Linux desktop sucks 2025!!!

I don't get it. I was going to write "So, why are you still here", but then I saw that it was "satire". I still don't get it. Satire is funny. Satire points to flaws in logic. This was just 100 percent made up lies. Would not cause anyone to laugh but would sure make a beginner go the other way. I just don't get it
Come on what's not to get.

How many times do new to Linux folks complain about Linux.

Linux doesn't do this like Windows does.
Why doesn't Linux have software like Windows does.
Why doesn't Linux work like Windows etc etc etc.

The post was a comical post about all of the complaining about the why Linux doesn't do things the Windows way.

Some new to Linux users are just plain lazy and don't want to learn the ways and the how to do knowledge to make Linux work for them.

What some new users want is for us to tell them exactly where to go to get this and what replaces this Windows software etc etc etc.


satire /săt′īr″/


  1. A literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
  2. The branch of literature constituting such works.
  3. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose human foolishness or vice.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik


Nothing I see here says a thing about lies.

All I see referenced here is foolishness / sarcasm and wit.

So how can anyone not find humor in @f33dm3bits posts which is what I don't get.

isnt this the thread that was locked the other day?

if you dont like linux, well, there's a bunch of other options.
I guess some people were just built with deadpan souls lacking even a molecule of humor within their being lol.

I read the post in it's entirety, and it's quite obvious.

I tell people all of the time that I have no idea what I'm doing on Linux, because it really feels that way. But if I can read this post and understand what's fact, what's fiction, and comprehend the fundamentals of linux enough to get a chuckle out of this, I must be ahead of the curve. 0_o.

Maybe I should start proudly claiming to be a "power user", because it's stuff like this that makes me feel that spite how little I feel I know; I simultaneously feel I know Linux better than 80% of the "Linux" community.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. is the ONLY place I've found to convey and display any level of Linux competence to any respectable tip of the hat to understanding genuine linux diversity.

Anywhere else I've gone, it's like the communities are echo chambers for their choice distros; and the irony is that even in those echo chambers only a small top % of users (usually the mods) and a few select power users that use linux daily for a living, actually know anything about the systems.

Here at, most of us can somewhat confidently, if not confidently, say that we speak fluent Arch, Debian, and Fedora. And if that statement means nothing to you, you clearly don't understand Linux.

Ok, I'ma hop off my philosophical high horse now, flip on some EDM and get back to building a Hyprland experience until my eyes bleed.

Pfft, I'm already here, why not.
................... I use Arch...BTW

EDIT: If you still don't get "We speak fluent Arch,Debian, and Fedora", click YouTube link for video explanation. It'll catch you up to speed young padawan.
I guess some people were just built with deadpan souls lacking even a molecule of humor within their being lol.

You know, there's no reason to get nasty just because somebody doesn't agree with you or sees things the same way as you.
You know, there's no reason to get nasty just because somebody doesn't agree with you or sees things the same way as you.

I'm starting to see a pattern here. It helps to read the entirety of the post before responding, not just smacking that reply button the moment you take offense to something someone says.

You find these things offensive; others find it funny. Who's to judge?

If I got butthurt every time someone cracked a joke about me, my personality or what have you's; I'd probably have to be perscribed 10 anti-psychotic meds to be taken each morning over coffee and have to have 6 therapy sessions a week if I were so concerned about something so insignificant as someone elses opinion.

I grew up blue collar, if someone saying you've got no sense of humor and akin it to a deapan soul is considered rude; please, for the love of all that is holy, never spent more than 30 seconds in any given mechanics garage or really any blue collar field.

It's nothing personal. Its just an observation.

This makes me want to share my discord status; as I feel this conversation will inevitably end up in that field if it doesn't end up closed lol.
I grew up blue collar, if someone saying you've got no sense of humor and akin it to a deapan soul is considered rude; please, for the love of all that is holy, never spent more than 30 seconds in any given mechanics garage or really any blue collar field.

Stop painting people with a big brush. I work blue collar as well. And what does that have to do with anything?
Stop painting people with a big brush. I work blue collar as well. And what does that have to do with anything?

This is really going to end up getting the thread locked; but I'm slightly amused.

Fair enough. But in all my years I can't think of a single blue collar job that I'd held that wasn't chock full of what eh, some people, would consider to be incredibly offensive, dark, twisted sense of humor. It's just the nature of the beast.

