Why am I logged in twice?


Aug 29, 2021
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Greetings folks,

Running Debian testing. Why do I appear to be logged in twice? This is a recent development, GKRellm used to show 1 users. Searching comes up with two likely looking posts, but it's on stack exchange and there's a cookie dialog that I cannot close so I can't read the posts.
[edit] Actually I was able to scroll line by line and the posts were no help. [/edit]

glenn@LinuxBox:~$ w
 18:50:36 up 6 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.50, 1.11, 0.55
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
glenn    seat0    login-           01:44    0.00s  0.00s   ?    /usr/libexec/gd
glenn    tty2     tty2             01:44     ?     0.06s  0.06s /usr/libexec/gn

Thanks for reading, and any suggestions.
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There is a slight difference in the 2 paths to the root file system in the output you posted.

Following the path on your system: /usr/libexec/gd, what's in that gd folder?
And the other? /usr/libexec/gn?

A few ideas > maybe a ~/.xsession-error ? A broken / misconfigured desktop file that communicates with the DE's GUI?

OR> perhaps the script in /etc/profiles.d/custom.sh is getting called twice?
/etc/bashrc calls all of the scripts in profile.d*

On a Linux server TTY2 and SSH sessions are counted twice.
Greetings folks,

Running Debian testing. Why do I appear to be logged in twice? This is a recent development, GKRellm used to show 1 users. Searching comes up with two likely looking posts, but it's on stack exchange and there's a cookie dialog that I cannot close so I can't read the posts.
[edit] Actually I was able to scroll line by line and the posts were no help. [/edit]

glenn@LinuxBox:~$ w
 18:50:36 up 6 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.50, 1.11, 0.55
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
glenn    seat0    login-           01:44    0.00s  0.00s   ?    /usr/libexec/gd
glenn    tty2     tty2             01:44     ?     0.06s  0.06s /usr/libexec/gn

Thanks for reading, and any suggestions.
It is not unusual to have a number of users in the users column. The output from your machine shows a single login, with multiple users, two in your case, both of which are you.

Here is the output from a machine here:
[flip@flop~] w -p
 16:47:56 up 10:00, 17 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.15, 0.15
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
flip      tty1     -                07:04    9:43m  8:18    ?    1196/1245 xinit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc <snip>
flip      pts/0    :0               07:04    1:30m 12.21s  0.07s 1256/1329 bash
flip      pts/1    :0               07:04   10:28   0.48s  0.78s 1357/1357 xterm
flip      pts/2    :0               07:04   56:19   0.22s  0.22s 1363/1365 bash
flip      pts/3    :0               07:04   51:48   0.29s  0.29s 1369/1371 bash
flip      pts/4    :0               07:04    0.00s 13:44   0.07s 1375/152885 w -p
flip      pts/5    :0               07:04    1:21m  0.01s  0.01s 1399/1401 bash
flip      pts/6    :0               07:04   56:35   0.03s  0.03s 1405/1407 bash
flip      pts/7    :0               07:04    1:57m  0.09s  0.09s 1411/1413 bash

In the output above, I have added the -p option to the w command in order to show the process number (PID). This output shows no login (because the machine was logged in on text prompt) but many users, all of whom are me.

The point of seeking the PID is that you can then investigate info about it in the related /proc file, for example selecting one number from the process numbers in the case above:
cat /proc/1256/cmdline

This shows the command that started that process, which is a configured xterm in this case.

In relation to the /usr/libexec/gn and /usr/libexec/gd, I'm unable to find what files they are:
[flip@flop ~]$ apt-file search /usr/libexec/gn*
[flip@flop ~]$ apt-file search /usr/libexec/gd*

apt-file is not reporting any files with those names, so the output you provided may be abridged, altered or incomplete, or my method may be faulty.

In any case, the executable files in the /usr/libexec directory are usually only executed by the system like daemons and other utilities which other programs call, rather than executed by the user. In other words these binary executables are there for system programs, and are not intended for users.

All in all, there doesn't appear to be any anomaly here in your output, and you haven't reported any functional problem. It may appear that you are logged in twice, but you are logged into the machine once and the rest is other programs that you are using.
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I looked on my Slackware system and my Mint install too and couldn't locate /usr/libexec/gn and /usr/libexec/gd either.
Using the terminal:
cat /proc/9091/cmdline
  alex   tty7     :0               15:59    1:24m  1:15   0.19s cinnamon-session --session cinnamon

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