whatsapp etc all down ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2019
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wife is in hospital and couldn't get through on whatsapp, but git through by direct call apparently
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Yeah, major outage - including Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram.
and back in the UK the morons are using twitter to blame it on Brexit:eek:
Your command had no effect. :p
Dang, was kinda waiting for one of the many people that get banned being the hacker that they should have left alone. It appears to be just program and bad code.

Dealing with both electronic and physical security, it is funny how you cannot get into you place of business when network is down, as the ZDNet article says, like people who put electronic locks on the house. Always have a backup that works with a key.
FB is back up.
As of a few minutes ago, I read that services are still down - like federated Facebook login on other sites.

I have no way to verify this, as I don't actually have a Facebook account.
I accidentally clicked on FB link about an hour ago, and it appears FB is up again (which is a shame, because if this problem became long and drawn out for months on end, a massive amount of people would've moved onto another platform, and it would've been the final nail in FB's coffin)
In RSA, Whatsapp was down. Back up a couple hours ago.

wife is in hospital and couldn't get through on whatsapp, but git through by direct call apparently
Sorry to hear. That's the pits. If you have a same-network voice bundle in your country, you shoul consider it. Got most fam and some friends on the same carrier and I fork out roughly 35 ZAR for 500-600 minutes (depending on specials etc). About 2 USD.

Dang, was kinda waiting for one of the many people that get banned being the hacker that they should have left alone. It appears to be just program and bad code.

Dealing with both electronic and physical security, it is funny how you cannot get into you place of business when network is down, as the ZDNet article says, like people who put electronic locks on the house. Always have a backup that works with a key.
I hate electronic locks. One place I stayed had no manual release on the security gate and it jammed. Lots of pissed off residents with cars parked outside in the street. Thank fck there was a side gate for people on foot. First time it was the motherboard, second time it was the motherboard, third time it was the motherboard, fourth time I told the guy he was talking shite and we petitioned the body corporate to put in a decent gate.
I hope she pulls through
its been a roller coaster over the last few years; basically with our research we got our GP to refer her to Rheumatology Dept in Hospital (she was never referred by hospital, nor did anyone think to look at her without our intervention) finally light at the end of the tunnel a form of auto-immune syndrome has been identified ; its manageable so they have started treatment but need to monitor .

I've approached the challenge applying dry humor and techniques from NLP etc
As of a few minutes ago, I read that services are still down - like federated Facebook login on other sites.

I have no way to verify this, as I don't actually have a Facebook account.
I have a FB account (have for many many years) I just don't actually use it except maybe once or twice a year. (normally to say thank you for all birthday wishes) I just cannot deal with everyone shouting their opinions on random subjects in my face every time I logon. If I wanted your opinion, I would ask for it! hah
I have a FB account

I've never needed it. I run a private server for family and close friends and my kids are mostly technically literate, so I provide a number of services for us. Most of the users are friends and friends of my kids, but everything is pretty automated. I've left pretty clear documentation, so they should be able to keep it going after I kick the bucket.
I've never needed it. I run a private server for family and close friends and my kids are mostly technically literate, so I provide a number of services for us. Most of the users are friends and friends of my kids, but everything is pretty automated. I've left pretty clear documentation, so they should be able to keep it going after I kick the bucket.
That is awesome. Keep the toxicity of social media out!!
I plan to homeschool my kids (Yep, planning on 2 and hoping a boy and a girl despite what Game Theory says about the XX & XY combos) until highschool. I figure it's safer than schools today where there's so much violence that they need a few years heavy self-defense training. Also figure I need to teach 'em to question everything, even Dad, so they don't fall victim to the political shite shovelled down kids' throats today. I was worried about social media, but this is an excellent idea to let them get their feet wet and maybe persuade them not to become Twitter/FB/orhers addicts. Thumbs up, man!
That is awesome. Keep the toxicity of social media out!!
I plan to homeschool my kids (Yep, planning on 2 and hoping a boy and a girl despite what Game Theory says about the XX & XY combos) until highschool. I figure it's safer than schools today where there's so much violence that they need a few years heavy self-defense training. Also figure I need to teach 'em to question everything, even Dad, so they don't fall victim to the political shite shovelled down kids' throats today. I was worried about social media, but this is an excellent idea to let them get their feet wet and maybe persuade them not to become Twitter/FB/orhers addicts. Thumbs up, man!

Why not just unschool them (the type of education where school and the government have no interference with how children learn)?
Keep the toxicity of social media out!!

They still have social media accounts. These services are in addition to those, but it works. Quite a few of the users are friends of my kids, whom I assume also have regular social media. The server gets some pretty heavy use, which is nice. As far as I'm concerned, if they want to get in touch with me for those sort of topics, they can do it there. The rest are all just people that I've invited or my kids have invited. They use it to plan things, chit chat, share pictures, share videos, and that sort of stuff.
Why not just unschool them (the type of education where school and the government have no interference with how children learn)?
That's basically homeschooling by my definition, except they need to know the official curriculum (which I'll teach them to question) so that they can attend highschool fully equipped (and they need to go to high school to get a taste of the real world socially -- high doesn't prepare you for much else, thank fck I had a part-time job in Q4 of Matric). As for teaching, I'm pretty much able to read & grasp a year's curriculum in a month or two. I have taught before to these kids who stayed with us in my mid teens (we were 3 families in a 2 bed house, lol) coz their teachers were jerk-offs and parents not the brightest of folk. So, I'm confident I can teach even highschool level, but I want my kids to attend a formal highschool to get a feel for dealing with the 90% of prats that make up society while they're still young enough not to get thrown in jail for busting a jaw or two.
