Today's article has you hunting down a website's IP address...


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Jul 23, 2020
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It should probably also mention that just because you find a site's IP address doesn't mean that that's technically the IP address. It can be behind a CDN, for example. But, no... You'll (usually) find their public IP address, much in the way that you have a different public IP address when you're behind a VPN.

Ah well...

I do love me some feedback. It makes me think and makes future articles better.

I've got a bit more storm cleanup to do. I saved the church's parking lot until this morning, just so I could hit the snow at like 40 mph and watch it fly. This amuses me. This greatly amuses me. It's more fun when the snow is powdery, but it's fun no matter what. If there's nobody riding with me, I cackle like a mad man. I can't believe this is legal.

You slowly dragging us into the dark side...

For some reason the command returns a single and different IP than the two on your article:
It should probably also mention that just because you find a site's IP address doesn't mean that that's technically the IP address. It can be behind a CDN, for example. But, no... You'll (usually) find their public IP address, much in the way that you have a different public IP address when you're behind a VPN.

Ah well...

I do love me some feedback. It makes me think and makes future articles better.

I've got a bit more storm cleanup to do. I saved the church's parking lot until this morning, just so I could hit the snow at like 40 mph and watch it fly. This amuses me. This greatly amuses me. It's more fun when the snow is powdery, but it's fun no matter what. If there's nobody riding with me, I cackle like a mad man. I can't believe this is legal.
This works on a MacBook too.
You slowly dragging us into the dark side...

For some reason the command returns a single and different IP than the two on your article:

For my site? You're probably connecting through a different device. I'm using a CDN, which means I have all sorts of end points.

That'd be my guess...

This works on a MacBook too.

It might even work with Windows. I know Windows has some networking tools like netstat and traceroute available by default. It might even have dig as an option. It's a useful networking tool.
Different IP address from here too, but consistently so.
[flip@flop ~]$ dig

; <<>> DiG 9.18.12-1-Debian <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 32538
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;                 IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION:          230     IN      A <------------------------------------------------

;; Query time: 4 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Mar 16 07:28:08 AEDT 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 58

[flip@flop ~]$ host
[ben@fen ~]$ host has address <--------------------------------------------------------------------- mail is handled by 0

[flip@flop ~]$ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:
Address: <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[flip@flop ~]$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. <--------------------------------------------------
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=15.1 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 15.079/15.079/15.079/0.000 ms
For no good reason that I recall, I use the "host" command instead of "dig". You can find all of the commands mentioned by KGIII above on your Mac systems, but some are not available on Windows. On Windows,"dig" and "host" are not available from the command window or PowerShell. You can use "ping" to see a host's ip address easily enough.

On Windows, the "tracert" command is used instead of "traceroute".

On Windows, the "ipconfig" command substitutes for the "ifconfig" command on other systems. Windows does not offer the "ip" command.
Different IP address from here too, but consistently so.

Yeah, it's (almost) certainly that you're in a different region. My CDN isn't the free Cloudflare CDN or anything like that. It's one made just for WordPress AND requires LiteSpeed (preferably Enterprise) Linux. It's very specific and the costs show it.

But, there are like 72 possible endpoints scattered across the globe. This means the site should be consistently fast no matter where you are. It's pretty good at clearing the cache and getting new content indexed. Well, it better be, considering they're literally doubling the price at the end of this month.

Windows does not offer the "ip" command.

I'm not surprised. The IP command is fairly recent and is replacing ifconfig - which is being deprecated in favor of the IP command. I'd expect much/most of the information is available with Windows commands, as the needs of network admins are quite similar.

I used the command line quite a bit with Windows, but I was (almost) no longer using Windows when PowerShell was released. I am told it's quite potent, in the right hands. I have zero use of it. Google tells me it was first released at the end of 2006, but I don't recall that.
It might even work with Windows. I know Windows has some networking tools like netstat and traceroute available by default. It might even have dig as an option. It's a useful networking tool.
I'll try it out next time I'm on a Windows machine. Tomorrow at work if I can remember.
I'll try it out next time I'm on a Windows machine.

I think we covered a few options above but my Windows understanding grows weaker and weaker all the time. I was once rather proficient and those memories are gone. I'm okay with that.
I think we covered a few options above but my Windows understanding grows weaker and weaker all the time. I was once rather proficient and those memories are gone. I'm okay with that.
It's probably been a long time since you supported Windows.
But as to the dig test, no go.

'dig' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
It's probably been a long time since you supported Windows.
But as to the dig test, no go.

'dig' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

It appears as though you can have dig on Windows, but you have to install the BIND tools.

Looks like something best done on a home machine. o_O

I dunno, it's BIND. It's a long-standing bit of kit from a well respected organization. It's not likely to get you in too much trouble, depending on where you sit on the totem pole.

If you're somewhere up the chain, you might be okay. But, yeah, it's probably better to do it on your own computer. Some PHB might complain or, worse, decide they like it and want you to install it on their computer.
I dunno, it's BIND. It's a long-standing bit of kit from a well respected organization. It's not likely to get you in too much trouble, depending on where you sit on the totem pole.

If you're somewhere up the chain, you might be okay. But, yeah, it's probably better to do it on your own computer. Some PHB might complain or, worse, decide they like it and want you to install it on their computer.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but there's a note that says "Native Windows builds are no longer available." - And there is no Windows version download. Oh well.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but there's a note that says "Native Windows builds are no longer available." - And there is no Windows version download. Oh well.

Huh, you're right! LOL

I dunno when they stopped, because the articles I found were quite recent. I wonder why they stopped? Maybe there's something better, or maybe it wasn't used enough to justify the effort and support? I don't have a clue why they stopped. It certainly indicates there are Windows builds until you actually get there.
Huh, you're right! LOL

I dunno when they stopped, because the articles I found were quite recent. I wonder why they stopped? Maybe there's something better, or maybe it wasn't used enough to justify the effort and support? I don't have a clue why they stopped. It certainly indicates there are Windows builds until you actually get there.
If a project is going to go belly up, it's going to be right when I want to try it. haha
I'll search for an alternative. Maybe there's something similar.
Maybe there's something similar.

If you search, there are sites that let you run dig in the browser. So, while not ideal, that's an option.

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