Thread summary:
Problem: Output Digital Audio Workstation audio into a virtual input/output to input into other programs
Problem: need to remap shortcut remote keys
Problem: some solutions are temporary and are scrubbed on ending the current session
Hey, second time posting here.
So after preparing to switch to linux for the past months I just can't tolerate windows anymore so I created a Linux Mint 19(.1?) MATE USB. I then proceeded to test and play around in a live boot.
Long story short: all hardware works great! All of it!
But there's one (er, 2 I guess) things: You can read what the 2 pieces of hardware are in the thread title, and its the fact I don't know how to change the settings on them. I need to change the tablet to only use its own screen when using the stylus (rather than all 4 monitors being part of stylus use on this 15.6 inch space), and I need to change what each button on the shortcut remote corresponds to so that can be the way I like/use it in windows.
In windows installing the drivers from XP-Pen's website will also give you a GUI each for settings. I've gone on youtube and seen videos on graphic tablets on linux mint from previous versions (17 etc rather than 19) and they have a "graphics tablet" GUI in the linux mint setting. 19 doesn't seem to have that (at the very least, not on a live USB session)?
The youtube videos show that mint GUI is the place to change all the settings I would need. Also, even if I had that GUI, there is still the question of the shortcut remote?
XP-Pen is working on their own tablet driver for linux but a) it is currently in beta and b) not yet for my tablet model. So I can't download their propriety driver not for the driver itself but only to give me the GUI like they do in windows. That would also just be the tablet settings too, not the remote.
I NEED to be able to change the graphic tablet settings at least before I replace windows with linux on my boot drive (I can use my actual keyboard for shortcuts over the remote, less ergonomic though).
Any advice? Kinda annoying to see these youtube videos with previous mint versions with this "graphic tablet" GUI in the mint settings menu. Did they really remove it?
I can almost taste dumping windows forever for a better Linux mint, but it is such a tease; especially when my tablet is working fine in linux mint, pen pressure and all. I was more expecting a driver issue to stop me if I was to be stopped -- but the removal of a mint setting GUI? Really?
Problem: Output Digital Audio Workstation audio into a virtual input/output to input into other programs
solution: These tutorials - &
The detailed steps I took specifically:
1.Install pavucontrol from the software manager
2. terminal commands to create a virtual output/input (no loop needed)
pacmd load-module module-null-sink sink_name=Virtual_Sink sink_properties=device.description=Virtual_Sink
3. Go into sound preferences and set the virtual sink as the default input (microphone) device, and make sure it hasn't taken default of your output (headphone/speaker sound) unless you want it to for your purpose.
4. In my DAW settings choose Pulse Audio, go back to Pavucontrol input tab and set the raw microphone as the DAW's input, and then set the DAW's output as the virtual sink.
And that's it. Any programme that uses microphone input is using the cleaned up microphone source rather than the raw microphone with background noise, no noise gate and such.
Problem: Working tablet has not way of mapping only to its own screensolution: In terminal:
'xrandr' to identify the tablet monitor (for me, 'HDMI-0')'xinput list' to get the pen device id ('xinput' lists some but not all input devices -- the pen was absent from that command result!) ( for me the pen id was 23)'xinput map-to-output 23 HDMI-0' and the pen was set to only the tablet monitor.
Problem: need to remap shortcut remote keys
solution: pending
work-around: Can just use the actual keyboard for shortcut keys.
Problem: Medibang install through WINE but a) has no pen pressure and b) pop-ups and drop-down menus come up on the wrong screen no matter where the main window issolution: These two Winehq bugzilla reports: &
work-around: Trying MyPaint.
Problem: UI elements (e.g. firefox) have their bottom go behind the panel when maximised rather than bordering with the panel.Solution: Pending
Work-around: Move the panel away from the border of two monitors.
Problem: When two monitors are stacked, the bottom of the top and the top of the bottom overlap digitally with showing the same thing.
Solution: Changing the overlapping absolute positioning of the bottom monitor in Nvidia X Server Settings. Also attempt setting the monitors right through "displays". For me, a little bit of both solved all monitor issues.
Problem: Glitchy mouse buttonsSolution: My 8-year old mouse started having trouble in Windows 10 before I found the solution to this. It is legitimately dying. I will replace with a mouse that is known to work with linux.
Problem: some solutions are temporary and are scrubbed on ending the current session
solution: pending
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey, second time posting here.
So after preparing to switch to linux for the past months I just can't tolerate windows anymore so I created a Linux Mint 19(.1?) MATE USB. I then proceeded to test and play around in a live boot.
Long story short: all hardware works great! All of it!
But there's one (er, 2 I guess) things: You can read what the 2 pieces of hardware are in the thread title, and its the fact I don't know how to change the settings on them. I need to change the tablet to only use its own screen when using the stylus (rather than all 4 monitors being part of stylus use on this 15.6 inch space), and I need to change what each button on the shortcut remote corresponds to so that can be the way I like/use it in windows.
In windows installing the drivers from XP-Pen's website will also give you a GUI each for settings. I've gone on youtube and seen videos on graphic tablets on linux mint from previous versions (17 etc rather than 19) and they have a "graphics tablet" GUI in the linux mint setting. 19 doesn't seem to have that (at the very least, not on a live USB session)?
The youtube videos show that mint GUI is the place to change all the settings I would need. Also, even if I had that GUI, there is still the question of the shortcut remote?
XP-Pen is working on their own tablet driver for linux but a) it is currently in beta and b) not yet for my tablet model. So I can't download their propriety driver not for the driver itself but only to give me the GUI like they do in windows. That would also just be the tablet settings too, not the remote.
I NEED to be able to change the graphic tablet settings at least before I replace windows with linux on my boot drive (I can use my actual keyboard for shortcuts over the remote, less ergonomic though).
Any advice? Kinda annoying to see these youtube videos with previous mint versions with this "graphic tablet" GUI in the mint settings menu. Did they really remove it?
I can almost taste dumping windows forever for a better Linux mint, but it is such a tease; especially when my tablet is working fine in linux mint, pen pressure and all. I was more expecting a driver issue to stop me if I was to be stopped -- but the removal of a mint setting GUI? Really?
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