Linux desktop sucks 2025!!!


Gold Member
Gold Supporter
Dec 11, 2019
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Why does Linux still suck so bad in 2025?!!

Let me start with desktop environments. KDE Plasma what a joke, full of constant bugs and you have to have a degree in computer science to find anything in the settings. Gnome not any better, you need to use extensions to add basic functionality that Windows has out of the box, Cinnamon and LXQT look likey the came from before 2010. Now come the worst ones, LXDE, Xfce and Mate they look like they are from the time when Richard Stallman had just graduated from college. Software stores are crap, most of the time they break and when you ask on a forum like of how to fix your system they tell you to open a terminal and run some random command. Like what age are we living in the 90's, terminal's shouldn't be needed anymore there should be good working GUI's for everything!

Tiling window managers? Are you joking?! Having to manually configure everything and playing around with windows like we are solving a Rubik's Cube. Are we here to work or to solve puzzles while using our computer? They generally look like trash and you need to be an expert in css and some programming language to configure them or else you will be called a noob when using one that you configure in a regular text file.

Packaging and package managers on Linux are a disaster. rpm, apt, pacman, zypper, portage, nix. Why the need for so many, all distributions should just pick one that way there is more standardization between distributions Also security on Linux what a joke, no desktop application containerization package managers the packages are installed by root, what happens if the source gets compromized and you run an infected package as root on your system. Apparmor pretty much useless on other distributions because the profiles only get written for Ubuntu. Don't get me started on selinux, you call that security having the NSA spy on your system since we all know there is a backdoor in selinux.

We we get to some form of desktop application containerization. Snaps, are a seucrity risk because of the Snapstore and had already had snaps there were infected. Flatpaks are trash and install libraries dependencies double for each Flatpak application and on top of that also not to mention what is already installed on your system by native packaging. Appimages? Shut the frontdoor, these are a laughing joke most of them don't automatically update and they don't even integrate correctly with your desktop environment so you have to manually create shortcuts for them so that you can use them as shortcut or find some abscure program that one person manages for it to be done automatically.

Gaming on Linux? Is utter trash, your depending on the Steam client, Lutris or HGL. Some games work others don't and when you want to play your favorite fps shooter or competative game you can't because of Kernel Anti-cheat not working on Linux. You need to look up launch options on ProtonDB or use random install scripts from Lutris. Now you are stuck to opensource games, they are worse that dos games from back in the 90's! Oh wait you can write your own game on Linux because everyone is a super nerde code hacker

Linux and opensource software are amateur pieces of garbage compure to propietary software which good looking and well thought out GUI's. GIMP as alternative for Photoshop, stop don't make me laugh you might make me defecate myself, the Photoshop subscriptions are well worth it compared to how much time you lose with GIMP. Libreoffice, it looks like Word Perfect and and notepad had a child together, although even notepad looks better than something like nano, vim and emacs which the latter one you need to memorize a manual for. Speaking of opensource software, it seems like all applications do their own theming and don't use the system theming.

Windows and MacOS are better. They collect telemetry for good reason, so they know how to improve your user experience. They won't abuse your data and sell it to the highest bidder, but they have honest intentions. They can then use that same data to monitor the security of your system, so they can notifiy you if something out of the ordinary is happening on your system. That's what I call real security, as for what else you get. You get life and mental security as for when you do too many searches on something that could harm you or someone else, then they can just notify a medical professional to save your life or that other person's life. I call that way better security than any form of security Linux could every give.

Long story short. Linux and opensource software still sucks in 2025. Just give it and move to a real os like Windows or MacOS. You have a real well thought out user interface and you get applications that are actaully done well and you get customer support with the software you pay or the subscriptions for the software you have. No need to deal with support questions on forums like these. Lastly you can just use the Windows software store to install most of your applications and won't need to worry about not being able to install games launcher because it not being supported by something else. And most importantly kernel level anti-cheat works so you can play all of your favorite fps shooters and competative games and race simulators. Meaning you get even more security by those anti-cheat companies tracking the security on your system since they can also see everything that happens on your pc.

If I haven't convinced you to switched to Windows or MacOS you are a lost cause and instead of using Linux(or BSD) you just be a real nerd not some fake nerd who uses an operating system written by someone else. Instead go be a real nerd like Terry Davis and write your own operating system since you think you can write something better than Windows or MacOS.

P.S Even TempleOS is better than that garbage piece of software that all of you use in different variants and call GNU/Linux. I rest my case, see you on the otherside in Windows or MacOS or I will use a ouji board to summon Terry Davis and ask him to haunt you into learning HolyC so you can write your own os which is the only thing better than using GNU/Linux.



P.S Image cropped by GIMP.
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Beautiful witness, the beauty of free software is that it is not forgotten to use them, free to you ...;)
what an amazingly inflammatory post.

If you feel linux sucks and is so bad, GO BACK TO WINDOZE

I won't even go into how you are wrong on nearly every point. especially the lack of security in Linux. I think you meant to say windoze not linux. Got it confused I see.
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It sounds like it was written by Mr. Poettering himself.
I reported it as an inflammatory post. maybe if more do that it will be removed along with the poster.
Thread locked, pending review.

You all need to not take life and Linux so seriously, the whole post was meant as a joke or sataric post.
Like The Onion does satarical news articles.

Kind of like this person has been doing every year.

I reported it as an inflammatory post. maybe if more do that it will be removed along with the poster.
It sounds like it was written by Mr. Poettering himself.
You could have checked that my account wasn't created yesterday, that my post count is almost 8000 and seen in my previous replies in topics how much time I have spent on these forums and how passionate I am about Linux and opensource software.

