Who signs up for web hosting without leaving a working email?!?


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Jul 23, 2020
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So, on Friday I checked in online and someone signed up for hosting. No problem. I set up the account and email them - twice, 'cause I tried changing my welcome message format.

Then, today, I get an email saying that they hadn't heard from me. So, I test all my email attributes and, sure enough, none of it should be going to spam.

So, someone signed up with a broken email address and will likely blame it on me. It's okay. I'll refund 'em if they still don't figure it out.

I guess I'm just venting, but man is it stressful when you do everything right and then the tech fails you.

try going to Ghana ; there they ask you to help them set up emails for them, then can never remember their password and ask you to get into their account !
Well, with further details, they can't really be blamed I guess.

They're just not getting emails from my domain. However, another half dozen tests indicate that the email works with every other domain I tried - and I even tried getting through a notoriously picky .edu email address.
the email works with every other domain I tried
If you want to send me the address you have and the text, I will try from one of mine
LOL I can't give out a customer's email address. That's pretty much the very first rule of ethical online business!
Just offering help
Oh, I appreciate the offer. I just can't take you up on it. I can't really experiment with their email (as curious as I am) by sending them test messages from other domains.

Now, if they asked me to do so, I'd do so. 'Snot like I'm doing anything more productive today.

Fortunately, I was able to reach 'em with an outlook.com email address. There was a slight delay of a couple of days, so hopefully they're not too annoyed.

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