Can I run windows games on Linux (Ubuntu)? I tried it once, but I failed setting it up (Wine it was called or something like that). Can anyone tell me if they managed to successfully run a windows game on Linux?
Yes, It's called Wine. But I wouldn't advice you doing it with Wine, PlayOnLinux is much better, try that one! By the way, I don't think that playing on Linux is too good, whenever I tried I just got bad FPS and slower games. I'd stick with Dual booting.
Can I run windows games on Linux (Ubuntu)? I tried it once, but I failed setting it up (Wine it was called or something like that). Can anyone tell me if they managed to successfully run a windows game on Linux?
Yes/NO (or Jein). The Wine support has become very good and allows a lots of Windows Based Application to work. But this only counts for the mainstream Applcations. Games like World of Warcraft for example running very well. But it depends always on the mass of player/user and the age of it. Brand new Applications/Games will work with lesser change as older games.
But some will just not work. Sometime there are some costume patches for Wine, but there have to be patched by yourself to the source. This can be sometime a real mess.
You should check out the Wine App Web Pages. They offering good documentation for single Applications/Games.
so far
PS: Good is a other thing, often it's more "runs a bit is better, then nothing"
Yes, It's called Wine. But I wouldn't advice you doing it with Wine, PlayOnLinux is much better, try that one! By the way, I don't think that playing on Linux is too good, whenever I tried I just got bad FPS and slower games. I'd stick with Dual booting.
The only emulator that I could actually get working (or at least that I could remember) to run games such as World of Warcraft (a few years back) was Wine. I don't really bother using emulators or even playing games on Linux OS's at all any more though. It's so much more worth it and less time consuming to just dual boot.