Wizard's Nook ... Beware of the Three-Headed Dog. Tips, Tricks and a bit/byte of News.

Below is my lineup of Distros on the secondary rig, Toshiba Satellite, that differ in some ways to those on the Primary Dell rig.

Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTSDebian - point/dev/sda1264-bit UEFI-GPTUnity
Pearl 6Ubuntu - point/dev/sda1364-bit UEFI-GPTMATE
Gecko Linux
openSUSE Tumbleweed - Rolling/dev/sda1464-bit UEFI-GPTBudgie
MX-16.1 MetamorphosisDebian - semi-rolling/dev/sda1564-bit UEFI-GPTXfce
Sabayon Linux amd64 18.06Gentoo/dev/sda1764-bit UEFI-GPTMATE
Manjaro GNOMEArch - rolling/dev/sda1864-bit UEFI-GPTGNOME
Vinux 5.1 LTS (14.04)Ubuntu - point/dev/sda2064-bit UEFI-GPTGNOME, MATE, Unity
Bluestar LinuxArch - rolling/dev/sda2164-bit UEFI-GPTKDE
Peach OSI - The WorksUbuntu 16.04 LTS - point/dev/sda2364-bit UEFI-GPTXfce
MX-17 HorizonDebian - semi-rolling/dev/sda2464-bit UEFI-GPTXfce
Freespire 3.0.1Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - point/dev/sda2864-bit UEFI-GPTXubuntu - Xfce
Netrunner 17.10Debian - semi-rolling/dev/sda2964-bit UEFI-GPTKDE
Netrunner Rolling (2018.01)Arch - rolling/dev/sda3064-bit UEFI-GPTKDE
Chakra (2017.10)Arch - semi-rolling/dev/sda4364-bit UEFI-GPTKDE
elementary OS 0.4.1 LokiDebian - semi-rolling/dev/sda4664-bit UEFI-GPTPantheon
Fedora 28 (Workstation Edition)RPM - semi-rolling/dev/sda4964-bit UEFI-GPTGNOME
Pearl Cinnamon 7.0 (Rolltide)Ubuntu - point/dev/sda764-bit UEFI-GPTCinnamon
Neptune (5)Debian - semi-rolling/dev/sda964-bit UEFI-GPTKDE

They include older versions of the same Distro, but still supported.


I said in #12

There are also some old point releases no longer supported, eg

Ubuntu 17.10 'Artful Aardvark' GNOME edition and MATE edition. I will be replacing these soon.

Same applies to Fedora 28 Workstation, EOL was May 28th just passed.



or...screw or nail a 13mm piece of plywood or pine board over the top of the existing desktop....larger than what is there at present of course....
You could set it in your lap.

Then I couldn't see the keys for my beer belly.

Don't worry, I have a PS/2 keyboard with a USB adapter kicking around somewhere, might try that.

So, not drawing out any further the question I asked on what is different about my setup on the Toshiba.

Another answer that would have been a reasonable "spot" is that there is no Swap Partition. I haven't used Swap for something in excess of 3 years and 6 months (I only know that figure because I wrote an article on it in another place - https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/603277/swap-would-you-swap-it-for-nothing/ )

In the last 12 months or so, more and more Distros (typically Debian-based) are however employing a procedure during install, of providing a Swap File rather than a Swap Partition. ... and you may not know it is there. I will deal more with that in a future article on Swap.

So the simple answer is that I have no unallocated space on the Toshiba - the 50 partitions consume the entire 1 TB HDD.

I will just repost the 2nd screenshot from #18 on page 1, to illustrate.


You could also look at the first screenshot, and you will still see - no unallocated space.

Yet, the system continues to function, with no apparent impediment to performance.

This may strike fear into the hearts of some of The Viewers, and there will be others who are already aware of this phenomenon, and for them, the following is no real Tip.

The answer here lies in having Unused Space at the end of each working Distribution, and if you are using partitions for data storage, to having unused space at the end of them.

Screenshot 1 of the Toshiba shows Linux Mint Sylvia Xfce on /dev/sda4 having the least unused space, at 4.00 GiB.

Screenshot 2 above - the least is Antergos with 4.53 GiB at /dev/sda35.

The minimum amount of unused space that is required for a Distro to function will vary from Distro to Distro and Family to Family, I cannot give you an exact figure. Quite a number of the Distros I have in use will warn you when space is running out, and it is time to take remedial action. There could be as little as 1 - 2 GiB remaining (I have seen in the hundreds of MiB) before you are warned.



You can completely fill your hard drive with partitions that consume the entire space on the drive. You can leave no unallocated space on the drive. You will need to allow a Gig or two at the end of each Linux Distribution in order for it to function, and to "grow" a little with "updates creep", but this can also be mitigated with housekeeping measures.

Any questions on the above, I will try to answer to your satisfaction.

Enjoy your Linux.


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