Today's article has you installing gedit and a bunch of plugins, all at once...


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Jul 23, 2020
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I'm not currently looking for a text editor but I like your work. An idea for future article is how to verify the authenticity of iso images of OS and other programs. I have failed so far to understand the procedure. Keep up the good work
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An idea for future article is how to verifying the authenticity of iso images of OS and other programs.

That's actually on my list of articles to write. I'm not sure if I'll get to it before the year is up, or what... I've got a huge list of potential articles - mostly drawn from the extensive notes I've taken during my Linux journey.

My plan is to do an article every other day for a year. At the end of the year, we'll see where things are. Odds are good that I'll just keep writing more articles, but I'm kinda trying to retire - which means no longer obligating myself to things unless I really, really want to do it.

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