
  1. M

    Which OS to use for my specific specs?

    Searching for optimal OS for my specs and primarily for gaming purposes (I'm getting off windows). My laptop specs: Acer Nitro 5 Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz, 2304 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB Total Physical Memory...
  2. S

    How to add a mounted drive as a storage location for Steam on Ubuntu

    I recently had trouble with adding a new library location to Steam even though my drive was mounted. After a few days of tinkering, I managed to get it and I would just like to share my steps as it could save someone a lot of trouble. Step 1. Firstly I mounted my drive named minihdd in my...
  3. RanDDoMName

    I can't run this game

    game: Cities : Skylines 1 via Steam error reporting: -------------------------- Native stacktrace: /home/lain-iwakura/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Cities_Skylines/Cities_Data/Mono/x86_64/ [0x7fb0e0e91f55]...
  4. D

    An Accidental Discovery

    So I had heard (on a totally different forum) that there are changes made to some of the core of Steam games so if you install them under cannot play them under Steam. With a good amount of work I got a Linux partition for games loaded up and accessible. But when I ran Steam, it...
  5. D

    How to get CSGO on Linux?

    To play CSGO after the release of CS2 on Windows, you just need to select the csgo_legacy beta version, and also maybe change the server and client version in the steam.inf file. But on Linux, doing that sill just launches CS2. First of all, even after selecting the csgo beta, I had to download...
  6. U

    Problems With Wine And Windows Runtime

    I'm trying to get a certain thing to run. It's Krzys2's Chao Editor. It requires a certain version of Windows Runtime to be installed, and when I install Windows Runtime from the website, Wine doesn't recognize it. When I have Wine GUI installed, open the EXE for the Windows Runtime installer...
  7. Haui111

    F1 2023 is stuttering and GPU stays in "P2" Mode.

    Hi folks, I am - again - regretting to have bought an nvidia gpu (3060ti). Today because I was gifted F1 2023 on Steam. It works pretty reliably most of the time but then there are severe stutters (while playing on steamlink on my apple-tv), up to the point of unplayability/crash. I know...
  8. D

    PSA FL Studio 21...

    FL Studio 21 can be run through the Steam application for games, using "GE Proton 8-4" All you have to do is add the exe with the "add game" button, on the layout I use it was located on the bottom left portion of the Library on Steam. I haven't tried to do anything crazy with it yet, but it...
  9. W

    Install Steam on AntiX Linux

    Hello everyone! Several months ago I installed AntiX Linux Base on an old laptop that I have but when I want to install Steam I get the following messages, I hope you can help me please, I already checked by commands and via Sinaptyc but no broken package was found, it won't let me install...
  10. ARios Projekt

    [SOLVED] Flatpak steam does not run; closes by itself while updating. 'Can't find 'steam-runtime-check-requirements'

    OS: Arch Linux, Kernel: 6.1.8-zen1-1-zen, DE: Plasma w/wayland, CPU: i5 10400, GPU: RX 550 OC; extra/xf86-video-amdgpu 22.0.0-1 | extra/vulkan-radeon 22.3.3-3 I do not have multilib repository enable and I have not even tried to install it through pacman. Steam —flatpak— worked yesterday. System...
  11. tinfoil-hat

    [solved] Will we be able to Play Hogwarts Legacy on Linux?

    I saw it uses Unreal Engine 5, if that helps something
  12. B

    Terminal commands for deleting steam flatpack? (Solus and Pop_Os)

    I'm trying to get steam to recognize my HDD - I have a separate drive to store steam game downloads - but it sounds like I have to delete the steam flatpack to do so. Does anyone know the terminal commands for that? I need them for both Solus and Pop.
  13. M

    VIRPIL hotas / rudder pedals steam connection problems

    I'm having issues with my VPC ACE Flight Pedals (cant see them in steam) I was playing arma 3 when my pedals just randomly stopped responding. Arma could no longer see the pedals and steam could not as well. I then checked to see if they where no longer connected at all using lsusb, all 3 parts...
  14. kibasnowpaw

    is there anyone that know what is going on.

    I had no problem two days ago on this pc. I have been playing 7 Days to Die with no problem at a friend's place for the last two days. I came home and started the game up. I can get into the server, and I'm there and can go around and play, but as you can see, I can't see anything. I have tried...
  15. S

    Steam Client Window Parameter error

    Arch Linux Endeavour OS When trying to run Steam through XRDP (and only XRDP) this error pops up in the konsole and the Steam Client fails to open. I've tried reading some of the Steam Client logs but nothing seems to stand out
  16. R

    Dark Souls 3 Wex Dust Mod

    HI! I tried to use Wex Dust mod but it doesn't work. I used this command on Steam: WINEDLLOVERRIDES = ”dinput8.dll = n, b”% command% Unfortunately, it didn't work. Has anyone managed to solve this mod under Linux?
  17. A

    Install Steam

    setiap mau install steam di linux ( me: ubuntu) tidak bisa berjalan di 32bit?? apakah ada cara supaya bisa jalan di 32 bit??
  18. superboy2k6

    Is it possible to run Steam on Arch linux?

    Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to run steam in Arch linux.. I also want it to run Steam in big picture mode and enable steam proton
  19. GardenData61371

    Good distro for a gamer coming from Windows?

    Hi. I'm new here so sorry if a posted this in the wrong place. I wanted to switch to Linux ever since i heard about it 2 years ago. I never could do it because i'm a gamer. But now with Steam Play and all this stuff, can i finally make the switch? If yes, which distro is good for me? P.S. I...