Dell xps 17 9210 with linux

did you try as root?

At least i do not get the "chmod: changing permissions of 'Storage_One': Operation not permitted" Massage.
So maybe i was not the sudo yesterday...

Now i tried it with sudo rights.

drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 32768 Jan 1 1970 Storage_One
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 32768 Jan 1 1970 Storage_Two
[root@server server]# chmod a+rwx Storage_One
[root@server server]# chmod -v 777 Storage_One
mode of 'Storage_One' changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)
[root@server server]# chmod -v 777 Storage_Two
mode of 'Storage_Two' changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)
[root@server server]# ll
total 64
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 32768 Jan 1 1970 Storage_One
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 32768 Jan 1 1970 Storage_Two
[root@server server]#

and it says that i changed the permission but as it shows with the ll command it doesn't change anything.

But why there is no change in the permissions?
got it...

the root i needed was sudo su - the "-" was the key.

when i use the sudo su command i get something like [root@server server]#
but if i use sudo su - i get this [root@server ~]# so the tilde thing shows i'm root user...

anyways, now its working.
One thing in addition.
I realized that i could not change the user:group until i
open Disks - gnome-disk-utility 44.0
clicked on the little gear-icon and select |-Check file System-|
it asked me two times for a password and after i typed them in
I was able to change the user:group.

I just can guess that it has something to do with the disks-gui.

If someone know more, pls let me know.

Cheers Rash
when i use the sudo su command i get something like [root@server server]#
but if i use sudo su - i get this [root@server ~]# so the tilde thing shows i'm root user...
No, the # character shows you are root in both of your examples. The tilde (~) shows your "Working directory" was changed to root's home directory (/root). See an explanation of the differences between su and su - here.

If su - is the only command to work properly, it's probably because of one or more of the other differences shown in the link above: the difference in environment variables, path variables, or shell settings.

While # indicates you are the root user in the terminal, the $ character indicates you are a regular non-root user. The ~ always means "home folder." For root, the home folder is /root. As a regular user, if you give the command cd ~/ or even simply cd ~ it will take you to your own home folder (at least it does with Linux Mint). You can check your current directory with the pwd command.

You will often see instructions on the internet such as:
# fdisk -l
$ whoami
These are explicitly telling you to become root (#) to run the first command, or that you can remain a regular user ($) to run the second command. You don't type those characters as part of the command!

I hope that helps. Good luck!
Yes, that helps and clear things up.
I'm happy that someone enlightened me.

Thanks a lot!

You have no idea why i'm only able to change the user:group with chown after i did the steps described above?

This is what i wrote down for myself:

open Terminal
get root su rights sudo su -
open Disks - gnome-disk-utility 44.0
click on the little gearicon and select |-Check file System-|
it will ask you two times for a password - type the Passwort in
go back to the Terminal
now you can change the 'user' and the 'group'. chown -R user:group /path/dir
You have no idea why i'm only able to change the user:group with chown after i did the steps described above?
No, I'm sorry. I'm not really following your problem and only wanted to give you clarification on the #, $, and ~ symbols because I noticed you were interpreting their meaning incorrectly.

You have to be root (or use sudo) to use the chown command. And some distros behave differently than others. For example, with Linux Mint, you cannot use the su or su - commands by themselves... they just don't work, even if you know the root password. This is likely because the root account is "locked" by default in Linux Mint (and other distros too). Instead, with Mint, you must use sudo su or sudo su - to get the same results. sudo su has always worked fine for me when I want to use a root prompt, but you seem to think that you need the "-" for your problem to work correctly, and I've never found that to be necessary.

I'm not very familiar with Disks (I use Gparted) so I don't understand how or why the chown issue may be affecting that application. Gparted requires the root password to be given once, not twice. Is the disk you are trying to access encrypted?

I'm really not clear on what your exact problem is... I noticed that permissions and chmod are also being questioned above. I'll re-read the whole thread later to see if I can offer any other advice, but others are more likely to guide you better.
This is what i wrote down for myself:

open Terminal
get root su rights sudo su -

open Disks - gnome-disk-utility 44.0

click on the little gearicon and select |-Check file System-|
it will ask you two times for a password - type the Passwort in

go back to the Terminal

now you can change the 'user' and the 'group'. chown -R user:group /path/dir
Just a quick comment on this... when you become root in the terminal, that does NOT make you root anywhere else... only in that terminal, and only while that terminal is open. So you are not root when you open up Disks, and that is why it still needs a password. But not sure why it wants the password the second time.

