No match for argument: snapd


New Member
Jun 14, 2023
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After installing “epel-release”, I did an “update” and it was “complete”, so I installed “snapd”, but it failed. An error message is “No match for argument: snapd”, “Error: Unable to find a match: snapd”. The execution procedure is as below.
sudo yum install epel-relea
sudo yum update
sudo yum install snapd
The same is true for "certbot."
OS is "Oracle Linux 8".

Have you seen this, though it's for 7.9?

I'll check

It's a different epel command, so do let us know how you fare.

Also, as I look back, you have 'epel-relea' - which is potentially missing an 'se'.

I didn't notice the typo on my first way through.
It's a different epel command, so do let us know how you fare.

Also, as I look back, you have 'epel-relea' - which is potentially missing an 'se'.

I didn't notice the typo on my first way through.
Yes, I will report it.
Incidentally, currently, the following are installed.
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snapd is available in EPEL8.
[root@rocky8-test ~]# dnf info snapd
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:07 ago on Wed 14 Jun 2023 09:17:49 AM CEST.
Installed Packages
Name         : snapd
Version      : 2.58.3
Release      : 1.el8
Architecture : x86_64
Size         : 49 M
Source       : snapd-2.58.3-1.el8.src.rpm
Repository   : @System
From repo    : epel
Summary      : A transactional software package manager
URL          :
License      : GPLv3
Description  : Snappy is a modern, cross-distribution, transactional package manager
             : designed for working with self-contained, immutable packages.
I was able to install snapd by setting "enabled=0" to "1" in the "[ol8_developer_EPEL]" section of "/etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-epel-ol8.repo".
EPEL" is not supported by "oracle", so it is better to disable "EPEL" if "certbot" can be installed, right?
EPEL" is not supported by "oracle", so it is better to disable "EPEL" if "certbot" can be installed, right?
EPEL isn't supported by RHEL either, although 99% of the RHEL systems or RHEL clones have it enabled because the repo provides packages additional packages that are useful to use and add additional functionality to a RHEL system which you otherwise would need to compile from source. If you installed cerbot from EPEL you will need to keep EPEL enabled to keep certbot updated or disable EPEL and specifically update the packages from EPEL bij listing those package and then using --enablerepo=EPEL to enable EPEL temporarily but not really much difference in my opinion.

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