[SOLVED] I require to use other "innocent" emojis but how can I do that?

The only emojis I use sometimes are the old ASCII xD -.- I don't like the modern and even less the animated

As long as things mostly stay on topic here (this is supposed to be a technical forum...), then I don't see how the emojis would ruin anything. So those emoji only threads should be fine in the off topic section...that is my piece on delegation on delegation! I wanted to find an emoji for that but I am too lazy and un-enthusiastic about emojis.
...I've been on other Forums that have nasty members and Mods too...who ban people for the least littlest things...it would be a very sad day indeed if this Forum goes down that same road.

Not on our watch (I am confident I can speak for all Staff here).

I was banned from one such forum after 3 years and 2,800 posts. Brian @Condobloke and I came here April/May 2017, kicked off our boots and put on our slippers, sucked on a beer (perhaps a scotch for Brian) and said "We're home".

There was already a brains trust and a community spirit here years before we arrived, and both those qualities have only grown and grown since then, including growing from 4,600 Members to 55,625 Members.

Google search

linux support forum

and see where we are placed.

...it might be a good idea to complain about all the problems this Web Site is having.

A downside to that growth is a number of occurrences of, and continued prevalence to, DDos - Distributed Denial of Service, attacks, that we have to be ever vigilant to. Our site software is upgraded periodically with little disruption visible, and we will continue to do our best within our available resources.

The OP's question has been asked and answered. We should agree to disagree if we have opposing views on emoji use, and we have an Ignore button at our disposal.

I'll leave this Thread open for comment, but if it becomes pistols at 20 paces between Members, I'll act.

On Community Spirit, I'll leave you with this reminder I penned a little over a year ago



I'm talking image spam.
I first opened that topic since I could not use them. But I learned how to use them, so I can say that my problem solved.
I can see this getting out of hand

Brian @Condobloke and I came here April/May 2017, kicked off our boots and put on our slippers, sucked on a beer (perhaps a scotch for Brian) and said "We're home".
And it will remain Home. Why?.....because here, unlike other sites, common sense prevails
As long as things mostly stay on topic here (this is supposed to be a technical forum.
Amen to that.
I wanted to find an emoji for that but I am too lazy and un-enthusiastic about emojis.
Very much agree
If I find a sudden urge to substitute emojis for all the things I have to say, I will give the game away. I will consider that I have entered that phase of life where I truly need something to do....in other words words, dementia or similar, or worse, is close at hand.

.it might be a good idea to complain about all the problems this Web Site is having. (@bob466 )
What problems?...you mean the teeny little ddos stuff etc ?....yeah that can be seriously annoying.....but our uptime is seriously good......so as much as it warrants keeping a careful eye on, it pales into insignificance when compared to other sites.
The people who inhabit this site are a really good bunch.....the collective sense of humour is without peer......it does not have any mean streak (most importantly)....and anyone who seeks to disrupt that feeling of comfort soon finds themselves on the receiving end of some calm advice/suggestions from a great number of members......not just the admins/mods etc.
if they do not care to heed such calm advice then they will soon find themselves on the fringe.

Emojis ? I first opened that topic since I could not use them. But I learned how to use them, so I can say that my problem solved.

Enuff said.
I will add something to the above...

Unless it's particularly egregious, or spam, you will know EXACTLY why I ban you - if I do ban you. You will have been given ample warning and been made aware of the consequences.

You gotta really work at it for me to ban you. I mean, you legit need to put effort into it.

We have rules. I follow them. I expect you to follow them. If you violate the rules once, I'm not gonna ban you - again, unless it's particularly egregious. I think my primary rule is sorta unspoken but it's "Do not make other forum members have a bad experience here on Linux.org." I see a good portion of my role as being someone who looks out for our users' experiences.

I will not tolerate it if you abuse other forum members.

Again, unless it's outlandish, you'd still have to work at it to get banned. I dislike banning people - except spammers. I love banning spammers. I have zero tolerance for spam.

If you went off on some giant racist/bigoted screed, you're getting a ban without warning.

If you start to discuss politics or religion, you'll get a nudge in the right direction - a reminder of the rules.

If you and another forum member have a spat, I'll urge you to take it to PM where we don't have to witness it. (I've no desire to pick sides in those sorts of things.)

Heck, I even tolerate a some spammy posts, like when someone (who has no history of posting here prior) stops by to promote their Linux software, like games or whatnot. I let that slide, though I may sometimes privately contact the person to see what's going on.

I've stated all this before, but it's nice to post a reminder now and again.

Will I ban you for using "too many" emojis? No... If you reach some arbitrary amount of emojis-per-content, enough to gather complaints I suppose, I might ask you to reduce the number in future messages. However, I trust (and hope for) folks to be adults. This goes double for the people who are here every day. So, I don't think that'll be a problem. I'm sure as heck not just going to blindly ban someone 'cause I didn't like how many emojis they used in their post. That's not how I do things.
Not on our watch (I am confident I can speak for all Staff here).

I was banned from one such forum after 3 years and 2,800 posts. Brian @Condobloke and I came here April/May 2017, kicked off our boots and put on our slippers, sucked on a beer (perhaps a scotch for Brian) and said "We're home".



I've had my say so I'll leave it at that.

Yes I know you were banned from that "Forum" because I was a member there too (bob007) and you were one of the first people to welcome me. I was shocked you were banned and when I asked this "Moderator" as to why...I was told..."it's none of your business"...so I said when the Wizard comes back...so will I...of cause I've never been back.

I do remember Condobloke too...gee has it been 5 years...how time flies. ;)
My goodness, the global village gets smaller :) - another refugee from Aussie. There were a few people who did that, not just Aussies, and a number ended up here over time. I think we'd all agree that this (place) is one climate change we can enjoy.

