Today's article is about absolute and relative paths.


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Jul 23, 2020
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It's not like some of my articles. It's explaining the difference between absolute and relative paths, something handy for folks to know. Normally it's about an application or something like that, but this one was in my notes and so it became an article.

I do love me some feedback.

Also, we have some very awesome guest articles coming up sometime soon. I'm pretty excited for the content and, having at least skimmed it before doing a formal proofread and edit, it's some great material!

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For example, if you’re already in /home/<user> then you can cd /Documents to get to your Documents directory. As you can see, that’s much easier to type.

If you are already in /home/<user> you can just type in

cd Documents
cd Pictures

and so on.


You know, I meant to write those without the /, but had typed so many darned /'es in that article that I was just slashing everything. Thanks for the catch - and for reading!

I'll fix 'em later - leaving this open - as I'm just here long enough to smoke a cigar and catch up with the queue. (I've got family here today.)
Update: Fixed. Thanks! Feedback makes the articles better!

I still haven't done my daily Lubuntu build test. I should be free for the rest of the night.
Whacked the Mole for 5 after the edit.

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