Issue with Bang & Olufsen speakers

But with that in mind, since I'm not finding much else to go with, let me point to a couple of Ubuntu articles concerning Beats Audio and alsa configurations. I don't know if the hda-jack-retask app is available in the AUR, but it looks like the source (by David Henningsson) is available in links on these pages.

I've already tried that; it doesn't seem to have worked for me yet. The last time I used it, it showed a different driver and different pin numbers. Right now it's giving me segfaults when I try to run it after a stream of lines like this:

(hda-jack-retask:6028): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_combo_box_text_insert: assertion 'text != NULL' failed

The AMD graphics drivers should not have any affect on the internal sound card. From your first post the audio card is supported by intel audio. Digging through the thread a little, I noticed you tried building a driver for the 3.0 kernel. Assuming you are, in fact, using Arch generic then the 3.0 kernel drivers will not work. Arch has not been on the 3.0 kernel for some time and drivers for older kernels usually do not work on newer kernels. I would suggest using a pure installation not from a script.

Concerning AMD GPU drivers in general, on ARCH the only officially supported drivers are the opensource drivers. Please refer to this page for installation instructions:

I'm trying the Intel drivers and AMD drivers now; I've gone on an installing spree.
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I've already tried that; it doesn't seem to have worked for me yet. The last time I used it, it showed a different driver and different pin numbers. Right now it's giving me segfaults when I try to run it after a stream of lines like this:

(hda-jack-retask:6028): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_combo_box_text_insert: assertion 'text != NULL' failed

I'm trying the Intel drivers and AMD drivers now; I've gone on an installing spree.
The intel audio drivers are already installed, they are included in the kernel itself.
If the Beats Audio tweaks to alsa mentioned above do not give any help, then I'm at a loss too. @JasKinasis noted earlier that your kernel version is a little behind, and it might help to update that since it is the source for your sound drivers. Or as I also mentioned earlier, you might try some other distros, especially the latest versions with more recent kernels. I just installed Linux Mint 18.2-beta and it included Kernel 4.8, as does Peppermint 8. Booting a live distro might show you if the sound issue has been fixed or improved.
If the Beats Audio tweaks to alsa mentioned above do not give any help, then I'm at a loss too. @JasKinasis noted earlier that your kernel version is a little behind, and it might help to update that since it is the source for your sound drivers. Or as I also mentioned earlier, you might try some other distros, especially the latest versions with more recent kernels. I just installed Linux Mint 18.2-beta and it included Kernel 4.8, as does Peppermint 8. Booting a live distro might show you if the sound issue has been fixed or improved.

Arch is on 4.10.13 at the moment.
...then I don't know what to do.
Update your os. If you are running Arch, then it is horribly outdated.
Arch is on 4.10.13 at the moment.

Update your os. If you are running Arch, then it is horribly outdated. I should distro-hop until I find something that updates its packages at similar speeds? What's the fastest rolling-release distro out there?
try installing the LTS kernel. I should distro-hop until I find something that updates its packages at similar speeds? What's the fastest rolling-release distro out there?
Not necessarily, I just suggest you make sure your system is fully up-to-date and not to use an outdated kernel. The realtek drivers available in their custom 3.0 kernel are in the main kernel now. If you want to use Arch, you should install it manually. Perhaps even use the LTS kernel as @maxpro4u suggested.

There are other rolling releases. My other favorite RR distro is OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.
Hi i cannot be helped (you know I am going to shorten that, don't you, if we have more dealings), hi all.
Of those listed, I use:

  • Manjaro (based on Arch)
  • Sabayon (based on Gentoo)
  • Gecko Linux (based on openSUSE Tumbleweed) and
  • PCLinuxOS
I have mixed results with Debian, it usually doesn't like my Graphics drivers. I like it, it just does not reciprocate, lol.

If you want to get right into the ins and outs of RR, might be better starting another Topic, unless use of same solves your Subject matter problem/s - I will leave that to Staff?

We have a Member recently joined whom is an audiophile, uses a number of Linux and also Windows ... I can flag this for his attention and see if he wishes to contribute.

Cheers all and enjoy Linux ... I do, every day!

@JasKinasis noted earlier that your kernel version is a little behind, and it might help to update that since it is the source for your sound drivers.
Um.... No I didn't. i said that the source code he'd downloaded for the driver was written for a much earlier version of the kernel.

Hmm.... Okay.
After reading through the documentation that comes with the source code for the driver - it says in there that it is tested on kernels from v3.0 to v3.2. And from your output, I can see that you are running v4.11 of the kernel. I'm running 4.9 on Debian testing. So we are running kernels that are several releases ahead of the driver.

The OP is running Arch. Arch is probably the most bleeding edge distro out there. Nothing I said implied that his kernel was out of date!

The source-code was written for v3.0-3.2 of the kernel. The OP is running v4.11 and I'm running 4.9. Both of our kernels are much newer than the kernel version that the downloaded drivers source code was written for. The build problems the OP was having with the drivers were because of changes to the kernel API's. There were several things used in the drivers source-code that were no longer available in the newer kernels.

