Installing Games on Linux

Do you think its possible to play BF1 on Linux using Origin in Lutris and Steam?
Am i The only one that thinks it look better on linux then on Windows or is it just been to long since i played it on Windows to i have forgotten.

Captain proton to the rescue!
Some minor tinkering is required.
Not required but it will help. Like Gamemode make the game run better and DXVK_ASYNC=1 if you run the game in DX11 can help with the stuttering if you have any but they are not required. i run the game in VKD3D so that would be Vulkan its support DX12 and make many games look better but you most of the time would also have lower FPS because of it. like Halo you will have like 8 FPS in VKD3D and 500+ FPS in DXVK with a 2070S so its really up to whats most imported for you looks or high

Oh snapples I just figured out how to activate proton on steam awesome now I can stop using windows for steam!
Oh snapples I just figured out how to activate proton on steam awesome now I can stop using windows for steam!
You should also vidit protondb to see how well do all the games from your library work on Proton.
If you have an account, you can link it to your steam library and it will display a comprehensive list of compatibility of all steam games in your library.
Right now I have my games downloading should be done by morning.
Most games work on Linux/Proton. Only a handful doesn't, and most of those are games with Anti-cheat.
But ProtonDB is an excellent place to check what you need to make it work, and you can give your own Review about how well it runs and if you did anything to make it run.
If you want to make most games run better, then i will recommend making two kinds of cache. DXVK STATE CACHE. 2. GL SHADER DISK CACHE.

DXVK cache is made when the game runs in DXVK and makes the games run better since all the Data it has Cache doesn't have to be Compiled all over again, which means less work for your PC and higher FPS and Smoother game-play in the long run.

GL Cache is NVIDIA Hardware cache, and it does the same as DXVK, but just for your GPU, which means less work for your GPU.


you can also make a dxvk.conf file that you put in where the Game .Exe is.
in that folder you can put in Command that help some games to run better or use the DXVK UI in game without has to putting in a command to do so for every game.
What i have in my dxvk.conf that i use in most games.

dxvk.useStateCache = True
dxvk.hud = compiler,pipelines,frametimes,drawcalls,fps
dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 1
dxgi.maxDeviceMemory = 4096
dxgi.maxSharedMemory = 4096
dxgi.nvapiHack = False
d3d9.deferSurfaceCreation = True
d3d9.maxAvailableMemory = 4096
d3d11.constantBufferRangeCheck = True

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I will mess around with it after work.
Oh snapples I just figured out how to activate proton on steam awesome now I can stop using windows for steam!
And every game that works on SteamOS will work on linux without the emulation tools.
And every game that works on SteamOS will work on linux without the emulation tools.
yes called native linux games because it supports openGL which can run on linux without been emulated.
yes called native linux games because it supports openGL which can run on linux without been emulated.
So, ive been wondering since you posted those libraries typically come installed on a linux operating system? Or do they get installed with the steam client and games?
DXVK come with some Linux Distributions if not can be easy installed with
 Sudo apt install DXVK
Sudo pacman -S DXVK
i would recommend compiling it from github to get most out of it.

Vukan need libraries to work like.
on AMD.
libvulkan1 mesa-vulkan-drivers vulkan-utils
and on NVIDIA

Vkd3d is a 3D graphics library built on top of Vulkan. It has an API very
similar, but not identical, to Direct3D 12 and work with Proton but you do need some libraries to help it running since its use
In Wine its just called WINED3D but should work the same way just the Wine vertion.

OpenGL by my understanding come with all mainstream Linux Distributions and don't need anything ells to run but it cant hurt to check.
So, ive been wondering since you posted those libraries typically come installed on a linux operating system? Or do they get installed with the steam client and games?

To answer my own question with a case-insensitive "find" search:


It seems that the software you download has it's own OpenGL libraries instead of distros by default...i was mostly asking because there are tons of distros and i'd bet that some of them are different. I would think the ideal gaming distro would have OpenGL's by default, i've seen gaming an explicitly gaming distro before but i think it was last updated in 2009 so i wouldn't recommend try to mess around with the thing...
The whole steam deck system is based on Archlinux and they really polished out WIne on that one. You can play so many tripple A titles now days on Linux that I'm starting to wonder what's windows good for anymore
To answer my own question with a case-insensitive "find" search:


It seems that the software you download has it's own OpenGL libraries instead of distros by default...i was mostly asking because there are tons of distros and i'd bet that some of them are different. I would think the ideal gaming distro would have OpenGL's by default, i've seen gaming an explicitly gaming distro before but i think it was last updated in 2009 so i wouldn't recommend try to mess around with the thing...
I didn't know Steam has its own OpenGL.
I didn't know Steam has its own OpenGL.
You can pretty much find every file on a linux system with "find / -iname <search-term>", login as su first. It makes sense considering that SteamOS is a somewhat obscure linux operating system.
SteamOS is a somewhat obscure linux operating system.
Hehehe an OS made by a multi-billion dollar corporation is having trouble going above being "obscure". I just love how you can't bullshit your way into "market share" (don't know if the term applies since its free) as far as open source is concerned.
Thanks for the heads up I have it going and running good. On first boot it was choppy and laggy, but somebody said run it again you have build the cache sure enough after awhile it has run smoothly. I tried installing through Lutris Steam that failed for me I'm sure its me trying to figure things out for the first time. That took me awhile to download and uninstall then I tried the Proton Steam way changed the settings to allow windows games and the whole thing. On first run it needed to download I think it was the BF1 shaders that alone took 40 minutes in all took me about me about 3 hours a lot of that was downloading and me doing other things. Thanks.


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Thanks for the heads up I have it going and running good. On first boot it was choppy and laggy, but somebody said run it again you have build the cache sure enough after awhile it has run smoothly. I tried installing through Lutris Steam that failed for me I'm sure its me trying to figure things out for the first time. That took me awhile to download and uninstall then I tried the Proton Steam way changed the settings to allow windows games and the whole thing. On first run it needed to download I think it was the BF1 shaders that alone took 40 minutes in all took me about me about 3 hours a lot of that was downloading and me doing other things. Thanks.
if you are running the game in DXVK i would recommend

if you running in VKD3D and use Nvidia i would recommend

every time it has to Compile cache to the file it will lag and you may see it at time when you play it the first time that's why you can Download DXVK file form other people so it don't have to compile as much if any.
you can Download Cache from here to difference games

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