manjaro linux

  1. H

    error dev/disk/by-label/ device did not show up after 30 seconds

    Hello, I am new to Linux (so far I have used Windows 10) and wanted to install Manjaro. I used UNetbootin to boot it without a USB stick but it gives me this error code (image attached) whenever I try to boot it and I do not know how to fix it. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!
  2. Y

    Share a front-end manjaro project I wrote

    Hello there! I'm a novice to Linux,my job is web developer.I'm learning Linux use manjaro. I wrote a website imitating manjaro Linux here: It's base on vue3,hope you like it!
  3. P

    Manjaro Linux installing

    I have just install manjaro Linux fully in my HP laptop. But after booting to manjaro I get grub command line screen. I can't get to manjaro desktop. Can you help me with this.
  4. AwesomeGAMER_YT

    Testing Manjaro Linux Cube Desktop with KDE, Gnome or Xfce

    Hello, Members! We'll testing Manjaro Linux with Cube Desktop. Please Check it, if is not emulated: VirtualBox: Not Working (and still working...) VMware: Still Working. QEMU: Working. x86: Not supported (Massive Crash). PCem: Not Supported. 86Box: Not Supported. Please Emulate, if is...
  5. K

    Color Settings

    Dear Linux Users After 20 years using Windows I ditch this OS for good. Currently I'm using Manjaro and it's been a pleasant experience so far. After a few days searching for answers only one thing is pissing me off is that I can't change the saturation or gamma of the colors in settings. In...
  6. A

    Manjaro is not showing in grub

    My manjaro dist wouldn’t update and couldn’t find the mirrors. I followed some tutorials from google to fix it but now I’ve made it even worse. Only memtest86 was starting on boot. It seemed that grub didn’t exist no more. I have now followed tutorials to get grub back, but Manjaro is not...
  7. S

    Touch screen on/off

    Good day to all. A lot of time has been spent and there is a solution to the problem, but it is "satisfactory". You must disable the touch screen (not the touchpad) permanently, with the option to turn it back on in the future or if necessary. At the moment, I use scripts (xinput...
  8. Adam Przedniczek

    Solved: Making 1080p webcam running at 60 fps and UVC 1.5 support

    I would like to upgrade my webcam to one offering FHD (1920x1080) resolution at 60 fps (actually running 60 fps) that has full support under Linux (I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and Fedora 32) and as far as I know, I should look for a UVC 1.5 (USB video device class) compliant device. However, I'm a...
  9. B


    Hello (I use Manjaro Linux), when I try to install java from Terminal by running the command sudo pacman -Syyu multiple update requests are displayed, but soon after the following message appears python-pyqt5 and pyqt5-common are in conflict. Remove pyqt5-common? [y / n] xorg-mkfontscale and...
  10. M

    unmount error on linux installation

    I have an Asus GL503GE laptop {128gb M.2 ssd C:drive} {500gb sata ssd D:drive} I tried installing Manjaro as well as popOS. during the install boot from usb stick I always get some unmount error and the installation fails. On pop OS : [FAILED] Failed unmounting cdrom.mount...
  11. D

    Manjaro screen in two different places

    You know how a day a go I said that I had no bugs/problems with manjaro and that it is perfect. I lied. I rebooted my laptop and bam my screen is separated into two different places. Help plz. Have attached image. Basically the right side of the scrwen is in the top left half and the left side...
  12. Antonio_S

    Manjaro and Telegram

    I was trying to install Telegram on Manjaro, but anyway it doesn't work at all. I used this instruction, and I downloaded file from official website (but this installer does not fit this OS). I have an icon of Telegram on the panel, but when i run it (nothing happend). Info: Manjaro XFCE 4.13
  13. GardenData61371

    Manjaro or Ubuntu?

    Hello. I'm a new guy to Linux, and for the past few weeks was trying out different distros to pick one which is best for me. I'm thinking of switching to Linux permenantly. In the end I'm stuck between 2 distros. Manjaro and Ubuntu. I like Manjaro for rolling release model and the AUR and Ubuntu...
  14. K

    Long loading system!

    Hi all, anyone familiar with Linux mint? I have a problem - a long loading system(about 5-7 minutes) I Use a MacBook 4.1 early 2008. Before that was manjaro linux, this problem was not.