I often see in Linux forums (not just this one) many who say that XP was their favorite version of Windows. I'm somewhat surprised because I myself always felt that 7 was Windows' best version (perhaps many who answer XP never ran 7?). Vista wasn't so bad once they got the bugs worked out; and the fix for 8 --8.1-- was also decent in my opinion.
Anyway, I am very curious, so that's why I made this poll/thread.
I had to say Windows 7 (Pro) since I'm actually still running it, but there's so much baggage for me in the whole question.
Windows 3.x just wasn't worth having - I immediately deleted it off of my first PC compatible... Though I did upgrade to DOS 5 when that came out
95 was a great way to run lots of terminal sessions at the same time.
2000 was fine
XP was fine
7 is fine, especially after installing a ton of cygwin stuff
I've tried 10 and hated it, though I had to use it for work for a couple of years.
I skipped 98, M.E., Vista and 8.x entirely and I've drawn the line at 11 - I'm just not going there.
My usual MO on getting a machine with a newer Windows was always to make it look and act as much like the previous version as possible, so I got 2000 to look and feel mostly like 95 and I got XP to look and feel mostly like 2000 (and hence, in my case, mostly like 95) etc. But that gets harder and harder with each successive iteration and the frustrating part is that there's no
reason for it! MS just randomly changes the user interface every few years without adding any worthwhile functionality.
I try to be patient with those who continue to use Windows because they "don't want to have to learn linux". I just want to scream "WHY NOT?! you have to completely relearn Windows every couple of years".
I'll probably abandon Windows entirely when the Win7 box finally dies - but it's a Dell Precision tower, so it might still be a while.
Ima stop ranting now. The choir has been preached to.