How To Check Printer Ink Levels In Linux Mint.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2020
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Not long ago I came across this article showing how to show ink levels of your printer in Linux and it actually works.
It does work as you can see...

Anyway I hope this helps someone.


Works with printers connected via usb
Hm. Interesting info.

Epson actually provide a Qt4-powered GUI printer utility that works (at least with older USB-only models). It's A-OK with my old Epson Stylus SX-218 early fore-runner to the enterprise-class WorkForce models.


It probably wouldn't work for newer wireless stuff. However, I'll have a look at this; may have to dig around in /ubuntu/pool to find libInkLevel, but we'll see what happens.

Thanks for the heads-up, @bob466 !

Mike. ;)
Oh, yes. That works nicely. SO nicely, in fact, that I've thrown together a wee ROX-app (ROX-filer's native, built-in 'portable' application format) for it. Like so:-


I know some of our Puppy members will be interested in this.....and both 64- AND 32-bit varants work very sweetly, across a wide range of Pups.

Cheers, Bob! Ta very much, lad...

Mike. ;)
Hm. Interesting info.

Epson actually provide a Qt4-powered GUI printer utility that works (at least with older USB-only models). It's A-OK with my old Epson Stylus SX-218 early fore-runner to the enterprise-class WorkForce models.


It probably wouldn't work for newer wireless stuff. However, I'll have a look at this; may have to dig around in /ubuntu/pool to find libInkLevel, but we'll see what happens.

Thanks for the heads-up, @bob466 !

Mike. ;)

I did install the Epson Printer Utility from a deb from Epson but can't get it to work...Printer is USB.

It's not the first deb I've installed...might be commands to run.
I'd like to add...on one site it says in the terminal to launch it but when I do it command not found. I think I'll stick to what I'm doing wasn't meant to be easy.
I'd like to add...on one site it says in the terminal to launch it but when I do it command not found. I think I'll stick to what I'm doing wasn't meant to be easy.
@bob466 :-

Umm.....o-kay. See,

epson-printer-utility installed to /opt/epson-printer-utility/bin/epson-printer-utility, but has a sym-link to /usr/bin (which is "in the $PATH"; in other words, a standard location where the system will look for stuff.)

Just out of curiosity, what d'you get if you enter the full $PATH in the terminal? Type in


.....then hit "Enter"? Same response?

(Usually, the current issue with this is getting the Qt4 components installed. Most distros have been on Qt5 for ages, and Qt6 is now starting to appear; Qt4 is a little bit "old-hat" now, and no longer gets the support. Unless your .deb is a newer build than mine, in which case it probably IS built with Qt5 anyway....)

Mind you, if you're happy with using libinklevel.......carry on regardless, mate..! :p

Mike. ;)
If you have a supported HP printer - you can install it via hplip-gui and get a nice gui ink level monitor.
Thanks @bob466 for the post though. nice to know.
Hi Mike,
This is the Epson Printer Utility deb...

This is the Terminal command result...

As you can see I'm flogging a dead horse here...I've installed Virtualbox from a deb and Etcher too and others...all work just fine.
If you have a supported HP printer - you can install it via hplip-gui and get a nice gui ink level monitor.
Thanks @bob466 for the post though. nice to know.

I only have an Epson Printer that's a few months old...if I look on the bright side...I got both Printer and Scanner to work so not all bad.
@bob466 :-

Yeah, it's like I thought. It's the Qt4 stuff you're missing. Qt5 has been the de-facto 'standard' for some time now, so if you want Qt4 for anything you'll find it IS available.....but you'll need to manually add Qt4 stuff in from your package manager.

Despite the fact that your package is a newer version than mine, it's clearly STILL built with the older-gen Qt.


I always used to find that using gDebi was the easiest way to install .debs.....for the simple reason that gDebi works hand-in-hand with the package manager, resolving dependencies & pulling-in additional stuff as required. Simply installing a .deb by clicking on it doesn't actually trigger this.

Just so's you know, the Qt4 items needed for this - there's only three of 'em - are:-

  • QtNetwork. so.4

The "Core" package is the one item common to ALL apps that require Qt stuff, regardless of generation. Qt3, Qt4, Qt5, Qt6.....they all work the same. Everything else builds onto & around this.

It's up to you, but I'd uninstall if you haven't already done so, then re-install again using gDebi. I believe it comes with Mint OOTB.

