Because it is funny both ways - over in another topic I start about the DELL journey for a replacement Desktop PC for the wife - not a single thing has go right. the whole thing to which I have under taken has been a total Chit Show from start until now, as I wait for the SSD to write the Win XP.
. . . . . . . . . As mentioned it is a DELL stay with me . . . . . . . . .
I made a joke to which nobody caught - which ended Joke On Me ...... kind of like, her wife watch this I am going to replace your old broke down PC with a Faster Linux Cat ......... <------ hope some catch
I made the A Dell Rolling in the DEEP reference ... for those that are not sure what I meant
can't get Her Tower going again ......... the metaphor is there not just in the title and artist name.
. . . . . . . . . As mentioned it is a DELL stay with me . . . . . . . . .
I made a joke to which nobody caught - which ended Joke On Me ...... kind of like, her wife watch this I am going to replace your old broke down PC with a Faster Linux Cat ......... <------ hope some catch
I made the A Dell Rolling in the DEEP reference ... for those that are not sure what I meant
can't get Her Tower going again ......... the metaphor is there not just in the title and artist name.