User-created Helpful Shell Scripts

Why not with rsync?

Even if you don't have more machines to keep in sync with the thumbdrive, off the top of my head I think I remember (or maybe it's a fabricated memory) that had some extra functionality and better performance.

DISCLAIMER: This is one of the first scripts i ever made and has the potential to shoot yourself in the foot. Error handling and security certainly need improvement.

Other than that it takes one (host) or more (directories) arguments and tries to sync the directories in 'dirs' from the remote host (which you need root access for). If an older snapshot (latest) is present, it only copies changes and hard links the rest. It needs the exclude list, otherwise it you end up with tons of stuff you normally don't want to back up. If you want a fresh snapshot, delete or rename 'latest'.
No idea if it runs in shells other than zsh. It only says bash in the code section to get the pretty colors.

#[[ -f "$COLOR_FILE" ]] && source "$COLOR_FILE"

typeset -U hosts dirs
setopt pushdsilent


if [[ ! -z "${1}" ]]; then


if [[ ! -z "${1}" ]]; then
    while [[ ! -z "${1}" ]]; do
        dirs+=( "${1}" )

echo $hosts
echo $dirs

check_wd() {
    if [[ ! -d "$WORKDIR" ]]; then
        echo "${WORKDIR} does not exit"
        echo "trying to create directory"
        mkdir ${WORKDIR} || return 1
    pushd ${WORKDIR} && echo "Diving into ${WORKDIR}" || return 1

sync_dir() {
    echo "syncing ${BACKUP_USER}@${BACKUP_HOST}:/${BACKUP_DIR}"
    rsync -rlD -u -ptog --info=progress2 --exclude-from=${EXCLUDE_FROM_FILE}  --link-dest="${LINK}" "${BACKUP_USER}@${BACKUP_HOST}:/${BACKUP_DIR}" "${BACKUP_ROOT}/${BACKUP_HOST}/${DATE}"

for BACKUP_HOST in $hosts; do
    DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d__%T")
    echo "Starting backup on host: ${BACKUP_HOST}"
    if [[ ${BACKUP_HOST} == "bw" ]]; then
    for BACKUP_DIR in $dirs; do
        sync_dir "root" "${BACKUP_HOST}" "${BACKUP_DIR}" || RC=1
#    RC=$?
    if [[ -d "${DATE}" ]] && [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
        rm -f latest
        ln -s "${DATE}" latest
        echo "${message[ERROR]}: ${DATE} does not exist."
        echo "something went wrong. not linking."


You should end up with a structure similar to this
├─ mnt                                     
║ │  ├─ fs.local                                                                                                                          ║
║ │  │  ├─ ba0                                                                                                                            ║
║ │  │  ├─ spin0                                                                                                                          ║
║ │  │  │  ├─ backup                                                                                                                      ║
║ │  │  │  │  └─ hosts                                                                                                                    ║
║ │  │  │  │     ├─ hexenpups                                                                                                             ║
║ │  │  │  │     ├─ pi0                                                                                                                   ║
║ │  │  │  │     │  └─ 2021-04-11__08:23:34                                                                                               ║
║ │  │  │  │     ├─ pi2                                                                                                                   ║
║ │  │  │  │     │  ├─ 2021-08-14__06:48:28                                                                                               ║
║ │  │  │  │     │  ├─ 2021-08-20__01:44:26                                                                                               ║
║ │  │  │  │     │  ├─ 2022-07-14__23:48:00                                                                                               ║
║ │  │  │  │     │  ├─ 2022-07-15__05:17:08                                                                                               ║
║ │  │  │  │     │  ├─ 2022-07-28__18:47:10
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given the file has over 87,000 lines, it would be interesting to know if there are any problems with this script since i'm obviously not going to go through the whole thing and count as the end count wouldn't be accurate anyway.
Do note that most warnings and other stuff are usually safe to ignore; it can be anything, like the kernel has some module loaded for a piece of hardware your machine does not have, so the warning msg is triggered. Errors and failures might be worth investigating, but if your system works without any "apparent" issues, then you're probably fine by ignoring those as well.
rsync is a awesome tool! I use it to do a daily synchronization of the phone books of 50 PBX (IP phone servers) and pull their backups to the sync server weekly. As a matter of fact, that runs tonight.

The first operation is to pull any new phone books and dump them in a folder. The second step is to push the entire folder back out to each PBX thus updating the local phone book. The beauty of it is, it only pulls whats changed, then you end up only sending changes back. It saves a mountain of time!!!

The weekly backups of their configuration takes a bit longer. It starts it in farthest point East and work my way back West. The backups start at 11PM (UTC-5) = 5AM in (UTC+1). Since they work backwards thru the time-zones, it gives "extra" time to complete the backups.
This one is a just-works work in progress. It will end up in GitHub when I feel it's OK, but worth sharing.

