New Member
Rkhunter is reporting that the following processes are experiencing higher than normal memory shares. Should I be concerned? Any additional tests to find possible backdoors or Keyloogers on the system? I'm using a public city hall computer.
Markdown (GitHub flavored):
[10:20:58] Info: Starting test name 'ipc_shared_mem'
[10:20:58] Info: The minimum shared memory segment size to be checked (in bytes): 1048576 (1,0MB)
[10:20:58] Checking for suspicious (large) shared memory segments [ Warning ]
[10:20:58] Warning: The following suspicious (large) shared memory segments have been found:
[10:20:58] Process: /usr/bin/xfdesktop PID: 2251 Owner: usuario7 Size: 32MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
[10:20:58] Process: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox PID: 2613 Owner: usuario7 Size: 2,9MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
[10:20:58] Process: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox PID: 2613 Owner: usuario7 Size: 2,9MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
[10:20:58] Process: /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal PID: 3163 Owner: usuario7 Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)