As much as I like WordPress, it does things like this:


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Yes, I've actually cleaned more database space than the actual space the database takes up since starting the site.

This change occurred the other day, but I didn't think to screenshot it. I've cleaned 38 MB of database space while the actual size of the database is (as cleaned) 32 MB.

I love WordPress, but there are definitely areas where it could improve.

The bloat boat has sailed! ;)
The bloat boat has sailed! ;)

It's an automated process, meant to trim the database daily, but I still click the button to start the cleaning once in a while. It's amazing how much bloat there is, but it's such a great CMS and I can automate the tasks away. Mostly...
I just looked at index.html on one of my websites... the closing </html> is on line 28, and there are 4 blank lines in the file. This excludes my separate CSS file (also minimal). I use no Java or other scripting. No CMS. I've been doing simple basic websites since the early '90's... personal pages and a few non-profits I was associated with. But not much anymore. I code by hand with just a basic text editor.

I live in a different universe. ;)
Yeah, I've done the writing HTML in a plain text editor thing before.

I ain't got time for that, plus I like/want a ton of the features that WordPress (and plugins) bring to the table. The time savings alone would be worth it. I automate away so much of it, including backups and upgrades. The WYSIWYG editor, with TinyMCE added, is quick and easy - and generally results in formatting that I can live with.

If it's a site that I'm going to constantly add information to, WordPress is my first choice. Even with the bloat, security risks, commonality, etc...
its true it does takev up a bit of time writing custom code ; even setting up to write custom code.
It wasn't a 5 minute job to shift from an apache development for php from slackware to Arch.

I have bootstrap in scss form , a custom scss that overrides bootstrap as required and was using Gulp to watch for changes in the scss and do the converting of scss to css as required and shift to the right directories. I just couldn't get Gulp to work on Arch so now using Grunt.

http.conf not to bad , a few tweaks here and there to get mod-rewrite working , php to read/write to sqlite3. Then i'm using codeigniter4;there was a new release - updated using composer and my web dev broke. Wordpress does an auto install upgrade for you and you get told its coming by email I think worpress is OK for the experienced. The danger lies in those new to web, with a vigin install of W.P having next to no security to hacking. However WP would probably be my first choice for a pay online e-commerce system. Its just too eaty to use woo commerce and plugins , than fry my brain integrating PayPal (again)
Yeah, that's one of the great things about WordPress. If you can imagine it, someone has probably already done the work and shared it.

There are some great plugin devs. In fact, I had contact with one recently and they incorporated my suggestion over a weekend - and didn't even add it as a paid option.

While I do have a whole lot of plugins, I'm actually pretty careful about which ones I use.
are you going to use mine on September 19th 2021

Probably not. It's feature-complete at this point. I can install it if it makes ya happy, but the site now does everything I want it to do. It took 74 plugins to accomplish that, but it is done.
well i only asked tongue in cheek to be honest

it would only be for one day - international pirate day. The plugin converts text output so that it reads like captain hook is narrating ! then next day you uninstall .Its a W,P offical plugin

Well i guess it sounds mildly eccentric - but what do you expect from an ex-slackware user ?

Out of interest anybody on here have written their own W.P plugin ?
Out of interest anybody on here have written their own W.P plugin ?

Many moons ago, I wrote a plugin that worked with TinyMCE to change the default font and to justify text both left and right. I never bothered submitting, it was just for a couple of my project sites.

Good thing, too... TinyMCE changed the way they did stuff a year or two later and I haven't bothered trying to figure out their new method.

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