If you work blue collar and you've managed to remain so sensitive, I'd really like to know what field you work; as it sounds delightfully comfortable and appealing.

Forgive me for my callused rhinos skin.
ah it's a satire post. eh....

Exactly. :)

I had two (2) Reports against this Thread from 2 Members, and I advised both that they should know the OP better by now - let alone the fact that he is a Gold Supporter, which means that he both supports Linux and supports this site (David take a look at closed reports).

He has over 5 years tenure here, nearly 8,000 Posts and over 6,000 Likes.

I moved this thread to Off Topic, because it is less visible to the world (his previous satirical posts have been here).

There are obviously differing viewpoints from the Members providing input here, as to whether they read it at face value, or spotted the irony in the content.

That being said, you do not have to have Asperger's Syndrome like me (or be on another part of The Autistic Spectrum) to misunderstand or misinterpret something said, written or viewed.

You do not have to be of high intelligence, average intelligence, or be a white collar worker, blue collar worker, or other career or vocation... to make mistakes and to misinterpret.

You DO have the power to read something at least twice and look at who published it and their history, and engage into gear the material between your left ear and your right ear before saying some vitriolic, offensive, or otherwise off colour, and personally attacking a person.

And then think better of (not) saying it.

Thank you

Chris Turner
I read the lead post when it was put up and found it amusing, after which I didn't come back to it, in the interim, it has taken on a life of its own.
The poster has almost developed a British/Antipodean sense of humour, which may be misconstrued by others.
I enjoy the occasional light relief and admit to making tongue in cheek comment/post occasionally, without the occasional quip or off-topic comment things would become as boring as reading screen scraped [AI] post
For those that didn't get it. Care to explain in your world view what you see as a joke because seems enough people got it and guessing from different countries around the world, so probably not a cultural thing thing? My view of a joke is trying to make someone laugh and/or see the stupidity in something without purposly trying to hurt or attack someone.
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I’m a bit late to the party.
I didn’t manage to check in at all yesterday. Was busy with work all day, so I missed all of this.

When reading the original post, I initially assumed that this was satire from seeing the thread title, which looked like a reference to Bryan Lunduke’s ‘Linux Sucks’ series of videos.

But later in the post, I did start to wonder if @f33dm3bits account had been hacked by a Linux hating troll, or whether he was in the middle of having a major breakdown, after some minor Linux desktop-related niggle had finally caused him to snap, ha ha!
which looked like a reference to Bryan Lunduke’s ‘Linux Sucks’ series of videos.
That's was my inspiration.

But later in the post, I did start to wonder if @f33dm3bits account had been hacked by a Linux hating troll,
I have 2FA on my account with different 2FA methods so hopefully chances of my account being hacked should be minimal unless there is some security whole in the forum software.

he was in the middle of having a major breakdown, after some minor Linux desktop-related niggle had finally caused him to snap, ha ha!
Nop still loving Linux and been using it for more than 15 years now, a few years less as a daily driver.
But later in the post, I did start to wonder if @f33dm3bits account had been hacked by a Linux hating troll,

That's what I was thinking as well, because I recognize the poster and that he has been around the forums a lot longer than me. Proof: go back to my second post in this thread.

But what ticks me off are the thinly veiled statements that those who misunderstood the post are either "stoopid" or lacking in some other way. And then to be painted with a "big brush" by people who only know you (and that's a generic "you") through a forum.

Maybe I'm overreacting, but my opinion of this forum has been taken down a notch by this.
(David take a look at closed reports).

I couldn't help but chuckle.

For the record, I'm not going to delete a post that has a negative view of Linux so long as it's civil in its nature. This isn't a 'free speech zone', or anything like that, but folks are allowed to hold such opinions.

Such a post should be constructive in its nature, of course. Ideally, the poster of such should also have an open mind and be able to handle refutation. Of course, your mind shouldn't be so open that your smarts fall out.
For those that didn't get it. Care to explain in your world view what you see as a joke because seems enough people got it and guessing from different countries around the world, so probably not a cultural thing thing? My view of a joke is trying to make someone laugh and/or see the stupidity in something without purposly trying to hurt or attack someone.
I'm still waiting for an answer about this because I'm genuinely interested in this to see if I can understand other people's world view of what a joke is to them, so that I can try understand why they might not have gotten it?
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