Today's article is about your hardware...


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Jul 23, 2020
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There are many tools for learning about your hardware. One we use here a great deal is 'inxi'. However, this is a very basic Linux task so there will be countless ways to do this.

One of the ways we don't discuss often is a tool known as hwinfo. I've actually sort of covered it before, but that was showing you how to find information about your storage devices. It was pretty limited to just that for some reason. I don't know why...

This is a great tool for getting detailed information. You can opt for a shorter output and most of the time that'll be enough information. But, when you need detailed information, hwinfo is a pretty good tool for the job.

My favorite tool for this: sudo lshw or if you like gui's sudo lshw-gtk

That is also usually included by default.
You mean installed by default in sth like Ubuntu? Not sure. Maybe its default now, possible, yes.
You mean installed by default in sth like Ubuntu? Not sure. Maybe its default now, possible, yes.

It's default in several distros, at least. I just checked. It's not something I'd manually install. hwinfo is not a default in any distro that I know of. I'm sure it is but I'm unaware of it. By now someone's bound to have made a distro where hwinfo is included by default. After all, there are a ton of distros!

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