Solved Suddenly Can't Visit On my Laptop (No problems with my Android phone)

Solved issue

Sherri is a Cat

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
Reaction score
I was happily browsing through the forums, looking to see if I might be able to help someone, learn a few things, maybe find something humourous in Off Topic.

I clicked on something, maybe it was 'Notifications', I'm not sure. The page wouldn't load. I got tired of waiting. I closed the tab and tried to reopen the website in a new one. I got this.

I closed the browser. Cookies are automatically deleted when I do so. I responded the browser, go to Same result.

What's going on???

If you're seeing this, wait to respond. I need to leave a lot more information. I'm going to leave it in a new response after this one.
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Now I'm not having any problems. I was just commenting on a post by @KGIII about clearing the DNS cache and thought maybe he was playing a trick on me!
That is one of the dreaded ddos attacks which we are subjected to every now and then.

Yours is not the first and definitely wont be the last....don't hold your breath waiting for some angel of mercy to actually 'fix' the situation. There is a definite lack of interest.

I'm not having any problems now. As long as I know what it is, I won't worry about anything on my end.
To Quote @KGIII from another thread...

"" It's pretty much that we have crappy hosting underneath all of this, I'm pretty sure.""
Looks like the attack may be persisting. It started to happen again, then let up, maybe. We'll see when I try to post this response! :-)

I didn't know what a ddos attack is. I've heard of it, but didn't know what it is.

Despite their best attempts to interfere with the one of my purposes for being here, I learned something new anyway!
It sure aint solved.

If it is solved, I'll eat my hat

It is just one of the few "mysteries" that keep us ""amused"" here...
To Quote @KGIII from another thread...

"" It's pretty much that we have crappy hosting underneath all of this, I'm pretty sure.""
I'm not complaining. It's free for me. I can deal with immaturity from people who apparently have nothing better to do with their time.
I complain.

This type of crap is not something I get to put with at other sites.

The number of people who give freely of their time at this site is immense. It would be really nice if the site gave back....even if it was only in a site that will "stay up"
I complain.

This type of crap is not something I get to put with at other sites.

The number of people who give freely of their time at this site is immense. It would be really nice if the site gave back....even if it was only in a site that will "stay up"

This may have be about something I don't have a lot of understanding of. Is the host of this website that doesn't take care of issues?
It happens that much...bad gateway is now a member.
Is the host of this website that doesn't take care of issues?

He takes care of what he can, when he can.

I would not want to be doing his job - I have been inside the Control Panel, and some of it is very complicated. I scatter a trail of crumbs so I can find my way out.

Finding and implementing an alternative to Cloudflare would involve downtime as well, and no guarantee that the outcomes would be better..

DDoS - distributed denial of service - when the baddies crash a site with mega hits to the server.
DDoS - distributed denial of service - when the baddies crash a site with mega hits to the server.

I just started a new thread with a question about this.
As long as I have nothing to worry about, I'm not concerned. That's why I'm not complaining :)
The site hosts live content, so there's only so much CF can do when the host (the site) goes down.

CF is a CDN, that is a Content Delivery Network. It caches content so that it can be displayed locally with greater speed. Because it's not static content, the content here changes constantly, CF can't really show a cached copy when the host has gone down.

I don't find it so frequent that it overly perturbs me. It happens. If evidence is to believed, the site is up far more often than it is down. In the days of modern computers using ancient infrastructure, I'm not angry when things go down - I'm amazed when they work as well as they do.

Now, my site can display a cached copy. I too use a CDN. My content is static, more or less. It updates far less often. My CDN shows a cached copy but I've found my actual hosting is more reliable than the CDN. I'm not sure how that happens.
Hmm. I very rarely, if ever, see this. Just occasionally.....nearly always late evening here in the UK.....maybe once a month, if I'm unlucky?

I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I use CloudFlare as my default DNS resolver here in the "kennels"....along with permanent 'static' IPs on the home LAN?

I'd be interested to hear other's thoughts on this, especially from those with more networking knowledge than I. It's NOT one of my strong points, I don't mind admitting!


We've had occasional spells of 'slow' connections on the Puppy Forums over the last 12 months or so. After much detective work, rockedge - our Admin - found out it was all down to one specific AI bot - "Knowledge AI" - which only works with http (not HTTPS), and had "latched onto" and was hammering away at the re-direct from the old, archived Forum's original http-only URL. Trouble was, it was having a knock-on effect throughout the rest of the now-current, up-to-date PuppyLinux domain...!

Sod's law, huh? Erik works small miracles on a regular basis, keeping the Puppy Linux Forum & connected sites up-and-running.....for which we're ALL immensely grateful. Can't knock his dedication.

Mike. ;)
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