Linux mint 19.3 xfce


Aug 15, 2021
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Can anyone help me please? Where do i need to go to in Linux mint 19.3,o find the area in mint, that is the same as ( my computer ) in windows to see what is connected to my desk top computer with mint19.3 XFCE? thank you

That'd be your file manager. In Mint, that should be Nemo. It's helpfully named "Files" in Mint.

You can navigate your stored files that way. You're mostly interested (probably) in /home/<user>, where <user> is your username. There's also the root directory, which would simply be / and it's where you'll find bin, boot, etc, and you generally don't need to mess around in there a whole lot.

But, you're looking to see what is 'connected'? For that, you probably want to see stuff like connected hard drives:


Though connected devices may include /cdrom or /dev...

This is a good time to point out that Linux isn't Windows. Things aren't where, or how, you might expect them to be.
I run Linux Mint 20.3 (Cinnamon)

After clicking on menu, and then typing in files, and then clicking on that ....the below appears...

On the right hand side is useful....BUT in the left hand column, is what you are looking for.

It is worth noting that the hard drive that the OS is mounted on does not appear there. This is deliberate so that the main drive cannot have an accidental erasure or similar !!

If you wish to see the main hard drive/ on menu, type in on it and the second pic will appear

On your desktop is there an icon named Computer ?...If so, clicking on that will also show you what is connected.

If it does not appear on your on menu...type in system on it....under preferences you will see Desktop on should give you a window which is headed System Settings beside computer to turn on the icon on the shoukld also have a sitch there for the /home folder.....Trash.....and maybe for mounted that any drives that are mounted will have an icon on the desktop (but not the main drive)
(There is also a desktop layout above this saying show desktop icons on all is a drop down menu with choices......choose whatever suits your set up)

Be Careful: It is still possible to destroy your installed OS

1. Have you heard of Timeshift ? (similar to system restore)

2. When you have the time and inclination, Upgrade your OS to Linux Mint 20.3


That'd be your file manager. In Mint, that should be Nemo. It's helpfully named "Files" in Mint.

You can navigate your stored files that way. You're mostly interested (probably) in /home/<user>, where <user> is your username. There's also the root directory, which would simply be / and it's where you'll find bin, boot, etc, and you generally don't need to mess around in there a whole lot.

But, you're looking to see what is 'connected'? For that, you probably want to see stuff like connected hard drives:


Though connected devices may include /cdrom or /dev...

This is a good time to point out that Linux isn't Windows. Things aren't where, or how, you might expect them to be.
Thank you. I understand. I just did not know where mint might have that located in Mint. Thank you very much.
Thank you. I understand. I just did not know where mint might have that located in Mint. Thank you very much.
In Mint XFCE it uses Thunar as the file manager and it should be an icon in your pannel. and in the menu under file manager.
I'm not on XFCE at the moment so can't direct you any further at the moment.
Go to Nemo Edit -> Preferences (the edit menu for me just appears after a right click on a free space of the toolbar on pop os) and select toolbar. There activate the "Computer" icon. I think this is the one you are searching for.

/edit While you are there you can browse all the settings (there arent that many), for a better experience. I added a reload button, changed default view and others
I think we may not be exactly sure what your asking for. Are you looking for hardware connections of file connections?
If you looking for files in XFCE the file manager is Thunar. If for hardware connections such as discs/ Usbs etc you go to Thunar and click on the computer tab at the top of the left hand list. If your looking for running processes you go to Menu >Accessories>Task Manager. So tell us a little more about what it is your looking for? If your looking for driver information you can go to setting page found at the top of the main Menu. It show about everything that is configurable on your system.
Good luck.
I think we may not be exactly sure what your asking for. Are you looking for hardware connections of file connections?
If you looking for files in XFCE the file manager is Thunar. If for hardware connections such as discs/ Usbs etc you go to Thunar and click on the computer tab at the top of the left hand list. If your looking for running processes you go to Menu >Accessories>Task Manager. So tell us a little more about what it is your looking for? If your looking for driver information you can go to setting page found at the top of the main Menu. It show about everything that is configurable on your system.
Good luck.
I am looking for ( which it may not exist ), but when I connect my I phone to my pc that it reconises that it is there on the computer.
All I can say is my mobile phone is recognised immediately it is connected by USB as a USB device, to connect by Bluetooth I had to set it up in the Bluetooth manager
Maybe this is what you're after.

Open the file manager, click on Edit and then Preferences.

In the left column, click on Behavior and then look way down at the bottom - under Media.

Do you have "Automatically mount removable media ..." enabled?

That's where my phones appear in Nemo.
To all Helpers here - the OP has mentioned in his subject title that he is using Xfce, and that, as Dave @kc1di has astutely spotted, means that the FM he is using is Thunar, not Nemo.

Please desist from referencing Nemo.


Chris Turner