run The Wither 3 without any issues with the RT Ultra graphics preset.
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The same goes for goes for Cyberpunk 2077.
I have no issues running it with the RT Ultra graphics preset.

Your cpu isn't even in the mininum normal requirements for either games, so I would suspect that same goes for your memory. Upgrade your hardware!
@BigBadBeef Was that last line really necessary? Almost of our rules can be summed up as 'be civil'.
Removed by my own accord. After all these years, I still have to get it into my head that the world is bigger than the former Yugoslavian states, just as much as the world has to realize, that former Yugoslavian states are in it now. If this were a live conversation between my countrymen, I would have been berated for being too soft on OP, but I digress.

Nevertheless, can we honestly say, that OP wasn't at least partly at fault for, as someone who plays games, not having to take the time to familiarize himself with the notion of "system requirements"? I mean, he spelled his computer specs out so nicely, surely I am not being unreasonable in aggressively pointing out that he is supposed to know better? Annyways, I've removed it to keep the peace.

RandomGamingHD is a youtube channel for the budget oriented gamer. It has over half a million subscribers. By that authority, he stopped recommending the 750Ti as a budget oriented gaming card over a year ago. His most recent releases have him managing difficulties running games on the 750Ti at all. I fear that OP's system has reached the end of it's usability in playing modern games.
I've since removed my comment as it's no longer necessary. Thanks.

That cake won't bake, son, no matter how good of a pastry chef you are.
These are the minimum requirements of cyberpunk
I ran it just to check if the menu itself would appear
The question was in The Witcher 3
The same goes for goes for Cyberpunk 2077.
I have no issues running it with the RT Ultra graphics preset.

Your cpu isn't even in the mininum normal requirements for either games, so I would suspect that same goes for your memory. Upgrade your hardware!
What graphics preset are you using to run the Witcher 3? It looks like your gpu doesn't even have the minimum requirements for the normal graphics presets, how do you expect to run nextgen RT preset graphics?
I am able to run The Wither 3 without any issues with the RT Ultra graphics preset.
Before that, I ran the witcher on medium-high settings at 40-35 frames per second.
After upgrading to NEXT GEN, I can't even run the game? wtf?
And I can't even turn it off now?

I'm not surprised with cyberpunk
I just wanted to check if there was the same problem there (it's the same developer).
And yes, the problem in these games is identical
Before that, I ran the witcher on medium-high settings at 40-35 frames per second.
After upgrading to NEXT GEN, I can't even run the game? wtf?
And I can't even turn it off now?
You have a graphics card was released 9 years ago, you shouldn't be surprised that you can't run NextGen graphics presets on it. NextGen presets have raytracing, dlss etc.
You should still have the normal graphics preset if you were able to run that before, you can just select them from through graphic settings menu.
Screenshot from 2023-07-01 18-36-49.png
You have a graphics card was released 9 years ago...
I've been doing some checking and it seems that OP's card was indeed released the same years as mine, which is a GTX 980. What I'm trying to say by that, is that my card is roughly 281% faster than OP's, and even I am having problems running modern games at decent resolutions and framerates. What chance does OP have?

OP's system might have been the budget king up to the year 2020, but after that he's really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Try as he might, system requirements are a matter of science, not wishful thinking.
The question was in The Witcher 3
For the witcher 3 next gen, its your CPU that is going to choke, since it's 19% (in average performance) below the minimum.

Listen, its not going to happen, it just won't. Even if you can get it to run, you will only make your eyeballs bleed with the aliased slide show you'll be watching.

Luckily for you, Things are going quite better on the budget pc market, have a look at this:

For such a small package, it has some serious power under the hood!
I've been doing some checking and it seems that OP's card was indeed released the same years as mine, which is a GTX 980. What I'm trying to say by that, is that my card is roughly 281% faster than OP's, and even I am having problems running modern games at decent resolutions and framerates. What chance does OP have?
You have a graphics card was released 9 years ago, you shouldn't be surprised that you can't run NextGen graphics presets on it. NextGen presets have raytracing, dlss etc.
You should still have the normal graphics preset if you were able to run that before, you can just select them from through graphic settings menu.
View attachment 16206
You have a graphics card was released 9 years ago, you shouldn't be surprised that you can't run NextGen graphics presets on it. NextGen presets have raytracing, dlss etc.
You should still have the normal graphics preset if you were able to run that before, you can just select them from through graphic settings menu.
View attachment 16206
I don't know how the discussion even got into graphical settings of RT, DLSS, etc.
I just can't get into the menu after the update, only a black screen and I don't know how to do anything to make the game at least start again
Indeed, that. Now if you scroll down the relative performance chart, you will find my card considerably further down the line. And if my card struggles, his practically doesn't have a chance.

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