There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to get this running. If an idiot like me can do it - and in 'Puppy', to boot! - then I think anybody can. :D

Mike. ;)
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Hi Mike,

GDebi was used to install it...

Qt4 too...

I think I'll give it a miss...thanks anyway.
I installed the Drivers for my Printer/Scanner in my w7 VM and guess what...

Before printing the page it gives you the option to check the ink extra software simple a blind man could do it...windowz users get it so easy.
@bob466 :-

Before printing the page it gives you the option to check the ink extra software simple a blind man could do it...windowz users get it so easy.

Heh. 'Kayyy...... Say no more! :p

Actually, thinking about it, it's entirely possible Mint have now dropped Qt4 from their repositories. I know a number of other mainstream distros have either done this, or are considering doing so. With Qt6 being the up-and-coming "new kid on the block", Qt5 is currently occupying the position of "old but stable".....and I strongly suspect that Qt4 has now attained 'dinosaur' status.

(Maybe I'm in the minority, but why is it so many geeks get hyper-excited over always having and/or using the very newest of everything, all the time..? :rolleyes: There's a lot to be said for stability, even if it IS sometimes a wee bit behind the times...)

Mike. ;)
There's a lot to be said for stability, even if it IS sometimes a wee bit behind the times...

Yup. I pretty much only use distros (on real hardware) with decent support and a stable release.

That doesn't mean we don't get upgrades, but it does tend to keep things similar over the lifetime of the operating system. I value that stability, that sameness. When it's time to upgrade, I move to a new LTS build. There will be a slight learning curve, as that's when major changes take place.

I'm tempted to try keeping a Lubuntu instance alive for the full 10 years of support you can get from Ubuntu, but I don't tend to keep my devices that long. While I'm not a gamer or anything, I tend to replace things every few years, finding a good home for my gently used towers while they still have (to me) viable lifetimes. I'll have to provide my own support, because Lubunt only offers 3 years of support. But, the important bits (especially now with Ubuntu Pro) will happily continue getting upgrades for 10 years.

I'm pretty sure I can handle my own support - that is access to the official support channels, not that the software won't be updated. Pretty sure...
Lets face it printers are designed to run in windowz and support for Linux is not good.

I had problems 5 years ago installing my old printer (Epson)...I got the printer to work but couldn't get the scanner to work...had to install printer and scanner in my w7 VM. At least this time I got both to work with additional software and can check the ink levels with two Terminal commands.

Slightly off-topic here, but just answering your last post (I'll call it a day after this!) Y'know the thing I can never understand with Ubuntu? Why they stick to this ridiculous 6-month schedule, completely re-building the OS twice every year..! In all honesty, it would make more sense if they switched to a "rolling release" model, releasing new builds of apps/components as & when they become available.

(And then you have websites like OMG!Ubuntu!, doing its very best to whip up a frenzy of excitement for the next 6-monthly release, leaving Ubuntu die-hards dribbling & panting with anticipation for the next build! Cracks me up, it does...)

Back when I was a member of the Ubuntu community for a year or so, I got the distinct impression that those who ran the LTS builds were looked down upon by all the other members, who dutifully re-installed the new version the very second it was available. I recall, they even had an informal contest at one point, awarding points to the member who managed to get the new build installed before anyone else!

Cheesy.....or what? I totally fail to see what's so exciting about the aggravation of yet another flamin' re-install....along with the usual crop of bugs (and before they get sorted, whadd'ya know? Yup, it's new release time again!!) :rolleyes: Must be summat wrong with me, 'cos seriously, I just DO not "get it".

I'd far sooner have the guaranteed stability of a release that remains largely the same for at least a few years....

Mike. ;)
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In all honesty, it would make more sense if they switched to a "rolling release" model, releasing new builds of apps/components as & when they become available.

Not really? The LTS is the intended release for most usage. The interim releases are reasonably stable but also being used to ensure the LTS version is what it should be.

I suspect you're just looking at it with your own expectations. The interim releases exist and are great ways to know what will end up in the LTS builds. Unless there's a hardware need, I'd pretty much never suggest the interim releases to anyone. I'm not sure how you got the impression that LTS users were looked down upon, but your experiences are own.

So, those have 3 to 10 years of support. It's a very different business profile than you'll see in a rolling release. It's a very different strategy.
After all this trouble I'd better create a system image so I don't have to do this all over again...done.

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