China releases it's first distro


Active Member
Jul 2, 2023
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It's ann open source distro called OpenKylin. Apparantly it has a community of about 4000 devs and used it China's spcae program and other industries. And it's been rumored that China's industrial control response team fo cyber energencies was big bakcer of the poject.

Hopefully we will get half the amount of China's population as Linux gamers, that would sure change the world of Linux gaming even more!
Not quite the first,
the popular Deepin OS is Chinese and been going for a long time, also [a bit newer] Unity Operating System [based on Deepin] there is also a Chinese os based on Ubuntu [but i cant remember what its called
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I'd hazard a guess that they've essentially "forked" Ubuntu Kylin. The Chinese have for a very long time been known as excellent 'imitators'.....but I'm not entirely sure they've yet got either the "nous" OR the enthusiasm to actually build their own from the ground up.

Not that there's any real need to do so. Organisations the world over use GNU/Linux as a base for all sorts of things....

I could, of course, be wrong. I frequently AM. And if they HAVE "gone the whole hog", it's quite on the cards that they used LFS as a starting point.

Just a thought, like.

Mike. ;)
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Its hard to tease this apart.

It is not as though they started with a blank piece of paper and designed everything from the ground up.

It is "based on Linux". Are we to assume it is not Linux? Like Android is based on Linux, but is not seen as Linux.

They did not write Linux. It contains e.g. Mozilla Firefox. They did not write Firefox.

Looks more like a reconstructed pile of Lego bricks
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Definitely chinese......

The Kylin OS (not this one) is more than 20 years old. If I remember my history well enough, that was China's first distro.

What confuses me is the blurbs I read. I just launched on Wednesday, but it's already used by the government, the space program, etc... Ah well...
I'd hazard a guess that they've essentially "forked" Ubuntu Kylin. The Chinese have for a very long time been known as excellent 'imitators'.....but I'm not entirely sure they've yet got either the "nous" OR the enthusiasm to actually build their own from the ground up.

Deepin had some nice quality of life and good integration on top of their new features well before other distros became more developed. Counting them out as simply an imitation simply isn't correct. They innovated, and in good ways.
Color me suspicious, but questions that I would like to see answered are:

Has anyone diff'd the source code against the appropriate distros to see what is new or different in this distro compared with a known baseline distro that is a close match?

Has anyone tried to build it to confirm that the downloaded binaries in installers match what can be built from the source code? (Is it possible to do that in a repeatable way?)

The same questions apply to updates, too.
No amount of source code building or binary verification will do anything for a source people don't trust. I won't be downloading my security updates from China any time soon.
Iff I had a computer that spared its internal SSD drive, or if I had to replace it, I would have installed this OpenKylin to check out without hesitation.

Two problems though:
(1) I haven't tried UKUI but it doesn't look better than Budgie or Cinnamon.
(2) "Iff" above means "IF AND ONLY IF".

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