Ubuntu 21.10 ‘Impish Indri’

  • Thread starter Deleted member 128018
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Deleted member 128018

Hello forums,

Hope this is in the right place if not I guess it will get where it needs to be.

Anyway I've been reading about Snaps or Snapd and decided to see what that's about so I installed Ubuntu 21.10 ‘Impish Indri’ and it works good.

I know not every piece of software is a Snap package but what is seems to work good.

Firefox 94.0.1 and VLC I know are Snaps and they are working as they should.

I've read some not good reviews about Snaps being slow to start and not working however I haven't had a problem so far.

I believe Ubuntu 21.10 ‘Impish Indri’ is supposed to be the 1st release using Snaps and Wayland which I need to learn about what Wayland is.

I believe @brickwizard was right on when he said I seem to have caught the bug. ;)

Snaps aren't all that terrible. They're even steadily improving. In an ideal world, they'd even save developers significant time.
Canonical's behavior sometimes rubs people (like me) the wrong way. But that's the beauty of Linux... we have choices. :)
Rubbing someone the wrong way without permission is sexual assault.
Clem ...."""What we didn't want it to be was for Canonical to control the distribution of software between distributions and third-party editors, to prevent direct distribution from editors, to make it so software worked better in Ubuntu than anywhere else and to make its store a requirement."

"Ubuntu is planning to replace the Chromium [Google's open-source browser and foundation for Chrome] repository package with an empty package, which installs the Chromium Snap. In other words, as you install APT [Debian's program for installing and managing DEB files] updates, Snap becomes a requirement for you to continue to use Chromium and installs itself behind your back. This breaks one of the major worries many people had when Snap was announced and a promise from its developers that it would never replace APT.

A self-installing Snap Store which overwrites part of our APT package base is a complete NO-NO. It's something we have to stop and it could mean the end of Chromium updates and access to the Snap store in Linux Mint."

All of us who use Linux Mint really should heed Clem's concerns. He is no fool. He has Linux Mints best interests at heart.

Tell me Ubuntu's leadership are not a mercenary lot.

I do remember the early "moves' by microsoft which alarmed some people. turns out the "some people" were right to be alarmed.

Users of Linux etc are a damn sight more savvy than early msft adoptees.

Thin end of the wedge ?
And this too... I thought very important:
Applications in this store cannot be patched, or pinned. You can't audit them, hold them, modify them, or even point Snap to a different store. You've as much empowerment with this as if you were using proprietary software, i.e. none. This is in effect similar to a commercial proprietary solution, but with two major differences: It runs as root, and it installs itself without asking you."
All of us who use Linux Mint really should heed Clem's concerns. He is no fool. He has Linux Mints best interests at heart.
Yes... and his "Linux Mint Debian Edition" is one of those "choices" I find appealing. ;)

LMDE 4 is actually my current daily driver. :)
Clem ...."""What we didn't want it to be was for Canonical to control the distribution of software between distributions and third-party editors, to prevent direct distribution from editors, to make it so software worked better in Ubuntu than anywhere else and to make its store a requirement."

That's wrong - you can point it at another 'store' if you wanted, including the software author's own site.

Snap becomes a requirement for you to continue to use Chromium and installs itself behind your back.

No, it's not behind your back. It was very much in your face, he just didn't pay attention to the release notes or any of the months of discourse before Ubuntu pulled the trigger.

A self-installing Snap Store which overwrites part of our APT package base is a complete NO-NO. It's something we have to stop and it could mean the end of Chromium updates and access to the Snap store in Linux Mint."

That was what, 18.04 when Ubuntu did that for Chromium? Four years later and the claim is unfounded.

Tell me Ubuntu's leadership are not a mercenary lot.

I'd say they're not. I'd say they're very interested in keeping a mainstream distro current and advancing towards next generation computing.

Don't get me wrong, one of my first articles was HOW TO REMOVE SNAPS.

Hate on 'em for good reasons, not weird interpretations and misinformation. Snaps pretty much sucked at first, but they've improved greatly. Trying to avoid them (and stay in the Ubuntu ecosystem) is going to be tougher in the not-too-distant future. 22.04 brings even more reliance on them.

