Microsoft Still Thinks Linux is a Cancer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2020
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I watched this yesterday and you have to ask the is microsuck allowed to get away with this.

They have the software and are going after the hardware too.
You buy a own it not can this evil empire dictate what you install on it.

Did you check this video out also
This is an example of Microsoft slowly taking a page of Apple's playbook. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't you avoid all of this by getting a computer from a Linux hardware vendor?
It's the American Capitalist way of doing things! Legalized avarice.
This is an example of Microsoft slowly taking a page of Apple's playbook. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't you avoid all of this by getting a computer from a Linux hardware vendor?
I have no intention of buying another Laptop... people need to know what microsuck does.

If microsuck had it's way...Linux would be gone.
This is an example of Microsoft slowly taking a page of Apple's playbook. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't you avoid all of this by getting a computer from a Linux hardware vendor?
If I am understanding it correctly this Pluton will be installed by default on future generation cpu's so it wouldn't make a difference where you buy our pc or laptop, same games for self built pc systems.
If I am understanding it correctly this Pluton will be installed by default on future generation cpu's so it wouldn't make a difference where you buy our pc or laptop, same games for self built pc systems.

You could have a point there...future not looking good but I'm sure people will find a work around.
If I am understanding it correctly this Pluton will be installed by default on future generation cpu's so it wouldn't make a difference where you buy our pc or laptop, same games for self built pc systems.
I made a typo it should have been this:
If I am understanding it correctly this Pluton will be installed by default on future generation cpu's so it wouldn't make a difference where you buy our pc or laptop, same goes for self built pc systems.
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if you don't buy it they make no money Linux runs on everything else this is not the end.
You could have a point there...future not looking good but I'm sure people will find a work around.

There are already workarounds.

I have to go for my evening, but have a read of the following two articles if you like, and I will be back to comment on my tomorrow.


I have a great deal of faith in Michael Larabel and Matthew Garrett.


I think this would fall under communism and monopoly.
Windows has no reach On Linux they can't even see through their own fog I hope they perish.
An interesting read.
Also I would think there should be an option in your uefi to disable it, just like you can currently disable secure boot. It's probably going to be a time before they actually enforce since uefi isn't being enforced yet since you can still turn that off in your uefi. By the time they enforce it I would think the Opensource community will have thought of a solution.
It's probably going to be a time before they actually enforce since uefi isn't being enforced yet since you can still turn that off in your uefi. By the time they enforce it I would think the Opensource community will have thought of a solution.

I have faith the Linux devs will have a solution so keep the faith.
hm. I kind of think that to enforce it so you can't turn it off is illegal and goes agest consumers' rights off cause I can be wrong since I have not looked into it but I just think I remember somthing about it. also don't you think that somthing like "The Right to repair movement" is doing is going to happen if they do enforce it and Linux has not found a way around it?
That's absurd that there are people doubting this guy...he's not spewing nonsense about reptilians and cabals of jews, this is something that MS has been interested in doing basically since their conception. It's a little odd now that they are now attempting all this extra hardware to me just because it has never been particularly hard to either pirate windows or install free software on windows systems.

Well, that settles it, i have thought about maybe doing a windows build because half of my steam library works better on windows, but now i will avoid buying anything windows related...why is it necessary when linux has improved over the years? Now i think windows risks impaling themselves just because of that and the fact that apple users tend to stay apple. Now, MS is trying to go that route, and we will see what the consequences are...
Conspiracy Silliness:

It could be that Microsoft no longer sees any benefit in being easily pirated. They have enough market dominance in third world/emerging markets and those markets can afford the license fee associated when buying a new computer.

Reality probably:

Microsoft makes a butt-ton of money from Linux, and are even on the Linux Foundation as like official members and whatnot. While they don't control Linux, they certainly can exert influence. So far, they've been fairly well behaved in those regards. I'm pretty sure at least one giant chunk of Microsoft (and they're a huge corporation, capable of all sorts of complex ideas) that fricken loves Linux.

Entirely unrelated, but a curiosity...

Neither Microsoft nor Google have lost my personal information.
if you don't buy it they make no money

While that would make sense from a Linux user standpoint, we only make up a small percentage of the desktop market. Because most of the population are sheep, they'll stick with Windows because it's common and familiar, and then get a (potentially) locked-down pc that Microshit is conditioning them to buy. What's ironic is there still hasn't been a mass exodus from Windows despite how it keeps going downhill. Maybe we need to create a grassroots marketing campaign to get enough people away from Windows.
if you don't buy it they make no money Linux runs on everything else this is not the end.
Microsoft makes most of their money on the services they sell not on Windows or hardware.

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