I have done these type of posts in the past like these two.

This one was a bit more expanded and extreme but I thought it would be obvious because I basically listed most things that Linux gets dissed for on Reddit and other like places.

I also placed some other over the top remarks, one that only someone that has been using Linux and opensource for a while would know. Like this one.
Now come the worst ones, LXDE, Xfce and Mate they look like they are from the time when Richard Stallman had just graduated from college.
I thought that would be an obvious one, only people who have been using Linux and free and opensource software know his name because I haven't met anyone who uses Windows or MacOS who knows Richard Stallman.
Gnome not any better, you need to use extensions to add basic functionality that Windows has out of the box,
I use Gnome.

Tiling window managers? Are you joking?! Having to manually configure everything and playing around with windows like we are solving a Rubik's Cube. Are we here to work or to solve puzzles while using our computer?
I have used tiling window managers, including i3wm, Sway and Hyprland.

Then me dissing GIMP.
GIMP as alternative for Photoshop, stop don't make me laugh you might make me defecate myself, the Photoshop subscriptions are well worth it compared to how much time you lose with GIMP.
Then at the end of my topic under my image I have said.

P.S Image cropped by GIMP.

As for my comment about security and privacy.
They collect telemetry for good reason, so they know how to improve your user experience. They won't abuse your data and sell it to the highest bidder, but they have honest intentions.
Everyone that has been around long enough should know I care enough about security and privacy to know that is a false comment and even if you don't know you know that with Microsoft's reputation that's not true as well.

And if that wasn't abovious this part was supposed to make it even more obvious.
They can then use that same data to monitor the security of your system, so they can notifiy you if something out of the ordinary is happening on your system. That's what I call real security, as for what else you get. You get life and mental security as for when you do too many searches on something that could harm you or someone else, then they can just notify a medical professional to save your life or that other person's life.

And that my final comment that should have made it even more obvious because it was one of the least serious comments was this one.
I rest my case, see you on the otherside in Windows or MacOS or I will use a ouji board to summon Terry Davis and ask him to haunt you into learning HolyC so you can write your own os which is the only thing better than using GNU/Linux.

Mentioning the GOAT of programmers who wrote an entire os by himself. May he RIP.

I did my very best to make it obvious and I think it's good sometimes to have some fun and have a good hard laugh instead of only getting "Please help me with my Linux install, I don't know what to do." type of posts. Also we shouldn't take Linux so serious all the time especially not when you have a long time Linux user dissing Linux.
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Idk what's funnier, the OP itself or the fact that it was actually taken seriously. I'm literally busting a gut over here lol.

I knew within the first 3 lines that this was obviously satire. But that may be simply because well.... I actually use linux and understand that it's never looked better for Linux than it does now; and it's quite literally a contender to windows for anyone competent enough to stay away from Ubuntu and pretty much any forum obviously crowded with people who "use" linux, but really never understood anything beyond getting through a graphical installer lol cough reddit cough.
it's never looked better for Linux than it does now; and it's quite literally a contender to windows for anyone competent enough to stay away from Ubuntu and pretty much any forum obviously crowded with people who "use" linux, but really never understood anything beyond getting through a graphical installer lol cough reddit cough.
And some people wanted my account banned for this?
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I am not sure how anyone took that at face value and not as it was meant.

Astute observation would indicate that I was online after said post. Had it been otherwise intended, I'd have probably said something about it. I might have even locked the thread as 'trolling'.

I did none of those things. OP is a long-term Linux user who has been on this site longer than I have.

Though, I did not see any reports about it during my shift. Had I seen any, I'd have pointed out that it was obviously meant in jest and I'd have possibly suggested that folks be sure to knock the sand out of their knickers.
I don't get it. I was going to write "So, why are you still here", but then I saw that it was "satire". I still don't get it. Satire is funny. Satire points to flaws in logic. This was just 100 percent made up lies. Would not cause anyone to laugh but would sure make a beginner go the other way. I just don't get it

OMG I can't believe anyone would take @f33dm3bits post as anything other than what it was funny as hell.

I got it from the git-go.

Anyone who knows @f33dm3bits knows he has a sense of humor and on occasion may do this once in awhile.

I've seen several forums where members and staff act as though they are constipated and grumpy with no sense of humor boring.

Lighten up folks lets keep the forum fun and have a laugh every now and then.

Sometimes ya just got to say what the hell and cut loose.

A wise old man once said and I quote.

"No Matter What's Bothering You Or How Bad You Feel If You Fart You'll Feel Better."
Heck, I'm pretty sure this isn't even the first time he's written a post like this, now that I think about it...

Also, the big ol' "Gold Supporter" should help give it away.
Windows and MacOS are better. They collect telemetry for good reason, so they know how to improve your user experience. They won't abuse your data and sell it to the highest bidder, but they have honest intentions
You are right except on the above statement in bold. They don't collect telemetry at all, this is fake news. You just give them your data and they keep it just to look at it in their dear diaries, saying "oh dear diary I have a new friend".
I still don't get it. Satire is funny. Satire points to flaws in logic. This was just 100 percent made up lies. Would not cause anyone to laugh but would sure make a beginner go the other way. I just don't get it

You're not the only one. I don't get it either. Reminds me of the time about 6 or 7 years ago the Devuan devs made the Devuan website look like it got hacked. It was supposed to be an April Fool's thing. I don't see what it would accomplish except turning people off.

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