It is inspired by this Gist by Reilly Tucker Siemens.

The script signs kernel modules with your Machine Owner Key. If you use Secure Boot with your Linux installation, you will need to do this for any module not included in the official update repositories every time you update the Kernel. Examples are plenty: NVIDIA and VirtualBox modules, v4l2loopback, and many other.

In case of modules coming with dependencies, it will sign all modules in the directory of the module to sign. This is the case, for example, of VirtualBox; vboxdrv is the sort of main module, but comes with a handful more of them.

In summary:
  • Self-sudoes itself
  • It accepts the whole list of module names that you need to sign,
  • Signs the modules according to path, filenames and module management conventions for Fedora
  • Tries to restart all failed units due to unsigned modules automatically
  • As an exit code, gives you 0 if everything went well, 1 if any signing operations fail, 2 if the service restart failed, and 3 if both error conditions happen.
For example, an usage to sign the modules for Virtualbox and the Video4Linux2Loopback (the thingie that allows you to use the OBS' virtal camera, for instance), would be:

signmodules ~/Downloads/MOK.priv ~/Downloads/MOK.der vboxdrv v4l2loopback

$ signmodules ~/Downloads/MOK.priv ~/Downloads/MOK.der vboxdrv v4l2loopback
[sudo] password for gvisoc:
Passphrase for /home/gvisoc/Downloads/MOK.priv:
[signmodules] Processing all modules for 'vboxdrv':
[signmodules]     Unpacking '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxdrv.ko.xz'...
[signmodules]     Signing '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxdrv.ko'...
[signmodules]     Recompressing '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxdrv.ko'
[signmodules]     Unpacking '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxnetadp.ko.xz'...
[signmodules]     Signing '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxnetadp.ko'...
[signmodules]     Recompressing '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxnetadp.ko'
[signmodules]     Unpacking '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxnetflt.ko.xz'...
[signmodules]     Signing '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxnetflt.ko'...
[signmodules]     Recompressing '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/VirtualBox/vboxnetflt.ko'
[signmodules] Processing all modules for 'v4l2loopback':
[signmodules]     Unpacking '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/v4l2loopback/v4l2loopback.ko.xz'...
[signmodules]     Signing '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/v4l2loopback/v4l2loopback.ko'...
[signmodules]     Recompressing '/lib/modules/5.19.4-200.fc36.x86_64/extra/v4l2loopback/v4l2loopback.ko'
[signmodules] Restarting any failed units after processing modules:
[signmodules]    Requested 'vboxdrv' restart with result 0
[signmodules]    Requested 'systemd-modules-load' restart with result 0
[signmodules] Done.

The script is on GitHub and has GPLv2 license:
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I've made some improvements to my previous script entry,

It may be valuable to edit the first post, mention it in the first post, or remove the first post - so that the emphasis is given to the new/improved version.
It may be valuable to edit the first post, mention it in the first post, or remove the first post - so that the emphasis is given to the new/improved version.
I will mix them both in the second and "empty-edit" the first.
Here's the timer script discussed earlier in the thread (provided in the link by Tolkem) but with a small modification to make it have sound when the time runs out:

if [ "$#" -lt "2" ] ; then
    echo "Incorrect usage ! Example:"
    echo './ -d  "Jun 10 2011 16:06"'
    echo 'or'
    echo './ -m  90'
    exit 1
now=`date +%s`
if [ "$1" = "-d" ] ; then
    until=`date -d "$2" +%s`
    sec_rem=`expr $until - $now`
    echo "-d"
    if [ $sec_rem -lt 1 ]; then
        echo "$2 is already history !"
if [ "$1" = "-m" ] ; then
    until=`expr 60 \* $2`
    until=`expr $until + $now`
    sec_rem=`expr $until - $now`
    echo "-m"
    if [ $sec_rem -lt 1 ]; then
        echo "$2 is already history !"
col=`tput cols`
col=$[ $col -5 ]

while [ $sec_rem -gt 0 ]; do
    let sec_rem=$sec_rem-1
    seconds=`expr $interval % 60`
    interval=`expr $interval - $seconds`
    minutes=`expr $interval % 3600 / 60`
    interval=`expr $interval - $minutes`
    hours=`expr $interval % 86400 / 3600`
    interval=`expr $interval - $hours`
    days=`expr $interval % 604800 / 86400`
    interval=`expr $interval - $hours`
    weeks=`expr $interval / 604800`
    echo "----------------------------"
    echo "Seconds: " $seconds
    echo "Minutes: " $minutes
    echo "Hours:   " $hours
    echo "Days:    " $days
    echo "Weeks:   " $weeks

    echo -n "["

    progress=$[$progress + 1]
    if [ $total_time -lt 1 ] ; then
        total_time=$[$hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds]
    printf -v f "%$(echo $_R)s>" ; printf "%s\n" "${f// /=}"
    tput cup 7 $col

    percent=$[$progress * 100 / $total_time]
    printf "]%d%%" $percent
    change=$[$percent - $tmp]