So, if you're anti-snap and still want to use Mint, you may want to consider their Debian Edition. There has been some stirring about snaps moving up-stream. I'd expect Debian to support Snaps out of the box sometime within the next few major releases - but that's more a hunch and scuttlebutt.

Most importantly, it's the developers who are making the choice to package as Snaps. It's easier, faster, requires less maintenance, and has growing support.

It may turn out to be a fad and all go into the scrapheap of ideas thwarted, but they're here for the time being and making peace with 'em might be something to consider.
not weird interpretations and misinformation.
Really. What I posted were quotes from Clem Lefebvre

Time will tell..

Time will tell..
If Snaps become too integrated into Ubuntu that it will effect Mint you can always switch to EndeavourOS since you will for sure not run into them there.
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What I posted were quotes from Clem Lefebvre

Yeah, that's an appeal to authority. I like the dude well enough, but their views on Snaps are rather misguided - I think (and as evidence suggests). I hope it's not an ego thing and that they make good decisions in the future, because Mint is a great distro.

you can always switch to EndeavourOS

Darned right! The great thing about Linux is that there's always going to be choices.

If I were to pick one thing to complain about with Snaps, the server that provides them is actually closed source. Sure, you can verify in and out as you package your Snaps, but the server itself - the Snap bits specifically - that provides them is closed source. Again, Snaps are open source and all that... The server itself, the bits dealing with serving Snaps, is closed.

Now there's a reason to be annoyed with Ubuntu.

short extract from above link .........The short version of Clement’s complaint is that the snap packager installs from a proprietary Canonical-specific source. If you want to distribute snaps, you have to set up an account with Canonical and host it there. While the underlying software is still open source, the snap packager breaks with long tradition of having the distribution of the software also being open and free. This undoubtedly makes the install simple for naive users, and easier to maintain for Canonical maintainers, but it also takes away freedom of choice and diversity of package sources.

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I just download and install and see how they work and I don't care about who what or where this or that comes from.

I'm just not that hard core about all of the politics of who controls this and owns that.

To much politics for this old timer I avoid politics.

What's important to me is how a Linux distro works on my computer.

TBH bout all I can really see different from one Linux distro to anther Linux distro is the GUI from the distros I've tried.

I just figured since Linux was new to me I'd just do what I've read and test drive different Linux distros and then choose 1 or 2 for my computers.

old timer
I can understand that !

I walked away (actually I ran) from windoze around 7 odd years ago. The build of crap and bs was just too much.

I am a much happier camper with Linux !

How many pc's are you running?
2 desktops that used to run Windows but are now Linux computers.

I have a Windows 10 desktop that I'll keep Windows 10 until it reaches EOL.
I think it has its end in 2025 ?

I have a dual screen set up....just one OS....Linux mint 20.2

I started with linux in (appox 2014) and have never looked back

Like many others, I used to 'stick to the straight and narrow".....until I got a bit of experience under my sails and then slowly but surely started out downloading from other places.

I do still pay attention to certain people...Clem Lefebvre is one of them

Moving on, you have done extremely well since joining. It is a pleasure to watch the knowledge you have already gained making its presence felt across the forum.

It was suggested to me to gibe Endeavour OS a try.

Have you tried that one yet?

Very, very different to Ubuntu/linux
Yep Windows 10 dies in 2025 and then no more Windows for this old timer.

Thanks I search the different forums for the Linux distro I want to try.

I'm liking Linux and there's all sorts of information on the internet about how to do stuff in Linux.

It does take some time and a bit of willingness to learn the ways of Linux and I have both the time and willingness.

I have not tried Endeavour OS but have just looked at the distro watch website.

I think for now the Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distros are going to be best for this old timer.

One of the things I have read is different Linux base distros use or have different ways and terminal commands.

I'm really comfortable with the Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distros so probably best to stick with them for a bit.

Debian and Ubuntu base Linux distos seem to be the mainstream.

So far MX-21 will be a keeper and so will Linux Mint 20.2 Xfce.

I like the Xfce GUI and it seems to work well on my old desktops.

I do have to say I like Ubuntu 21.10 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS but the Gnome GUI sure uses lots of system resources.

I've learned quite a bit about Linux in the month or so I've been using it and I like it and see it being very useful OS.

Alright it's back to the land of sleep for me not usually up at 2am or 3am damn diuretics.

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