Even though the OS is running fine, I did find it peculiar that there were no apt updates since I installed the OS on 9-28, and even then when I tried to update after a fresh install, apt said that everything was up to date. This is the first distro I've used (including other debian versions) that didn't update immediately after install, let alone not have any updates in over two weeks. Not that it's really an issue, but it has me wondering if something's wrong with my apt settings maybe? The readout in the terminal for sudo apt update is:
Hit:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye InRelease
Hit:2 https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/apt/bullseye pgadmin4 InRelease
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
All packages are up to date.