    _R=$[ $col * $percent / 100 ]

    sleep 1

printf "\n"

spd-say "wrap it up"

make it say anything you want by replacing "wrap it up" with something else, i was surprised at what great english pronunciation spd-say has :)
rsync is a awesome tool! I use it to do a daily synchronization of the phone books of 50 PBX (IP phone servers) and pull their backups to the sync server weekly. As a matter of fact, that runs tonight.

The first operation is to pull any new phone books and dump them in a folder. The second step is to push the entire folder back out to each PBX thus updating the local phone book. The beauty of it is, it only pulls whats changed, then you end up only sending changes back. It saves a mountain of time!!!

The weekly backups of their configuration takes a bit longer. It starts it in farthest point East and work my way back West. The backups start at 11PM (UTC-5) = 5AM in (UTC+1). Since they work backwards thru the time-zones, it gives "extra" time to complete the backups.
Grsync is a front end to rsync it is great as well - I use it for uploading to SourceForge
Wow, i've been wondering how to do this for months, and today i figured it interactive script that finds files containing certain text:

#this will look through every file in a working directory and
#find the text files that contain certain text
read -p "Display text files that contain what? " term

grep -l -I -s "$term" *
#options mean show files containing text of file, omit binary files,
#omit error messages

this is perhaps the most useful script i've ever made, not that it's impressive yet grep is a very handy tool
It’s been posted before, but here’s my bash-based note management tool. Unimaginatively called note:

And a note related thread here on

It’s quite a simple script. It uses your systems default terminal based text editor.
And it stores all of your notes in ~/.note/notes/.

If you run note without parameters, it will list all of your notes.

Create a new note, or open/edit an existing note using:
note filename
Where filename is the name of the file you want to create/open/edit.
It has tab completion for the filenames of your notes.

If you have espeak installed, it can read notes aloud to you.

You can list notes and search for notes containing certain words.

It has a few other useful features that are documented in the man page.

It also has a configuration script called notesettings, which allows you to set a few options:
- Preferred text editor,
- Preferred pager/viewer (less is used by default, I personally use w3m. But you could use more, or lynx etc).
- Whether to keep any temporary/backup files that might be generated by the editor. (Default is to delete backup files)

And it’s licensed under GNU GPL3 (code) and GNU FDL 1.3 (documentation)

When using the terminal, I find myself making lots of notes. I got bored of having to constantly type vim /path/to/note-file when creating notes.
And got annoyed when I couldn’t remember exactly where I’d saved a note, or what I’d called the file.

So I created note to keep all of my notes in one place. It’s quite an old project of mine and it’s pretty basic/simple, but I’ve used it pretty much every day since I started developing it.

I do have a few other scripts that might be useful. Like scripts to quickly launch Google/DuckDuckGo searches from the terminal.
I have a collection of bash scripts/functions/aliases for controlling cmus (terminal based music player mp3, flac, ogg, internet radio) via cmus-remote.

Probably a few others too!

I’ll have a dig through my HD and see what I can find. Then I’ll add them to my notabug git repo, clean them up a bit and then publish them!
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This was the first bash script I ever wrote since adopting Linux exclusively, and a little over 8 years down the track I still use it nearly every time I run updates.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get -y autoremove

I call it simply


If you are not sure about the distinction between line 3 and line 4 there is this

You can just as easily assign it to an alias, I just prefer the bash script. It lives in /usr/local/bin, which is in my path.

I have different ones for Debian-based, RPM-based, Arch-based and Gentoo-based, so that all 78 of my stable of Linux are covered.

I just type in


enter my password, and Bob's Your Uncle.

This was the first bash script I ever wrote since adopting Linux exclusively, and a little over 8 years down the track I still use it nearly every time I run updates.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get -y autoremove

I call it simply


If you are not sure about the distinction between line 3 and line 4 there is this

You can just as easily assign it to an alias, I just prefer the bash script. It lives in /usr/local/bin, which is in my path.

I have different ones for Debian-based, RPM-based, Arch-based and Gentoo-based, so that all 78 of my stable of Linux are covered.

I just type in


enter my password, and Bob's Your Uncle.

What does line 5 do?
You can just as easily assign it to an alias,

Yeah aliases and scripts are basically the same thing, i figure you use a script instead of an alias if the commands take up more than one line and have comments just as a formatting/visibility thing.
I've shared this before, but we can do it here:

alias update="sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt clean -y"

That's my upgrade alias for apt-using distros.

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