The point is, dear heart, instructing someone here re kali is basically giving them a blow by blow instruction of how to do some particular thing. There is no learning curve for them.....they (because of their lack of any knowledge whatsoever) need a step 1, step 2, step 3, etc etc etc etc. like baking a cake, absent the knowledge of what each ingredient actually does and is responsible for and if it is left out of the mix what the possible outcome will be.
So, when a teen or a pre 25 or so comes here determined to hack the world off its socks, we emit an almost audible groan. Another one who wishes to be spoon fed.
If you start a new job....will the incumbent workers there spoon feed you until you know as much as the ceo...or will you have to learn the ropes just as they that you will have an understanding of the ingredients that go into making that particular cake/distro?
As for the stfu and similar insults to members here? know the way to the exit.
Ps I take it you are aware you are commenting on a thread from Feb 2021
How do we know a particulat person will need such blow by blow? their input.
You will note that this particular member made no effort to tall us just what steps he/she had taken already, before asking for help.
In other words, no effort had been made. The fact that the OP has not been seen nor heard of since the day after the thread appeared confirms this.