Root Privileges


New Member
Apr 7, 2022
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I'm quite new to Linux and don't fully understand the architecture so I am trying to figure out how to give myself root privileges on Arch since there isn't much stuff online. Can someone help me?

Thank you!

Have you tried to enter


In the terminal?
What does you want to do with root privileges?
Arch Linux uses su.

Arch uses pacman as the package manager.
Are you trying to install something?

There is lot's of documentation on how to run Arch Linux.
I am trying to install opera on Garuda and I need to run a command in root before I can run the regular command
What command do you need to run before installing Opera?
Arch Linux uses su
//im on vanilla Arch

I haven't touched "su" on a terminal since setting up . One quirk I found is that you can't have useage of "sudo" unless base-devel is installed . I do that at :
# mount /dev/mmcblkop2       /mnt 
# pacstrap     /mnt base linux linux-firmware  base-devel      vim nano grub efibootmgr

edit sudoers

# EDITOR=nano visudo
//uncomment # from
# %wheel ALL=(All) All

then i add a user:

//add  johndoe 
# useradd -m -G wheel -s    /bin/bash johndoe
 # passwd johndoe  // requests enter password

You could login to root with tty if you know root password and use usermod on your account have sudo rights.

Here's more about console.
linux console

Someone correct me if i'm wrong :)

I'm quite new to Linux and don't fully understand the architecture so I am trying to figure out how to give myself root privileges on Arch since there isn't much stuff online. Can someone help me?

Thank you!
if you are trying to install something or do something that requires root then sudo before the command will work fine. if you want root user acess in terminal run sudo -i or su


Are you still having trouble installing Opera?

For members following along debtab is a script for converting .deb pkg's into Arch pkg's.
@Alexzee -- For members following along debtab is a script for converting .deb pkg's into Arch pkg's.

Like Slackware's rpm2tgz, then.

@captain-sensible -- I like your useradd line. Why would I want to go with Arch instead of Slack? (PM me if necessary)
Slackware is good if your main objective is to put yourself in a position where you will "have to" learn a thing or 2. So wi fi doesn't work and a few other things on the basis that Mr P.V works along the basis of it can't be presumed you want this or this running ,so I won't autostart stuff you will have to manually enable it; unless you made the choice at installation.

Now if you take package management a lot of packages are still put together via ; one reason is that you can come unstuck if you go straight for a ready to install pkg because if there is some pre-work to do , the pkg will install but may not work.

A typical example is clamav - it needs groups etc setting up. For packages that have deps you have to build them manually to. Now thats great when you have to get the slackbuild for each dep , read about them etc because your leaning . if however you just want stuff installed with no fuss, them Slackware can be tedious. As of yet there is no decent system of package management and their deps. I did have a lot of success using which now seems to be ok with slackware15. Last time i used slackware i was using current and slpkg didn't work.

Long term i'm not sure whats going to happen with Slackware; quite frankly its very vulnerable with basically one benevolent dictator that couldn't Offord to fix his house roof at one point . Software range doesn't match other OS's and slackbuilds is actually maintained by volunteers - so in theory i'm still maintaining this one : in fact though i haven't done anything with it for ages and currently don't have a PC with slackware.

Documentation is basically dead and there was a stupid competition between 2 fractions or groups .One headed by Alien Bob. I submitted and had documentation accepted at ALien bob site for docs . It didn't look to me that other users could be bothered to check and correct it or comment on it. I will say I found Alien Bob most courteous and he did some corrections, also setting out at the beginning and made suggestions. It just seemed lack of interest from the other site users apart from Alien.


Otherwise slackware is very stable and once you get to know it, fine if it meets your requirements. very little updating to be done ; security updates are installed by getting packages released from time to time.

Now Arch could be a hell of a pain if your located where Internet is either flaky or expensive. Downloads it seem if your prudent have to be done every day and it can range from half a a few mb's to half a gig. I don't think i would be able to use Arch back in Ghana.

Choice of software is huge if you take into account AUR and i've submitted one so far : i basically did it , to see if i could understand the way the system built packages. I have a small project for my daughter set up on local host and didn't find it that hard to set up and get working . So far, its been about 6 months now Arch has not broken ; i've had a couple of occurrences where software doesn't work but that was for a couple of days until libs caught up . There is some minor maintenance .such has keeping pkg backups to 2 versions .BAsically three commands does it for me
sudo du -sh ~/.cache                      //get cache size
rm -rf ~/.cache/*	//clean cache 
sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=50M
sudo paccache -rk 2      //clean up backups to 2

Some things install like a dream for instance tor browser . I haven't had any dependency hell with Arch which i did have with Debian based. So far i'm pretty much totally satisfied with Arch and no need to try out other OS- but who knows ?

if you are going to install Arch do it manually that way you read up and understand a lot before you start using . i started reading install arch by itsfoss to break myself in easy then cross referenced a few other sites before going to Arch wiki.
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So, Arch looks as if it may have a longer-lived future than Slackware -- interesting. Didn't know of the in-fighting. Thank you -- informative!
