Australia - The Land Down Under

....and before people simply dismiss these creatures as 'myths' etc etc.....perhaps thoese particular australian geographic people had not done their homework....mmmm?

but wait!!....are they actually ...extinct??......the tales and the visible marks on torn limbs still exist, on those lucky enough to escape/survive.....

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I am going to make it my mission to send you a moose for your local zoo.

Well, no... I've got other things to do with my time. Then again, I have some free time right now.

The satellite connection is still not working. Otherwise I'd use that. Something hit me dish. Dunno how long it will take to get it fixed.

It might have been a Moose...

I'm reminded of the Australian war against the emu.
Back at Post #1,074 I expounded on the most lovable of people....MAGOO .....who rescued many people off the roof of the pub at Rossville in Queensland...just up the track from Cairns during the floods.

Here is the story of Magoo

Meet Magoo, the helicopter pilot who saved 16 people from a pub roof during Far North Queensland flooding​


While you are reading the report, take a gander at the second video on that page of the bloke being rescued from a tree by Gavin
Meet Magoo, the helicopter pilot who saved 16 people from a pub roof during Far North Queensland flooding

You can see a person's true colors when you have a crisis.

I don't think we had choppers rescuing people but we did have people doing so in boats.

It's a matter of who runs towards danger and those who run away from it.
Merry Christmas !

I'm going to the city tomorrow to get a bunch of pre-paid Visa cards from my credit union. I was able to set this up today. I plan on handing those out as it seems like a good idea under the circumstances.

It's something I'm in a position to do. I've got a few people who will help me hand them out and we all have appropriate Santa hats. We're going to go out on Sunday (the 24th in my time zone) and just hand them out to the houses we stop at. If it looks like they could use some help, we'll stop. If there's any left, we'll give them to the fire department to hand out.

Which is to say, I can appreciate those who are on a mission to give.

The world could use more of those folks. So many are eager to take. So few are ready to give.

Ah well...

Thanks for the link, as it's inspiring.

Also, it really sucks typing this much on a phone. LOL
LOL I don't think I'd have guessed that without a whole lot of time spent trying different combinations.
Need some fuel?

Based in Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia


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