The chances are that the appropriate drivers are either included in the kernel already, or will otherwise be available in the Arch-repos. To manually build from source, the OP could try to track down one of the git repos for the driver and download a newer version. Obviously the Realtek website was the wrong place to be downloading their driver from. Which seems kinda backwards! If anything that should be the go-to place for the latest drivers. :/

And from reading the rest of the thread - it looks as if the OP was barking up the wrong tree with the Realtek drivers anyway...
I'm sorry, but I'm fresh out of ideas at this point. I hope @JasKinasis or @ryanvade will be better help... they are both much more knowledgeable than I. Good luck!


Maybe this might help:

$ cat /sys/class/sound/hwC1D0/init_pin_configs
0x12 0xb7a60130
0x13 0x40000000
0x14 0x90170110
0x16 0x411111f0
0x17 0x411111f0
0x18 0x411111f0
0x19 0x03a11040
0x1a 0x411111f0
0x1b 0x411111f0
0x1d 0x40600001
0x1e 0x411111f0
0x21 0x03211020

That being said, I'm thinking of moving to Manjaro.
Hi all

@ the OP:

I don't think the following is off-topic, as you were on an Arch-variant to start with, and Manjaro is Arch-based, but just be aware (if you are not, already), that if you wish to multi-boot Linux, and by that I do not mean dual with Windows, but boot multiple Linux:

Manjaro has a problem with its Grub, in that it does not want to "share" with other Linux. If you install Manjaro, and then follow that with another Linux or two, it will have a kernel panic and fall over.

This problem even frustrates Manjaro followers, and is widely documented.

That being said, I enjoy Manjaro ... just wish it would learn to share, lol.


That's fine; I'm just looking to see if Python2 will work on it given that the 'HDA-Analyzer' tool doesn't work (there's known issues with Python on Arch which no-one seems to want to fix). I'm trying to map the pins and so that I can use the jack retask module to turn on the subwoofer.
That's fine; I'm just looking to see if Python2 will work on it given that the 'HDA-Analyzer' tool doesn't work (there's known issues with Python on Arch which no-one seems to want to fix). I'm trying to map the pins and so that I can use the jack retask module to turn on the subwoofer.
You should use "python2" to replace every "python" in the "" file since Arch Linux use "python" to stand for "python3" instead of "python2".
Also you need to run the command:
sudo python2 /path/
to execute the python script.
Sorry gang, I know I'm bumping this 3 years later, but there still doesn't seem to be a solution here or anywhere else I can find, but I have hit on the right track for anyone still trying to get this working. HDA Jack retasking was mentioned and dismissed early on in this thread but has gotten me halfway there, I still have to fiddle with the large assortment of pin settings to get the rest.

The issue is the same as a gaming mouse, B&O uses a 4 speaker setup with the front 2 speakers controlled by a power amp, but just like a gaming mouse only mapping the 3 standard buttons by default (and you have to manually task the rest), only the rear 2 speakers are enabled by default, the front 2 and the amp have to be manually set. It is the most badass sound I've ever had in a laptop, but without the amp it's as tinny as any other cheap on-board audio out there.

HP Envy 17t, Ubuntu Mate 20.01.1 LTS, and the soundcard reports back with 4 pins in use by default:
0x12 (Internal Mic),
0x14 (Internal Speaker),
0x15 (Black Headphone, Right Side),
0x1a (Black Mic, Right side)

Selected Realtek ALC3241 and checked "Show unconnected pins," and 0x1d, 0x19, and 0x13 only list Internal Mic for an override option, 0x1e only has SPDIF (which my specific soundcard doesn't have a jack for), and that leaves 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, and 0x1b with a full assortment of override choices.

After a little trial and error, I set the override for 0x16 to "Internal speaker (LFE)" and now the right front speaker and the amp are both working... just not the left front speaker.

I ran into a number of issues getting there, possibly due to not having strong scripting skills, that someone else may be able to work around more easily. Applying the changes came back with a

tee: /sys/class/sound/hwC0D0/reconfig: Device or resource busy

Tried to manually kill pulseaudio and in the terminal got "permission denied" even as SU. Used Mate's System Monitor gui instead to kill it was successful for 2 seconds, then it relaunched immediately, and crashed everything. What I found was I could ignore the "resource busy" message, I just had to log out after getting that message (not reboot), then log back in and the changes were applied.

For anyone looking to dig deeper for the why's and how's for a cleaner solution, originally fuser only reported back:
/dev/snd/controlC0: [user] 9377 F.... pulseaudio

After finding an override that partially worked, fuser now reports back:

/dev/snd/controlC0: [user] 8477 F.... mate-settings-d
                    [user] 9377 F.... pulseaudio
/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p:  [user] 9377 F...m pulseaudio

I haven't delved into any changes made to any of the conf files, I'm just satisfied with the results, but hopefully this can help someone else with this issue, or someone who can actually code to come up with something to make the process easier.
Sorry gang, I know I'm bumping this 3 years later,

Actually, that's fine @Misha and welcome to :)

One of the reasons we leave Threads open is so that the OP can come back with a solution or more information, and also for someone such as yourself who has found a workaround.

I was not a Mod when last I gave input to this Thread, but I am now, so given your experience was earned in Ubuntu Mate, I will move this to Linux Audio/Video. Participants and those following are notified.

One of our resident coding gurus is @JasKinasis , and he may have some ideas on scripting it or otherwise.

Cheers and thanks for sharing

Chris Turner

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