In other words, these two applications (terminal and Disks), while running at the same time, are not related to one another. Each is an independent process. Nothing you do in one will affect the other in real time. (Or nothing that I can think of at the moment.)

Again, I'll try to come back to this later to see if I can understand better.
Last edited:
Another Problem i have now,

i set up another Pc as a server to store all my data. It's on Fedora 38 as well. To find the Directories was not so much of a Problem.
But as i tried to past a File into the Folder i could not.

Storage_Zero works fine but Storage_One and Storage_Two not.

drwxrwxrwx. 1 server server 8192 Sep 8 15:26 Storage_Zero
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 32768 Jan 1 1970 Storage_One
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 32768 Jan 1 1970 Storage_Two

I figured out it has something to do with the Permission. But allways i try to
chmod a+rwx Storage_One
it says
chmod: changing permissions of 'Storage_One': Operation not permitted

So how can i change a permission when i don't have the permission to change it?

Pls, i need a hint in the right direction. I think i'm at the end of the interwebs :eek::eek:.

Okay, the quote above is Post #20, the last one on the previous page, and it seems that your original problems were solved with Fedora 38. That would have been a good time to mark your thread as "Solved." You can mark your own threads as Solved by editing the Title of the first post.

With a new problem, it's best to open a new thread... that way other users browsing the forums can spot topics that interest them, or that maybe they can help with. This is why a good Subject is so important too, like "Can't change permissions with chmod in Fedora 38"... or something like that. It helps to keep the discussions and attention focused.

One of the staff here (@KGIII or @wizardfromoz) may slice off this problem into a separate thread if they choose, but I'll just carry on for now.

So... is this your problem? Changing permissions with chmod? This has nothing to do with the Disks program, so I would suggest just using the terminal to work with chmod or chown. You must be root (or use sudo) to use chown, but a regular user can use chmod on files that they own (but no one else's).

Or do you have a problem with Disks? (That might need its own thread too.)

Please explain it for us again. Thanks! :)
One of the staff here (@KGIII or @wizardfromoz) may slice off this problem into a separate thread if they choose, but I'll just carry on for now.

This thread confuses the heck out of me. I'm not sure where it'd be a good spot to split it off. From what I can see, the problems are similar - ie it's a new user coming to grips with Linux. There's a learning curve but they'll be up to speed in no time, assuming they keep plugging away at it.

If you can pick a specific post to split it at (by number), where a new thread might go, and maybe a new title - I'll happily defer to you and perform said operations.
From what I can see, the problems are similar - ie it's a new user coming to grips with Linux.
Maybe I'm just being a little gunshy... it wasn't long ago that another new user created a runaway thread of 22 pages. :oops:

This thread began with "which distro is best for me?" and was pretty quickly resolved with Fedora 38. But in the course of that it still ventured into other questions that could have stood on their own, some of which the OP solved himself (or with help from other forums/sources). I still tend to think each question should stand alone, when possible, as I described above. It makes it easier for future users to find specific topics... when a topic isn't buried in a thread with an unreleated Title.

The permissions problem begins at Post #20. Up to you whether to separate that topic or just let this thread run. But Rash hasn't been back yet to give us an idea of which sub-forum might be most appropriate, or what the Title should include. I've been confused too. ;)
it wasn't long ago that another new user created a runaway thread of 22 pages. :oops:

LOL You're not wrong. Man, I thought about that thread a few times. I decided that so long as someone was willing to help them, I'd stay out of it. In this case, I mostly agree. I just can't see a good spot to split if off. Wizard is smarter than I am, so maybe they'll have a good idea. They'll be online soon.
#16 and #20 seem the appropriate spots for me, so one thread to three

Sorry Guys,
it could be separated in 3 categories:

1 -16 What Linux,
17 - 19 Video playing problems
20 - end Permission Problems.

To explain myself and maybe this is the case with other noobs.
It's nice to have one place where you find all the problems you where running into over the time.

But i agree, it is confusing for people try to find a specific Problem.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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