I don't mention that forum's name, nor that of their dark overlord - not through fear, but they can get a little itchy on the trigger finger with litigation we cannot afford.

Avagudweegend, all

Seriously...I think you have a problem with people having a little fun.

There are always going to be people who complain and whinge about anything they don't like
none of my Smilies have been rude or offensive...so what's your problem.

This is the friendly's Forum on the Net...I've been on other Forums that have nasty members and Mods too...who ban people for the least littlest things...it would be a very sad day indeed if this Forum goes down that same road.
Seriously... I think you need to read people's posts -- no matter how pedantic they are (and yes, I admit that I am) -- properly, before making assumptions (lol, little joke). Seriously, you should take time to read a post properly before you just have a knee-jerk response and type it, othewise you end up coming across as confrontational and, unless you utilise passive aggression correctly, it may blow up in your face... Double "see what I did there?" points.

Okay, but jokes aside, you really didn't read my post properly...

Seriously, my comment had nothing to do with your emojies (settling on "emoji" as the gendered plural and "emojies" as the unit plural). I was simply pointing out that promoting external linkage to images may because it has, in my experience led to flagrant use of GIFs.

In other words, you (and your emojies) were not even part of my discourse. I literally did not even rember who posted what, nor could I care. My only concern was that promoting external linking may lead to over use. The rest of my discourse was rhetoric about what I call "GIF Culture" and my feelings on our ever-devolving ability to communicate because of how the online world has shaped us.

That's it. Nothing hidden or malicious.
Don't tell the forum's name just tell us why you were banned,...

Fair call. But rather than take us further off-topic here in Forum Assistance, I'll start a Thread in Off Topic about why I was banned elsewhere, but am having the time of my life here.

Keep your eyes peeled for it.


I prepared an forum bb code maker code in shell for myself. I also add small warning :). It is not a big program but may help others too like me, since sometimes there is no bb code for smileys :

 written for copying lovely emojis from one place to another place! Use by caution!
 Emojis do like copying too much and they can make you addicted to use this code
 more than 10 times in a day ! If such symtomps shown,
 please kill the copier and warn the administator of your website!
# bbcode style is  :
#[url=<domainwith protocol name>][img]<fully url and uri of the image>[/img][/url]

#first analyze the given smiley url, decompose it into protocol and website parts
# example : https://www.mysmiley.net/facebook/Facebook_nazar-amulet_497_mysmiley.net.png

# handle errors
    echo "ERROR: argument 1 :"
    echo -e "Usage: bbcodemaker.sh url \n url : should be fully defined url and uri including 'www'. ex. : http://www.smileys.net/.../good.gif"
    exit 1

# Thanks to JasKinasis in https://www.linux.org/threads/solved-how-to-store-lines-between-two-patterns-in-array.41427/#post-167017
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    warnnkill "Error : Incorrect number of arguments. Enter a valid url as an argument."

# if there is no error about arguments, then continue with assigning argument 1 to variable
domain=$(echo $url | cut -d"/" -f1,2,3)
echo "[url="$domain"][img]"$url"[/img][/url]"

Last edited by a moderator:
I prepared an forum bb code maker code in shell for myself. I also add small warning :). It is not a big program but may help others too like me, since sometimes there is no bb code for smileys :

 written for copying lovely emojis from one place to another place! Use by caution!
 Emojis do like copying too much and they can make you addicted to use this code
 more than 10 times in a day ! If such symtomps shown,
 please kill the copier and warn the administator of your website!
# bbcode style is  :
#[url=<domainwith protocol name>][img]<fully url and uri of the image>[/img][/url]

#first analyze the given smiley url, decompose it into protocol and website parts
# example : https://www.mysmiley.net/facebook/Facebook_nazar-amulet_497_mysmiley.net.png

# handle errors
    echo "ERROR: argument 1 :"
    echo -e "Usage: bbcodemaker.sh url \n url : should be fully defined url and uri including 'www'. ex. : http://www.smileys.net/.../good.gif"
    exit 1

# Thanks to JasKinasis in https://www.linux.org/threads/solved-how-to-store-lines-between-two-patterns-in-array.41427/#post-167017
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
    warnnkill "Error : Incorrect number of arguments. Enter a valid url as an argument."

# if there is no error about arguments, then continue with assigning argument 1 to variable
domain=$(echo $url | cut -d"/" -f1,2,3)
echo "[url="$domain"][img]"$url"[/img][/url]"

And what exactly does this do? I'm not a very experienced programmer.
When you choose emoji or smiley from a website, sometimes there is no bbcode generator, if you get the url of the image, you can create bbcode for use it in this forum pages.
For instance in

you get the link of emoji as


and put into my small code to get bb code as :

$ ./bbcodemaker.sh https://emojipedia-us.s3.amazonaws.com/source/microsoft-teams/337/upside-down-face_1f643.png

and get the link of the emoji, paste it here and preview ! I did not post it here to but I tested, worked.
For instance in

you get the link of emoji as


and put into my small code to get bb code as :

$ ./bbcodemaker.sh https://emojipedia-us.s3.amazonaws.com/source/microsoft-teams/337/upside-down-face_1f643.png

and get the link of the emoji, paste it here and preview ! I did not post it here to but I tested, worked.

I have an illness where i'm way too skeptical, i wonder if it can be treated by psychiatry...here it goes:

I prepared an forum bb code maker code in shell for myself. I also add small warning :). It is not a big program but may help others too like me, since sometimes there is no bb code for smileys
Is it safe to run?

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